Everitt Family Newsletter
~ For Everitt Families: September 9, 2022 ~
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Dear Everitt Families:
This cool air is sure a pleasure after the heat of the rest of the week!
I was able to spend time in many classrooms this week and it was a pleasure to listen to the insights and questions that our students shared with their teachers and each other. Curiosity is alive and well at Everitt!
We had our first PTA and SAC meetings of the year this week, as well. It was amazing to spend some time Wednesday evening with our wonderful families. At PTA, we learned that Ms. Adducci's career prior to teaching included creating shows for the Food Network, that our PTA secretary, Kristine Saperstein, has gone bungee jumping, which musical theatre role I've played three times, about President Dan Weinstein's lego collection, and that our volunteer coordinator, Leslie Weinstein, had her bachelorette party at Casa Bonita. Join us next time for more fun! There are lots of ways to get involved and meet new families through our PTA!
Next week, 6th grade families will have an opportunity to learn more about Outdoor Lab and to receive the paperwork that we will need for each student who attends. Outdoor Lab is truly a highlight of students' 6th grade year and of their time in Jeffco. High school students often state that Outdoor Lab is one of their favorite childhood experiences. See you Tuesday night, 6th grade families!
This is the first week that we are sending out emails to families if your child has a D or an F in any classes. This is a perfect time to get in the habit of checking grades with your children and helping them develop a habit to check their own grades. I recommend checking grades with your child at least once per week and choosing a specific day of the week to do so. You can login to check grades through your parent account or you can have your child login through their account. At our house, I have our children login through their accounts so that they get used to going in and checking themselves. Then we talk through what we see in their grades and they make a plan for how they will address missing assignments (if they have any) or assignments that they would like to re-do to improve their grades.
Thank you for supporting and believing in your neighborhood school. It is our privilege to partner with you!
Amanda Pouliot, Principal
Everitt Middle School
Outdoor Leadership
What's Happening Next?
Tues 9/13 ~ Outdoor Lab Meeting 6:00 pm THIS IS A CHANGE!
Sun 9/18 ~ Wheat Ridge Farmers 5000 Race 9:00 am @ WRHS
Mon 9/19 -Thurs 9/22 ~ Spirit Week!
Monday - Plaid Day
Tuesday - Sports Day
Wednesday - Hawaiian Day
Thursday - Everitt Day
Wed 9/21 ~ Cafe con la Directora (Coffee with the Principal) 6:00-7:00 pm -- ALL are welcome!
Fri 9/23 ~ No School for Students/Staff Development
Tues 9/27 ~ 8th Grade Warren Tech Field Trip 9:30 am
Warren Tech Field Trip
Attention all eighth graders and their families. On the morning of Tuesday, September 27th all Everitt eighth graders will be attending the Warren Tech Field Trip!
Warren Tech is Jeffco's designated career and technical education center that offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to engage in real world professional projects, earn college credits, credits towards high school graduation, and industry certifications. The Warren Tech field trip is a chance to learn more about Warren Tech and see firsthand all the incredible opportunities that they have to offer Jeffco students.
Permission slips will be handed out in your students' Language Arts class on Monday, September 12th, and are due back by Friday the 16th.
If you are interested in chaperoning or have any questions, please reach out to our counselors Heather Hanson Heather.Hanson@jeffco.k12.co.us or Kirsten Aronson Kirsten.Aronson@jeffco.k12.co.us
Spirit Week is September 19th-22nd
Mrs. S. Gallagher's Journalism class completed their first edition of the Everitt Monthly Scoop (a digital newspaper). Click on the link below to enjoy interviews, movie and book reviews, horoscopes and so much more!
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ogEyyP1PIIG22W1q7ropKQkhcsadk6UzhdiCRaLuYo/edit#
1. Carpool -- Fewer vehicles in our parking lot means a shorter line.
2. Pull all the way forward in the drop off/pick up lane.
3. Pick your child up at the Recreation Center and have them use the tunnel to cross under Kipling.
4. Drop off a little earlier and pick up a little later - We are on supervision duty at 7:00 am and the line is very short at that time. It is also short after 2:40 pm.
5. Once the buses have left in the afternoon, please feel free to turn right at the base of the parking lot and exit in front of the north side of the building. It will help you avoid having to turn right or left onto Kipling.
6. Please be very careful and aware of our students who are crossing the streets as you exit. We have many children who have to cross to get to the path to the Rec Center.
Everitt Happenings!
Thank you to everyone who attended in person and online for our first PTA meeting, it was a great crowd and a lot of exciting conversations were had. Please keep an eye out on our FaceBook site and on the PTA website (https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/family_resources/p_t_a) for the meeting minutes to be posted shortly.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday October 5th at 6:30pm, please mark your calendars. We will be coordinating sending some snacks to our articulation area elementary schools who are proposed to be closed next school year to support the amazing staff over there and looking at additional ways to continue to support our great community.
