Falcon Newsletter
December 4, 2024
Week 16
Good Afternoon & Happy Advent Season!
I can hardly believe that Advent is already upon us! This is a special time of preparation as we await the coming of Christ. In our classrooms, we will be prayerfully reflecting on how we can draw closer to our Lord during this season, not only in anticipation of His birth but also in hopeful expectation of His second coming.
A reminder: don't forget about the Advent Evening of Confessions on Thursday, December 12th, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This is a beautiful opportunity to prepare spiritually during this holy season.
Mass Schedule for Next Week:
Next week, our Mass schedule will be slightly different due to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Monday, December 9th. Since this is a Holy Day of Obligation, it will serve as our school Mass for the week. We will also attend daily Mass on Thursday and Friday. We hope to see you there! We will wear our Mass Uniforms on Monday, December 9th, and our normal school uniforms on Thursday, December 12th.
Important Dates:
- November Student of the Month: We will announce the November Students of the Month at next week's morning assembly.
- St. Nicholas Parties: Our St. Nicholas parties will be this Friday at 2:00 PM. We love celebrating the Feast Day of St. Nicholas with our students!
- The Falcon Elf Factory: Our annual Falcon Elf Factory opens next week! This is a wonderful opportunity for students to do a little Christmas shopping for their families. Click HERE to sign up to volunteer!
- 7th & 8th Grade Christmas Production: Our 7th and 8th graders will be performing a short production of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" on Thursday, December 19th. Showtimes are at 1:30 PM and 6:00 PM. We hope you can join us for this festive event!
- Pre-K & Kindergarten Christmas Program: Mark your calendars for December 20th at 10:00 AM in the Activity Center. You won’t want to miss this adorable performance!
Thank You:
A huge thank you to everyone who donated Nativity Scenes for our raffle! We began our Nativity Scene Raffle yesterday, and 5 students were lucky winners. We will announce at least 10 more winners next week!
Middle School Youth Group:
The long-anticipated Middle School Youth Group will begin meeting on Wednesday, January 8th, immediately following the 5:30 PM Mass. The group will be led by Mr. Michael Whiting and will meet on Wednesday evenings throughout the school year. This is a wonderful opportunity for our middle school students, and we encourage them to get involved! The High School Youth Group is currently already underway and we are excited that our parish is providing this great opportunity to grow our youth ministry program!
Congratulations Dr. Angie Jones:
I am thrilled to share the exciting news that our music teacher, Mrs. Angie Jones, has earned her PhD from Swansea University! Please join me in congratulating Dr. Angie Jones on this incredible achievement!
Basketball Season is here!
We will be hosting CGSAA games this Saturday, and many more to come. We need volunteers for the concession stand on the days that we host. Please sign up HERE!
Vision & Hearing Screening:
Results from the Vision & Hearing Screening will be sent home on December 11th.
PCTC Update:
On December 11th, the window for schools to upload family information to create Enrollment Verification Forms will open. You as the parent/guardian do not have to do anything on this date. This is simply for the schools to upload information. A few things to keep in mind:
- We will be uploading all returning students information on December 11th.
- You will receive your child(ren)'s Enrollment Verification Forms via email from the Oklahoma Tax Commission. It may take up to a week for you to receive this due to the thousands of uploads taking place that day. When received, PLEASE SAVE, as it will be needed for you to apply for the 2025-2026 Parental Choice Tax Credit.
- When you receive your child(ren)'s Enrollment Verification Form, please review it to make sure there are no mistakes, mis-spellings, etc... If there are corrections needed, please let me know ASAP. They can be edited, but have to edited before you apply for the PCTC in February.
- The 2025-2026 Parental Choice Tax Credit Application will open on Tuesday, February 18th at 9:00am. SAVE THIS DATE!
- We will be sending reminders regularly!
Re-Enrollment Reminder:
All current students in grades PK3-7th have been automatically re-enrolled, however parents must complete the Returning Student Updates form via the FACTS Family Portal. Reminder that if you plan to re-enroll for the 2025-2026 school year, please do so by February 3, 2025 to guarantee your child's spot.
Wishing you all a blessed Advent season and a joyful lead-up to Christmas! Thank you for your prayers.
Pax Christi,
Corky McMullen
Join us for Mass / Rosary / Morning Assembly
School Mass:
- Every Thursday at 9:00am
Friday Daily Mass:
- Every Friday at 9:00am
- PK & K: Wednesdays at 2:15pm
- 1st - 2nd Grade: Wednesdays at 2:30pm
- 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade: Wednesdays at 8:15am
- Middle School: Tuesdays at 9:00am
Morning Assembly:
- Every Monday at 8:00am
Winter Sports
Please visit the CGSAA Website to view the Basketball Schedules!
SHRIMP BOIL - Get your tickets now!
Middle School Youth Group Starting January 8th!
SPN Spirit Wear
Our online spiritwear store is open all year, and new designs and items are added monthly! Items ship directly to you. Christmas is right around the corner, and the school gets 10% of all purchases!
THANK YOU to our December "Snack Sponsor"
Holliday Donuts
THANK YOU to Holliday Donuts for being our Teacher's Lounge "Snack Sponsor" for the month of December! Visit Holliday Donuts at 7040 E Reno Ave, Midwest City, OK.
**Interested in being a monthly Snack Sponsor?? Email Mr. McMullen
Upcoming Events
St. Nicholas Parties
Friday, Dec 6, 2024, 02:00 PM
Falcon Elf Factory
Falcon Elf Factory: December 9-13
Monday, Dec 9, 2024, 09:00 AM
"The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" 7th & 8th Grade Production
Our 7th & 8th Grade students will be performing a short production of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" at 1:30pm and 6:00pm on December 19th. Enjoy FREE Popcorn, Cookies, and a great show!
Thursday, Dec 19, 2024, 06:00 PM
Activity Center
PK / Kindergarten Christmas Program
Friday, Dec 20, 2024, 10:00 AM
Activity Center
Early Dismissal
Early Dismissal Times:
PK & Kindergarten: 11:00am
1-8: 12:00pm
Friday, Dec 20, 2024, 01:00 PM
Christmas Break
Christmas Break: Dec 23 - Jan 6. Classes resume on Tuesday, January 7.
Monday, Dec 23, 2024, 07:00 AM
Uniform Schedule
Mondays: Normal Uniforms (Middle School - House Shirts)
Tuesdays: Spirit Shirts
Wednesdays: Normal Uniforms
Thursdays: Mass Uniforms
Fridays: Team Camacho Shirts