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The Principal's Pen December 2024
Message from Hatch Elementary Principal, Ms. Marquez
December 2024
Wishing you all a great holiday season...
Thank you for continued support at HES! We appreciate all your support in ensuring that your child is successful, not only academically but socially and emotionally as well. Please take the time to read this month's family newsletter to be better informed of all that we have planned at your child's school for this month. You will find reminders, updates, procedures, and upcoming events in our monthly newsletters. Come engage with us!
Students may be dropped off between 7:15 and 7:50 am, no earlier and no later. We will close the cafeteria door at drop-off promptly at 7:50 am. If you are still in the drop-off lane or arrive later than 7:50 am to drop off your child, you must drive them around to the front of the building and walk them in through our front office.
Bus drivers have also expressed extreme concern with parents parking in the bus lane and/or children running in front of or between busses. Therefore, please park in a designated parking spot if you are dropping off your child after 7:50 am.
When you are dropping off and picking up your child, please remain in your vehicle and move promptly through the line to respect everyone's time.
The bell rings at 8:00 am, and class instruction will begin promptly at 8:05 am. Please help us to ensure that your child arrives to school on time and ready to learn. If your child is consistently tardy, it will be at their teacher's or principal's discretion to address the tardy concerns with you and/or to schedule a meeting to address the importance of getting your child to school on time.
We will continue to closely monitor student attendance. If your child is absent for three consecutive days, you will receive a phone call and will need to provide our office with a doctor's excuse.
All absences, both excused and unexcused will be reported to the state. We need your help in ensuring that students are at school every day, except only in extreme emergencies. Please review the student district calendar below when scheduling appointments and vacations.
Our attendance team will also be issuing letters for 5, 7, and 10 absences, and an attendance meeting will be scheduled after 7 absences. Your child will be placed on an attendance contract at 7 absences. After 10 unexcused absences, notification will be made to CYFD.
To avoid accrual of absences, please ensure that your child arrives to school ON TIME every day, unless he/she is ill. If this is the case, you will need to provide the office with a doctor's note within 3 days. We need students to come to school, on time, in order to learn. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this possible!
December testing for Istation will begin on Monday, December 9th. Please make sure that your child gets a good night's sleep, attends school, and arrives to school on time, ready to learn.
We will be having our Winter Music Program on Thursday, December 12th. The program will begin promptly at 5:30 pm. Please have your child in their classroom by 5:15 pm.
Our next family night is scheduled for Monday, December 16th. Our theme will be "S'More Math Night"! Join us to learn more about how you can support your child in the area of mathematics! The event will begin at 5:15 pm.
Report cards will go out on Tuesday, December 17th.
Our last day of school this semester is Friday, December 20th. Winter break will begin on December 21st through January 12th for students. Classes will resume on Monday, January 13, 2025.
We will have our weekly Awards Assembly at 8:10 am every Friday, unless otherwise noted. If your child is receiving an award, his/her classroom teacher will reach out and notify you.
We will now be having Snack Shack EVERY Friday that school is in session!
*There will be no Snack Shack on Friday, December 20, 2024*
Join us for our Winter Music Program on Thursday, December 12th!
Just a few reminders...
- The bell to begin class is at 8:00 am. Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time every day.
- Any time your child is absent from school, he/she will need a doctor's excuse to have the absence excused. Kids need to be in school to learn, but if they are not feeling well, we encourage you to have them seen by a doctor. Thank you for your understanding.
- Students are not allowed to bring toys, lip gloss, chap stick, candy, or sodas to school.
- Snacks are allowed but should be single portion and only eaten during lunch (or at snack time if the classroom teacher has designated that).
- We appreciate all of our families and everything that you all do for your children! Thank you!
Kindest regards,
Ms. Amy Marquez
HVPS Theme Day Wednesdays
All students and staff of Hatch Valley Public Schools are encouraged to participate in our "Theme Day Wednesdays"! Wear your bear colors (red, black, and white) and dress with the theme every Wednesday this school year!
Wednesday Theme Days in December
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
Istation Testing: December 9-13, 2024
Middle of Year (MOY) Istation Testing for ALL STUDENTS will begin on Monday, December 9th. Please make sure that your child gets a good night's rest, attends school, and arrives on time to school. Thank you for your cooperation!
Hatch Elementary Winter Program - Thursday, December 12, 2024
"S'More Math Night" - Monday, December 16, 2024
Please join us at 5:15 pm in the Hatch Elementary gym for a night of family math fun!
Report Cards - Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Report cards go out.
Last Day of School and Holiday Classroom Parties - Friday, December 20, 2024
The last day of school this semester will be on Friday, December 20th.
Winter Break: Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 10
Classes will resume on Monday, January 13th.
Awards Assemblies - EVERY FRIDAY (unless otherwise noted)
Awards Assemblies will continue, every Friday at 8:00 am in the cafeteria, unless otherwise noted.
Parents are welcome to attend. We just ask that you do not park in drop-off or bus lanes. Thank you!
Snack Shack - Every Friday
Click on the link below to access our district calendar.
Your Principal at Hatch Elementary School,
Website: https://es.hatchschools.net/
Location: 801 Herrera Road, Hatch, NM, USA
Phone: 575-267-8270
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HatchElementary/