Oakview South Newsletter
September 2024
Principal Message
S - Stay safe
O - Offer help
A - Act responsibly
R - Respect everyone
We ask that our students SOAR in every aspect of life and in particular at school.
If you have any concerns or questions as the year goes on, feel free to reach out to our office for support and help. Let's work together to make this the best school year yet!
Important Dates
September 13 Homecoming
October 2 Picture Day
October 7 & 8 Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 11 No School
November 1 No School
Weather Reminders
Homecoming Parade
Picture Day
Our picture day is on October 2nd. Forms will be sent home in the upcoming days or you can order online at www.praterstudios.com. Click on the order school photos and then type in Oakview.
Pick Up/Drop Off Reminders
At Oakview, we have multiple places where students are dropped off or picked up. We have preschool families meeting their teachers at the front doors. We have bus riders getting on their busses in the front of the school. Finally, we have pick up/drop off students going through the drive that wraps around to the back of our school. Families have done a wonderful job sticking to the correct areas for drop off/pick up and it's made for a smooth transition.
Here are a few reminders:
- Students should not be dropped off before 7:55 am and walkers should not arrive before that time. We do not have supervision until 7:55 and it is unsafe for them to be unattended.
- Please continue to stick to the designated areas for drop off and pick up.
- Communication in change of plans to the office is vital. Please make sure to do so in a timely manner so the office can communicate with all the parties involved.
- If you decide to park to pick up/drop off your child, make sure to walk with them across the parking lot. We want everyone to remain safe during this busy and chaotic time.
- Please do not pass other cars in the pick up line and be respectful of everyone picking up. The first car may pull up to spot 1 in the pickup line.
Title Services
You may not realize this, but Oakview gets federal funds for being a Title 1 building. This allows us to have extra adults in the building to help service and support more students. For example, last year we created a teacher interventionist position to help give extra support to struggling students. To remain a Title 1 building, we need your help. We know that lunch is free this year, but our Title status is dependent on everyone filling out an Education Benefits Form. If you haven't already, please fill out this form.
Title 1 Resources
If you get a chance, check out the resources we have for families on our Title page.
Suggestion Box
If you have any feedback or suggestions for Oakview, click the box below. Thank you!
Capturing Kids' Hearts
Here is a link to our monthly newsletter from Capturing Kids' Hearts.