Dumont Public Schools
Department of Technology
Fall/Winter Season Updates
Technology Committee Update
The Technology Committee recently met to discuss goals and new technology. High on the priority list was to review a new Artificial Intelligence policy. The committee will also be working on an AI guideline for teachers and students. This guideline will help shape the use of AI in Dumont. The committee will continue to evaluate technology and make recommendations for future projects.
Mitle Phones
**Help Desk New Feature**
Thank you for submitting your help desk tickets. The process has allowed the Tech team to close over 1500 tickets since September. We rolled out a new feature in the help desk, where you can reply to a ticket and provide more information or update your ticket. This feature will help improve communication and allow for a quicker resolution. When you get an automated email from the system, you can simply reply to the email and your response will be included in the ticket.
Newline Boards in the Classroom
Since last year, we have installed almost 40+ Newline interactive boards. The Tech dept has scheduled some in-person trainings but if you are looking for some additional resources, check out the Newline YouTube channel
On the naughty list year are those trying to phish you. This time of year brings out a high number of scammers who are trying to get you to surrender your personal information. Be diligent of:
- emails about packages that were delivered and they want you to update a shipping address
- emails asking to update a payment for a package
- a fake invoice email
- fake emails from HR about payroll
- emails about gift cards
Be extra cautious this time of year. If something doesn't seem right, trust your instincts.
Here are some others on the naughty list