Please stay connected and involved by doing the PTA and Facebook groups at the links below.
Thank you,
Join our Facebook community to stay up to date on information and to use as a resource on questions or concerns here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everittpta
Join the PTA TODAY to have a voice and be a part of our community - Sign-up here: https://forms.gle/iekuJqx6YGXFsg6q7
We are always open to new ideas on how to bring our great Everitt community together and look forward to learning from each other. Please feel free to send any questions or suggestions to the PTA at EverittPTA@gmail.com or to me directly at dan.b.weinstein@gmail.com or 720-291-1435.
Clubs & Activities
Students are always welcome to join a club already in session! If your child is interested in a particular club that isn't being offered, have them reach out to a teacher or staff member to ask them if they would be willing to sponsor it. Most of our clubs are born of student interest.
Here are the clubs and their meeting days:
Chess Club - Mondays 2:30-3:30 pm starts September 12th
Cross Country - Mondays 2:45-4:15 pm
Fitness Club - Tuesday & Thursdays 2:40-3:30 pm. We have a limit of 20 so please let Mr. Gold or Mr. Black know that you will be attending.
GSA - Mondays 2:30-3:30 pm
Junior Optimist Club - Mondays 2:35-3:30 pm
Native Student Group - Tuesdays 2:30-3:30 pm
Theatre Guild - Thursdays 2:30-4:00 pm
The Farmers 5000 Race is coming up soon and the WR Community Family Coalition for Education has added an incentive for schools:
Any school who gets at least 10% of students to participate will be invited to a party (at one of the local WR establishments). Any adult who helps to support getting the participation rate up is invited to join too.
Race is Sunday, Sept 18th
9:00 am @ WRHS
Register at famers5000.org
Middle School Sports Program
In an effort to continue moving forward with volleyball registration, a paper registration form has been created. This form needs to be filled out in its entirety and emailed back to me at mpowerwrrc@gmail.com. Priority enrollment will be determined by date and time form/email was sent. Once capacity has been met no additional registrations will be accepted. The registration form can be digitally filled in. Please verify all information is correct before submitting. All program information will be sent out via email.
If you already registered for volleyball (before the crash), please send me a copy of your registration/receipt. I currently have no way of accessing these records and therefore cannot communicate to those already registered.
This form is for Volleyball registration only. Registration for Basketball, Track & Field, and Soccer will be available (hopefully) online starting December 12th.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions and to share this with anyone who is interested in registering for Volleyball. Here is the link for paper registration: MSSP Registration Form.pdf
Thank you!
Mackey Power, Athletic & Facility Coordinator
The Middle School Sports Program (MSSP) Jeffco League provides 6th-8th grade students at participating middle schools the opportunity to play in after-school sports.
All programs are recreational and open to all ability levels with an emphasis on fun, sportsmanship, and fair play.
Players are taught basic rules of play and receive an equal amount of playing time. Players must adhere to the Player's Code of Conduct and abide by team rules and expectations. For more information and to register click on this link:
Fall Sports
- Cross Country: Coed - Practices are M/W 2:45-4:15. There is still time to sign up!
- Volleyball: Coed/paper registration
- Flag Football: Coed Practices are T/Th 2:45-4:15.
Winter Sports
- Basketball: Boys & Girls
Spring Sports
- Soccer: Coed
- Track and Field: Coed
There is still time to sign up, practices are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45-4:15 PM. The program runs through August 23 until October 18.
Identification Check
2022-2023 Bell Schedule
Lucy M. - While in Art I noticed you befriending a new student and explaining our school to her. Getting very specific and showing her the ropes. I am so proud to see such welcoming actions.
Tony B. - Tony welcomes and includes diverse learners in our class everyday. He makes all students feel welcome, included and valued. Tony's leadership and positive attitude has positively affected all others in class, making it a welcoming and happy environment to do PE in! His positivity reaches all learners, making it one enjoyable class each day!
Mackenzie W. - Mac makes sure that all others around her feel welcome and included in PE. She isn't afraid to step out of her comfort zone and included different students each and everyday. Mac does an exceptional job at building and maintaining our classroom community!
Avoni S. - Avoni is persistent in her pursuit of knowledge. She is always trying her best and encouraging her partner. Avoni always greets students and staff with a friendly smile and positive attitude. It is a joy to have her here at Everitt!
Chloe D. - Chloe demonstrated curiosity when she answered a question in math class and then independently asked and answered another question.
Everitt Middle School
With foundations of equity and excellence, Everitt empowers and inspires our students as individuals, lifelong learners, and creative critical thinkers to engage in authentic learning and contribute meaningfully to their communities and their world.
Email: amanda.pouliot@jeffco.k12.co.us
Website: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/
Location: 3900 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, USA
Phone: 303-982-1580