TDS -Great Minds Bloom At TDS
Welcome to another exciting year
Welcome Back!
Welcome to another great school year at Tierra Del Sol Elementary.
We have an exciting year ahead of us where our students will continue their journey towards becoming better scholars and life long learners. Our goals this year will be to effectively communicate and provide service excellence to ALL, create a learning environment that is supportive and inclusive, and ensure that safety remains a top priority. As your administrative team, we are honored to lead such a beautiful community and we strongly believe that everyone that walks through our doors will feel valued, respected and empowered. In cooperation with parents and community members, we will aim to foster each child’s intellectual, social, physical and moral development in an academic-rich setting.Our success will be strongly contributed to the partnerships and relationships we carry throughout the school year.
Below you will find four core values that will uphold our standards:
∙ Empathy
∙ Kindness
∙ Integrity
∙ Safety
We are very thankful that we have such a talented and dedicated staff. TDS is a wonderful place to be, and we truly appreciate every single one of our community members. Together we know that we will continue to improve on ensuring the success of ALL of our kids.
“Through these doors walk the greatest students in the world!”
In the Best Interest of TDS,
Ms. Triplett, and Mrs. Rivera
School Uniforms
Link Below
QR Code uniforms
Important Information-Safety
We are excited to welcome our Sundancers to another successful school year at Tierra Del Sol Elementary! We thank you for the opportunity to work with you and your child this 2024-2025 school year. The safety and security of our students is our priority and we ask for your cooperation to ensure all safety protocols are followed in order to keep our Sundancers safe.
Parents, please fill out an emergency contact card for your child. This card will inform the front office on who will be allowed to pick up their child. Only individuals listed on the card will be allowed to sign out their child. Cards will be available during Open House. Also, please contact the front office if any of your phone numbers, or address has changed.
Just a reminder that a valid I.D. is needed to sign out your child.
· First day of school is Monday, July 29, 2024.
· First bell will ring at 7:30 a.m. and all students will be dismissed at 2:45 p.m.
First Day Procedures
Doors open at 7:30
Parents can walk their child to class on the first day.
Breakfast will be in the classroom for all grade levels.
Parents, no visitors for lunch. We will see you during Thanksgiving.
School day ends at 2:45.
Parents, if your child will be attending the Y, or other after school care please inform the teacher. We will need to have this information on the first day of school. If after school care changes during the year, please inform the teacher and the front office.
Arrival : Parents of students in grades k-5 may use the car drop off lane in the back of the school or walk students to the gate on Dale Douglas or Tommy Aaron. Parents are not allowed on the playground in the morning. Parents, do not drop off students before 7:15. We have no one on duty to supervise your children.
Departure: Parents of students in grades 2-5 may use the car pool lane to pick up students after school. Students in grades pre-K- 1st will need to be picked up by parents on the black top near the small playground. If they have an older sibling, the sibling will need to meet their younger sibling on the black top. Younger siblings will not be released to their older sibling. Parents will need to pick up students.
Ysleta ISD is providing free basic school supplies to every student enrolled in #THEDISTRICT To help families prepare for the start of the 2024-25 school year, below is a list of the supplies that will be provided.