What's Happening @ WES
Parent Newsletter for October
Upcoming Events
10/1 Ag for U 4th Grade Adventure @MHS
10/2 Custodian Appreciation Day
10/7-11 Fall Break for students and staff
10/14 MISD School Board Meeting
10/21-25 National School Bus Safety Week
10/28-11/1 Red Ribbon Week
11/1 Mag Bowl @ MHS
11/4 Professional Development, no school for students
11/5 Parent-Teacher Conference Day (info to come)
Campus communication folders go home each Thursday.
With voter approval, the VATRE would generate $3.7 million annually in local funding and another $3.7 million annually in state funding for staff salaries and campus safety. Without voter approval, the district cannot access the $3.7 million annually in local funding, and likewise the district will not get the $3.7 million annually in state funding to be used for staff salaries and campus safety.
Transportation changes & early check-out
Transportation changes must be completed prior to 3 pm. If you are going to change your child's transportation for dismissal, you must notify the front office. It is helpful if you also notify the teacher.
Early check-out ends at 3pm. If you are picking up your child early for any reason, this must be done by 3pm.
Lunch Information
PK 10:45-11:15am
Kinder 12:00-12:30pm
1st 10:50-11:20am
2nd 12:35-1:05pm
3rd 11:25-11:55am
4th 1:10-1:40pm
Due to limited space & safety concerns, only one lunch visitor per student is allowed each week.
Friends of the child may not dine with the parent, and food may not be provided to other students.
Parent & student pairs may dine at the Bistro tables. Parents with small children are encouraged to eat on the stage, where seating is more accommodating for small children.
National School Bus Safety Week
Held during the third full week of October each year, National School Bus Safety Week is an active and evolving public education program and an excellent way for parents, students, teachers, motorists, school bus operators, school administrators, and other interested parties - to join forces and address the importance of school bus safety. Designed to promote school bus safety, school districts throughout the country observe School Bus Safety Week.
Find school bus safety tips here.
Clinic Info
Lice: Head lice is common among children. Although not an illness or a disease, head lice spread through head-to-head contact during play, sports, nap time, and when children share things like brushes, combs, hats, and headphones. If observation indicates that a student has head lice, the school nurse will contact the student’s parent to discuss a treatment plan using an FDA-approved medicated shampoo or cream rinse that may be purchased from any drug or grocery store. After the student undergoes one treatment, the parent should contact the school nurse to discuss the treatment used. The nurse can also offer additional recommendations, including subsequent treatments, how best to get rid of lice, and how to prevent lice from returning.
Counselor's Corner: Mrs. Gonzales
As your child's school counselor, I will do whatever I can to ensure your student has everything they need to be successful at school and at home. If you need assistance, fill out the form below so I can do my best to assist connecting you with the appropriate local resources.
Early Morning & After School Care
As you prepare for the start of school, did you know that the district offers childcare programs for students both before and after school?
The Early Morning Childcare program is offered free to all families and begins at 6:30 AM at the elementary and intermediate campuses.
The After School Adventures program is offered until 6:30 PM at the elementary and intermediate campuses at a low cost to families.
Visit the link for full program details, additional information, and to register. Registration is required for both programs. https://www.magnoliaisd.org/departments/childcare
Contact info for Williams Elementary
Cristal Bostain- Assistant Principal for K, 2, 4
Natashia Foglesong- Assistant Principal for PK, 1, 3
Brad Persinger- Academic Coordinator
Claudia Gonzales- Counselor
Nurse- Shane Bleess
Attendance- Adriana Avalos
Website: https://wes.magnoliaisd.org/
Location: 18101 Farm to Market Road 1488, Magnolia, TX, USA
Phone: 281-356-6866
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WillieEWilliamsElementary/