WT Page Weekly Newsletter
February 23, 2025
Principal's Message and Page News
Mark Your Calendars with Links
Fundraising Updates and News
After School Club Information
PTA News and Community News
Past Newsletter Links
Dear Page Families,
Be sure to read the newsletter for important updates, upcoming dates, and valuable information to stay connected and informed!
1. Save the Date for State Testing - All Maryland students in grades 3-8 are required to participate in Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) Assessments. This assessment can only be administered in-person and your child will participate in the Science, ELA, and/or Math MCAP assessments at William Tyler Page ES. 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students are scheduled to take the following assessments on these dates and times:
SCIENCE (MISA Test): 5th Grade only March 5th and 6th @ 9:30 a.m.
MCAP ELA: Grade 5: April 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th @ 9:30 a.m.
Grade 3 and Grade 4: May 5th, 7th, 8th, and 12th @ 9:30 a.m.
MCAP Math: Grade 5: May 1st @ 9:30 a.m. and May 2nd @ 12:30 p.m.
Grade 3 and Grade 4: April 28th and April 30th @ 9:30 a.m.
Setting our students up for success is our main priority. We ask you to mark your calendars to avoid appointments on these days, have your student here on time for testing, and ensure they get plenty of rest the night before. To learn more about the MCAP assessment consider visiting the Maryland State Department of Education resources at https://support.mdassessments.com/ If you have any questions email or phone Caryn Maxwell, W.T. Page’s testing coordinator at caryn_e_maxwell@mcpsmd.org or 240-740-7560
2. (Repeat) Career Day - March 14th (We Need Presenters) - We are seeking professionals in the community workers and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) fields to provide a fun “visual and interactive” 15 minute in-person presentation. If you are unable to participate in-person, a pre-recorded virtual session may be submitted. Link to sign-up and flyer is below with more information.
3. DMV - Black History Month Spirit Week - To end our month of learning and celebrating Black Americans from the District, Maryland and Virginia (DMV) we will have a spirit week starting off with a Unity Day on Monday by wearing Red, Black, Green, or Yellow. See the calendar below.
4. Scholastic Book Fair is coming - February 28th – March 7th (flyer below) Create a Book Fair eWallet for cash-free shopping at https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/williamtylerpagees. Also the PTA needs volunteers for a shift at the Book Fair - here
See you this week!
Ms. Brown
Mark Your Calendars
This Week
February - Black History Month Spirit Week
Wednesday, February 26th - PTA Spirit Night at Five Guys (see flyer below)
Friday, February 28th - Early Release for students and MP3 Interims Due
Upcoming Dates
March 3rd - Coming Soon – Read-A-Thon - One week before our Read-A-Thon starts we will send home instructions on how to activate your reader's personal page. This is where you will be able to view and record their progress. We encourage you to activate your reader’s account today by clicking on https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/rzsYnT/1 and following the simple instructions.
March 4th - PTA Meeting
March 5th - Virtual 5th Grade Family Life Meeting and Parent Meeting (Link will be sent out by 5th grade teachers in their newsletter)
March 14th - Career Day - We need presenters!!
Clothes for Cash is a fundraiser that supports our Page Students. Donate your clothes to the school when you clean out your closets and place them in a white plastic bag and place them in the white bin located at the carpool loop exit. Page ES receives 10 cent per pound.
1st Place Spirit Wear - Free shipping on orders of $100 or more
- Order Here
- 2/24 - 3/2: Save 25% off all bags
- Free shipping on orders of $100 or more
Vacancy Announcement - MCCPTA Delegate
- The William Tyler Page Elementary School PTA is seeking an MCCPTA delegate to serve as our PTA representative on county-wide group meetings. To apply, please email your interest to president@wtpagepta.org .
- Renew every year
- Join for as low as $12
Three great reasons to JOIN the PTA
❶ Amplify your voice.
❷ Have fun and meet new people!
❸Benefit from money-saving deals. PTA members save time and money on major brands. Check for the latest offers.
- While our beloved teachers are busy raising the bar for our kiddos, we are going to set a different "BAR" for them daily to say "Thank YOU" for all their hard work. If you would like to drop-off snacks, please leave them in the Front Office and let the staff know that the items are for the Snack Pantry. This is an ongoing effort and will seek support for the remainder of the school year. If you would like to contribute to helping make this happen click on a slot and sign up. If you would like to make a cash donation, please visit the PTA store by clicking Cash Donation or sign up
- Stay up-to-date with upcoming events, news and meetings.
- Subscribe to our calendar today!
- Committees - Spring Fling, Silent Auction, Teacher Appreciation & more
Email Tawanna at president@wtpagepta.org if you are interested in volunteering
- Download the Box Tops app -use the WT Page Referral Code: KP1V04U6
**Repeated Information - Immigration Supports for MCPS families - Message from MCPS **
Our schools are and will always remain safe places where every child—regardless of immigration status—is welcomed, valued, affirmed, validated, respected, and loved. Below are some important resources for our families here at Page ES:
- Resources for students and families
- MCPS Immigration webpage with more resources (Students/Families)
Past Newsletter Links
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 2.16.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 2.9.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 2.2.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.26.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.19.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.12.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.5.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 12.15.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 12.8.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 12.1.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 11.17.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 11.10.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 11.3.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.27.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.20.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.13.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.6.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 9.29.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 9.22.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 9.15.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter - 9.8.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter - 9.3.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter - 8.24.24