Define360 Summer Camp Newsletter
Week Four (July 5-6)
Assalamu Alaykum Parents!
Week 4 - Falling into Darkness: The Making of the Devil (Arrogance)
The students did several activities learning about the dangers of arrogance.
Students listened to Hadiths discussing the Forbiddance of Anger in Islam and looked at the easy Islamic ways of dealing with that emotion. Additionally, they reflected on Prophet Musa's story and the Prophet SAW's stories to learn about their amazing anger management skills.
They also learned a couple names of Allah SWT: Al-Malik (The King and Owner of Dominion) and Al-Rafee (The One who Elevates). Students then made crowns to represent the name Al-Malik.
During Divine Stories, students revisited the stories of Prophet Adam (A) and learned ways to improve their arrogance such as making Tawbah for the bad habits one may have developed. Students discovered that improving oneself makes them feel almost instantly better!
Moreover, they learned the dua Allahumma Tahhir Qalbi Minal Kibr which translates to " O Allah! Purify my heart from malice, hatred, jealousy and pride."
In STEAM, students built a Fireworks in a Jar model and a Lava Lamp using a combination of liquids. They connected their science knowledge with the lessons as our emotions are like lava piling up inside a volcano, so they must be released gently in order to avoid an explosion!
In Fitness, we are thrilled to have Coach Shahid, who engaged the students with several fun activities!
Next week, we will be focusing on learning about Humility.
*** REMINDER FOR PARENTS: Morning drop-off starts at 10:15 and ends at 10:30 AM from the sister's entrance!
Not earlier.
If you are late, please drop your kid off at the brother's entrance as sister's entrance will be locked after 10:30!
Define360 Summer Camp at ICF
Location: 11137 Frisco St, Frisco, TX 75033
Phone: (469) 252-4532