Our Elmwood Monthly News
September 2024
Message from Mr. Hogan and Ms. Cook
Thank you for the support you have provided in helping to make this year's school opening a success. Overall, the systems and routines we have in place at Elmwood have been highly successful. Continue to remain mindful that all car riders should use Elmwood's lower loop to both drop your student off and to pick your child up at the end of the school day. This will help ensure cars are not blocking traffic to drop off/pick up students in an unsafe location on Dale Ave. The process will become smoother as students become more familiar with their dismissal routine.
Preliminary data findings indicate many of our students are not performing on grade level. Now is the time we must come together to work in solidarity to address student achievement. Keep in constant communication with your child's teacher to become fully informed of how your child is performing with grade level standards. Also, your student should be receiving nightly home assignments to help solidify previously taught skills, practice math facts or sight words, and to read for 20 minutes independently or with an adult.
Through our collaborative efforts we are confident all students will rise to the level of expectations we place on them. They deserve all of us!
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Elmwood Elementary - A Community School!
Community Events
MTSS Updates from Ms. Jackson
Attendance Updates
Attendance is off to a great start! Students and teachers are clearly excited to be back!
We will be tracking our attendance goals throughout the school year.
Academics - Math
Follow the links below to find Unit 1 overviews for your student's grade level
Our Elmwood School Progress Plan Academic Goals
Stay informed of your student's grades, attendance, etc.
Q and A: Facts for Families About Bullying
From our Special Area Teachers
Sign Up for Band or Orchestra
Dr. Yacoub would like to encourage 5th grade families to look for information packets that will be sent home regarding the instrumental music program at Elmwood Elementary! Fifth grade students can receive a weekly lesson during the school day on the band or orchestra instrument of their choice. Please contact Dr. Yacoub at ayacoub@bcps.org with any questions. We are looking forward to making music together at our Winter and Spring concerts!
Student Spotlight!
Is your student doing something amazing in the community? Volunteering? Crushing it on the ball field? Involved in extra-curricular activities? Won an award?
We would love to feature them here!
Email your amazing student's accomplishments (including pictures, if you can!) to Ms. McGrain - amcgrain@bcps.org to be featured in our student spotlight!
Elmwood Elementary
Email: amcgrain@bcps.org
Website: https://elmwoodes.bcps.org
Location: 531 Dale Avenue, Baltimore, MD, USA
Phone: 443-809-5232
Twitter: @elmwoodes