The Ludwig Ledger
February 2025
Dear Ludwig Families,
Ludwig's students have been very busy, coming out of winter break, and February is shaping up to be another action packed month! Students hit the ground running with our winter FastBridge benchmarking in the areas of reading and math, during the second week of January. Parents should expect the FastBridge family reports to come home with students on Friday, February 7th. Teachers and interventionists have been reviewing this updated data to continue to inform and guide our planning, instruction, and levels of support for each of our scholars at Ludwig School. We're also happy to report that ACCESS testing has concluded for all of your English Language Learners!
Our 5th Grade Beginning Band hosted their first concert on January 28th, and they did a tremendous job! The OP Jazz band also performed and showcased how our students, with practice and determination, can continue to develop their skills over time! Please see our Ludwig Facebook Page for photos and a video from the concert. Ludwig's next performing arts presentation will be the 4th Grade Musical entitled "Dig It". The parent performance will be held on Friday, February 21st at 9am. All 4th grade parents are welcome to attend, with doors opening at 8:30am. We hope you can make it!
Looking ahead on the calendar, second trimester ends on Friday, March 7th. Report cards will go home with students on the following Friday, March 14th. Now is a great time to encourage your child to continue to give their best effort on their school work, in order to make a strong final push and solidify top-notch grades, as we wind down the trimester. I know all of our student scholars are up for the challenge!
Please take a moment to read through the information listed below, which highlights upcoming events at Ludwig School, specifically "Random Acts of Kindness Week", as well as some local partnerships that Ludwig School has made with the St. Baldrick's Foundatiopn and our local food pantry.
As always, thank you for your continued support of the programming offered at Ludwig and across D92. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or Ludwig’s main office.
Mr. Kulik
For Your Calendars...
4th - Health and hygiene lessons during PE class
5th - Ludwig Spirit Day: Hawaiian Day
7th - SIP Day - 10:55am dismissal
10th - 14th - Random Acts of Kindness Week
10th - 21st - American Heart Association - Kid's Heart Challenge
17th - President's Day - NO SCHOOL
18th - February BOE Meeting - 7pm @ Ludwig School
21st - 4th Grade Musical - 9am @ Ludwig School
28th - Teacher Institute Day - NO SCHOOL
3rd - Pulaski Day - NO SCHOOL
Random Acts of Kindness Week (2/10 - 2/14)
Ludwig's staff, teachers, and students are excited to celebrate this year's upcoming "Random Acts of Kindness" week, from February 10th through February 14th. There are so many ways that individuals can be kind and truly make a positive impact on the world around them. Our challenge is for all students and staff to complete the kindness challenge below, to help spread kindness at Ludwig School, throughout our local community, and across the globe!
In addition to our Kindness Challenge, our Ludwig students designed a variety of Kindness Buttons that have been provided to different Homer Glen and Lockport businesses. During Random Acts of Kindness Week, stop by any of the local businesses to pick up a kindness button!
- Villa Nova Pizza
- Pops
- Homer Glen Library
- Lockport Library
- Urban Shave Barber Shop
- George's Restaurant
Ludwig School's Annual Food Drive
In tandem with "Random Acts of Kindness" week, please see below for how your family can help support our local Fairmont Food Pantry.
St. Baldrick's T-Shirt Orders
4th Grade Musical - "Dig It!"
4th Grade Families,
You are cordially invited to view our 4th grade musical entitled "Dig It!", on February 21st. "Dig It!" is a musical tale of ancient civilizations. Travel back in time as students explore the wonders of ancient civilizations and discover archeological mysteries of the past! We hope to see you there!
Location: Ludwig School
Date: February 21st
Showtime: 9am
Gym Doors Open: 8:30am
Illinois Music Educators Conference in Peoria
Whoose Bones - 4th Grade - Week of 2/10
During the week of February 10th, all of Ludwig's 4th grade classrooms will get to experience our annual "Whoose Bones" lesson, in partnership with the Forest Preserve District of Will County. We're excited to turn our classrooms into forensic labs, where students will be able to dissect and reconstruct the mystery of owl pellets! Students will learn about food chains, predator/prey relationships, and the different types of owls that live in Illinois. It's sure to be a HOOT!
Yearbook Ordering Information
Notes from the Nurse
Please take a quick read through the letter below, which provides guidance on the cold and flu season which is upon us. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Ludwig's main office and/or Nurse Roxanne. Thank you!