ACESA Newsletter
December 2024
Thank you to our Families
November was filled with so much to be thankful for! Our students have shown so much growth since August and are continuing to work hard each day. Thank you to our parents and families who continue to support your children through reading together, completing homework and investing your child's education. We would like to express our gratitude to you and wish you a wonderful holiday season.
United Community Student Savings Account
ACESA has partnered with United Community Bank for students to have their own savings account. Each month Lisa Goff visits our school for students to make their deposits. If you have not signed up for this program please contact your child's teacher and we can send home the paperwork to get you started. Our next bank day will be in January.
Attendance Matters!
- Students who regularly attend school are more likely to succeed academically. They can keep up with lessons and assignments, participate in class discussions, and understand complex concepts.
- School is where students learn to interact with their peers, negotiate, and build relationships. Regular attendance helps with social interaction and emotional growth.
- School lays a strong foundation for learning that helps students succeed in middle school, high school, and beyond.
- Ensuring children are in school helps build a community of adults who can pass on values like discipline, time management, and responsibility.
As you might recall, we teamed up with the Cheatham County Chamber of Commerce several years ago to start the “Shop Local Shop Cheatham" campaign. The goal of the campaign is to encourage the community to be aware of the choice to shop locally, and how that choice positively affects the economic well-being of our county and school district. As you finish up your Christmas shopping this month, we encourage you to shop with our local businesses. A portion of every sales tax dollar spent in Cheatham County goes toward education!
STEM Student of the Month
Congratulations to 4th grader, Carson Henderson! He is a our November student of the month. You are becoming an accomplished robot coder and always a team player in STEM. Mrs. Price and the rest of the Wildcats are proud of you!
The Cheatham County Polar Plunge will take place Saturday, January 18 at Riverbluff Park, 175 Old Cumberland Street in Ashland City (there will be a pool, not the river). Registration begins at noon and the plunge starts at 1 p.m. Money raised will help provide sports training and competition for Special Olympics Tennessee athletes in Cheatham County. Create a team and challenge others, join a team, or plunge as an individual. Each plunger needs to register and raise the minimum $75 ($50 for students) to plunge. If you don’t want to plunge, you can still donate to Special Olympics Tennessee. Complete details about the 2025 Polar Plunge can be found by clicking here
Join the ACESA Polar Plunge Team!
If you would like to join our team for this freezing, fun, worthwhile, event please click on the link below and register as either a "Crazy Wildcat" (Plunger) or a "Wild(chicken)cat" (Too Chicken to Plunge).
A minimum of $75 ($10 is due when registering) needs to be raised by all team participants in order to actually plunge.
Students will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. on Friday, December 20 for the winter break. Lunch will not be served on this day. We hope our families have a wonderful holiday season, and our students and staff members will return refreshed from the much-deserved winter break. Staff members will return on Monday, January 6 and students will return on Tuesday, January 7. Report cards for the second nine-weeks grading period will be released on Friday, January 10.
Cheatham County Nutrition
24-25 Meal Prices
Breakfast Prices
Student (Pre-K-12): $2.00 (reduced 30 cents)
Staff: $2.75
Adult: $2.75
Lunch Prices
Student (Pre-K-12): $3.75 (reduced 40 cents)
Staff: $4.75
Adult: $4.75
Holiday, Adult: $5.00
Holiday, Student: $4.00
We want to remind our families of our inclement weather policy. Inclement weather closures are made when we determine that not all students can safely be transported to school. Our buses travel through every part of the county, and road conditions may vary by location. Should we make the decision to close schools due to weather, families will be notified via an automated phone call and email directly from the district. The closure will also be posted on the district’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts and website as well as shared with the Nashville TV stations. If possible, we will notify families about school closures or delays the night before. If the decision to close school is made overnight, families and staff can expect to receive a phone call and email early in the morning. Our goal is to notify everyone by 5 a.m. We also encourage our families to make plans in advance for potential weather-related disruptions. Whether it's arranging for child care, modifying work schedules or ensuring that students are kept safe and warm at home, planning ahead will help minimize stress if school closures occur.
We have updated our grading procedures for the 2024-2025 school year. The grading procedures will form a foundation for consistent grading practices. Grades will accurately communicate what students have learned, and each student will be an active participant in learning and assessment processes. For more information, click here.
2024-2025 Career Days
Part of being a STEM designated school, our students get to study different STEM careers throughout the school year.
Here are our STEM-focused careers dress-up days that students can participate in this school year. #futureisSTEM
Community Partner Opportunities
Would you or your business like to be a community partner with ACESA?
Here at ACESA our students love to learn about careers and how what they are learning in class relates to the world around them.
Community partners can help by giving guest speakers or participating in career activities.
If you are interested, please fill out the link below. We greatly appreciate it!
Upcoming Events
First day back for students!
Students return to school on Jan 7th.
Career Dress Up Day
January 8th is Emergency Worker Career Day
Report Cards
Polar Plunge
Polar Plunge that is scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at Riverbluff Park.
MLK Day ~ No School
The Cheatham County School District will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
100th Day of School!
1st-4th grades will celebrate on January 27th
PreK and Kindergarten will celebrate on February 3rd
The 2025-2026 school calendar is now available on our website. The school year will begin on Thursday, August 7 for students in grades 1-9 with a 10:45 a.m. dismissal. The first full day for students in grades 1-12 is Friday, August 8. The first full day for Pre-K and Kindergarten students is Thursday, August 14. The complete calendar can be found by clicking here.
Cheatham County is blessed with a multitude of agencies and organizations that provide a wide variety of support for families. Our community resource guide is one of the initiatives in the Partnerships and Community Engagement section of the district’s five-year plan. A copy of the 2024-2025 guide is available by clicking here. We will update the list as needed. If a resource needs to be added to the guide, please contact Communications Director Tim Adkins at tim.adkins@ccstn.org.
We want to remind our families that they can pay online for just about anything school-related (such as school meals, yearbooks, daycare, club/organization events, laptops, etc.) via our RevTrak payment system. We have individual school links on the district website. To access the RevTrak system, click here.
We are always looking for substitute teachers! For the past few years, we have partnered with ESS, and they are responsible for recruiting, scheduling, hiring, placing, and managing all substitute teachers in the district. This year, the company is excited to announce that it has increased daily rates for both non-certified and certified substitutes so start your application today. For questions, contact Carly Moore at cmoore@ess.com, follow ESS on its Facebook page at "ESS Cheatham County, TN" or visit www.ESS.com.
About Us
Website: https://www.ashlandcityccs.net/
Location: 108 Elizabeth Street, Ashland City, TN, USA
Phone: 615-792-4296
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACESwilcats1/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acesa_wildcats/