Warrior Weekly

Congratulations Seniors!
Commencement Services will be held on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 3:00 PM at Waunakee Community High School Field House.
Project Graduation Needs Volunteers
Gaming Room Set-up
Project Graduation is just a few days away. We are in desperate need of help in setting up our gaming room. This is a very popular event activity that requires quite a bit of set up. Please contact Fred Riederer (pcried@charter.net) if your student (any grade), or you, can assist with unloading & set up on Saturday, June 1. Additionally, we’d love any game room volunteers during Project Graduation on Sunday night, June 2. Student’s time is eligible for volunteer credit.
Final Exam Schedule
LGBTQ Pride Month
Waunakee Community School District recognizes the month of June as LGBTQ Pride Month and will fly the rainbow flag at its buildings during June to inspire equity, create alliances, celebrate diversity, and establish a safe environment in our schools and community.
The Board of Education passed a resolution to recognize LGBTQ Pride Month on June 8, 2020. You can read the resolution on our website here.
Purple Sage May Issue
The Purple Sage’s mission is to provide a forum for free and responsible expression of student opinion and present well-balanced locally researched coverage of issues of broader student interest. It is produced entirely by Waunakee Community High School students. Opinions in The Purple Sage are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the newspaper staff or the school district.
Building and District Office Summer Hours
Beginning on Friday, June 14, the District Office and all school offices will be closed to the public on Fridays. Offices will reopen with normal business hours, five days per week, beginning on Monday, August 19, 2024. If you have questions when a building is closed, please visit our district website for more information. Thank you and have a wonderful summer!
Boys' Club Volleyball
Open Gym Night
The last scheduled open gym night for boys interested in trying club volleyball is: Friday, May 31 from 7-9 PM at the Intermediate School. There is no cost to attend.
Please contact Sean Gehrke @ 608-658-3720 or seankylene@gmail.com with any questions.
Library Media & Technology Center (LMTC)
Surplus Sale
June 2024 Lifeguard Training Class
American Red Cross Blended Learning Lifeguard Training Classes will be offered at the Waunakee High School.
Please open the attachment for complete information on this opportunity.
Community Education Summer Programs
Check out the Community Education page to explore classes designed for students ranging from preschool age through grade 10. Class sizes are limited. Register today!
Drama Classes for Grades 8-10
Calling all aspiring actors in grades 8-10! Let your talent take center stage this summer with Community Ed’s exciting drama class, The Shadow of Peter Pan. During the week, students will work as a team while rehearsing scenes and sharing ideas, all culminating into a performance at the end of the session.
Class details along with registration information can be found here.
Summer Camps 2024
Waunakee Community School District offers many amazing athletic opportunities for our youth in grades K-12. A complete schedule of the camp offerings for the summer of 2024 can be found on our district website. Registration for all programs will be through GoFan.
Course Offerings I Click Here
Course Offerings/Spanish I Click Here
Register Via GoFan I Click Here
Summer Camps Website I Click Here
Student Financial Assistance I Click Here
Thank you for supporting our student-athletes, coaches, and programs at Waunakee Community High School!
Yearbook Storage Closest Pre-Sale
As the Tech Ed department prepares for a remodel this summer the Print Pub staff would like to invite you to a yearbook storage closet pre-sale. We will be selling our overstock books for a one time only low price of $10.00 per book for any yearbook in our storage room. You can see a live list of books available HERE. This would be a wonderful time to either start, build on or fill in gaps to your collection. Having a yearbook is a wonderful way to look back on the years spent here at WHS. Books can be purchased with either Cash or Check made out to WCSD.
Please help us give these books a home so we don't have to move them for our remodel.
WCSD Transportation Study Planning
Dates to Calendar
June 3-6: Final Exams for Underclassmen
June 7: Community Open House: Randy Guttenberg Retirement
June 24: Summer School Begins (by teacher recommendation only)
- August 5: Lifetouch Student Photos - 7:30 am-3:30 pm
- August 26: Lifetouch Student Photos - 7:30 am-3:30 pm
- August 23: Release Student Schedules IC
- August 28: HS Open House/Drop-in - 4-6pm
- September 23: Lifetouch Re-take Photos - 7:30am-2:30 pm
- September 28: Homecoming Dance
Lunch Menus
Contact Information
Waunakee Community High School
301 Community Drive
Waunakee, WI 53597
Phone: (608) 849-2100
Website: whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us