Principal's Newsletter
Important Information from Miss Cappuccino and Mr. Zlupko
September 1, 2022
We encourage you to visit our school websites for more information!
Welcome Mr. Zlupko
Looking forward to a great year,
Mr. Zlupko
School Day
The first day of school for students in grades 1-5 will be on Tuesday, September 6th.
The first day of school for students in Kindergarten will be on Thursday, September 8th.
Kindergarten: 8:25 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Grades 1 through 5: 8:25 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
We will welcome Grandview Elementary and Morrisville Intermediate School students beginning at 8:00 a.m.
Breakfast will be served between 8:00 a.m. - 8:25 a.m. It is imperative that students arrive before 8:15 a.m. in order to be served breakfast.
Kindergarten Orientation and First Day of School
Kindergarten Orientation will take place on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 and Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at your scheduled time. If you are unable to make your appointment, please contact Mrs. Pilla at 215-736-5280.
The first full day of Kindergarten will be on Thursday, September 8, 2022. A reminder that the school day for Kindergarten students is 8:25 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Grandview Elementary and Morrisville Intermediate School Student/Parent Handbook
School Forms
- Emergency Cards (one for the office and one for the nurse)
- Arrival/Dismissal Form
- Handbook/Media Release Form
- Walking Permission Form
Punctuality and regular attendance are essential skills that children need to learn at an early age to prepare for lifelong career opportunities. Demonstrate to your children that school is important by supporting the effort to have your child(ren) arrive on time each school day. Consistent attendance and punctuality are critical to each child’s maximum learning experience.
This year we are asking all attendance notes to be emailed to Elementaryattendance@mv.org
We ask that you do not send electronic attendance notes (emails/texts/ClassDoJo messages) to classroom teachers for your child's absence. Hand-written parent notes or medical excuse notes can be handed in to the classroom teacher.
Please see our Attendance Letter attached below.
Children's Health Insurance Program
For any parent who has not logged into the PowerSchool Parent Portal, login information will be sent home with students on the first day of school. Upon the initial creation of accounts, please use the usernames and temporary passwords provided, and be sure to click on the CREATE ACCOUNT tab with the login information provided. To be clear, the confidential ID that is contained in the email/letter is your username.
You can find specific instructions here.
If you have any questions regarding the use of PowerSchool please contact Katlin Foley, Operations Secretary, at kfoley@mv.org.
Paid, Free, Reduced School Meals and Lunch Codes
Please visit Dining Services for more information on menus, payment options, and lunch application forms.
This year, our students will be required to enter their student ID number when purchasing lunch. Students will receive a card with this information on the first day of school. We ask that you work with your child on memorizing their student ID number. We appreciate your assistance!
Dismissal Procedures
During the first few days of school, dismissal tends to take a little long, as our staff are familiarizing themselves with families and their vehicles. To ensure a safe and efficient dismissal for all, we are implementing the use of dimissal placards this year. All placards have been labeled with your child's last name and grade and will be sent home on the first day of school. We ask that you place your dismissal placard on the passenger side car visor if you are picking your child up in the car line and bring the placard with you if you are picking up your child from the walker door. Please review and follow our dismissal procedures. Your cooperation helps decrease a lengthy dismissal process.
Grandview Elementary:
Walkers: All walkers will be dismissed from the side cafeteria door. Please do not block the front entrance of the school. Bring your dimissal placard with you.
Car Riders: All car riders will be dismissed from the main entrance of the school building. Please do not get out of your car when picking up your child. Please move with the flow of traffic and do not pass other cars in the line. Please have your dismissal placard placed on the passenger side visor.
Morrisville Intermediate School:
Walkers: All walkers will be dismissed from the Intermediate Lobby doors. Bring your dimissal placard with you. Please do not block the entrance by the Gymnasium or the Great White Doors.
Car Riders: All car riders will be dismissed from the entrance by the Gymnasium at the back of the M/S High School building. Please do not get out of your car when picking up your child. Please move with the flow of traffic and do not pass other cars in the line. Please have your dismissal placard placed on the passenger side visor.
IMPORTANT: To change your child’s normal dismissal procedure, you must write a note or call the school office prior to 2:00 p.m. We cannot accept verbal notice from a student - dismissal via the usual mode of transportation will hold precedence.
Class DoJo
Our Elementary Team will use Class DoJo as a way to communicate important school and district wide information with parents/guardians. Classroom teachers will be sending more information on how you can connect to their individual classes. We are thrilled to have so many parents/guardians connected to our Class Dojo. If you need to get in contact with one of the principals, please call the main office or send an email.
Important Dates to Remember
- September 2nd - District Closed
- September 5th - District Closed
- September 6th - First Day of School for Grades 1-5; Kindergarten Orientation
- September 7th - Kindergarten Orientation
- September 8th - First Day of School for Kindergarten Students
- September 15th - Grandview Elementary Back-to-School Night 6:30 p.m.
- September 19th - 23rd - Linkit Assessment Grades 1-5
- September 21st - School Board Agenda Meeting - 7:30 p.m. (LGI)
- September 22nd - Morrisville Intermediate School Back-to-School Night 6:30 p.m.
- September 26th - 27th - District Closed
- September 28th - School Board Meeting - 7:30 p.m. (LGI)
- September 28th - October 4th - Acadience Reading K-5
About Us
Mr. Zlupko, Elementary Assistant Principal - nzlupko@mv.org
Email: elementaryattendance@mv.org
Website: www.mv.org
Location: 550 West Palmer Street, Morrisville, PA, USA
Phone: 215-736-2681