Summer Learning (2024)
High School
Incoming 9th-12th Grade
- Summer Reading information is listed below by content/course. Please take a moment to review and any questions should be directed towards the teacher of course.
- Summer Math work is listed in the slidedeck at the end of the Smore for all courses.
High School English
High School Students are encouraged to read 3-4 books over the summer months. Research shows that reading is most effective and students are most engaged when they have choice in what they read.
We encourage students to choose from various genres: biography, nonfiction, historical fiction, mystery, poetry, drama, etc. In addition, we recommend that parents and caregivers should preview the books so they are comfortable with the student’s selection.
Course: Foundations of HS English
Courses: 9th-12th Grade Honors & AP Courses
Book Lists For All Students
High School Mathematics
Summer Math Information
All Courses
Jen Weaver
Director of Teaching & Learning