Supported Decision-Making
Workshop, Video & Resources

Substitute Decision-making to Supported Decision-Making AI Presented
Workshop Summary
Please join us on May 29th at 6 PM (EST), for an AI-presented webinar, as we discuss how to enable our kids with the skills and tools needed to avail themselves to supported decision-making, as opposed to substitute decision-making.
When individuals lack the legal capacity to act, they are not only robbed of their right to equal recognition before the law, they are also robbed of their ability to defend and enjoy other human rights. Guardians and tutors acting on behalf of persons with disabilities sometimes fail to act in the interests of the individual they are representing; worse, they sometimes abuse their positions of authority, violating the rights of others.
Event Information
Supported Decision-Making
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 06:00 PM
Workshop Resources
FND Resources
FND- "All About Us" Special Education Downloadable
Back to School Activities that Promote Self-Advocacy
Back to School Advocacy: Parents & Students Working Together!
POPIN-Parents Offering Parents Information & Networking
We assist parents with no-cost, up-to-date and vetted knowledge about the IDEA, the IEP process, transition from Early Steps to the Voluntary Pre-K Program for Students with Disabilities, transition out of school and into the community, as well as disability-related community and governmental resources. Best of all, we here at FND, are all the parents of children with special needs, and can give a more rounded view of all the options and resources available to us!
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