4K Center for Literacy
Family Newsletter
September 2024
Principal Message
Hello Minimaker Families
What an amazing start to our school year. I already see our 4K students as problem solvers and adjusting being at school. Their joyfulness radiates throughout our school. I think our parents have done a superb job getting their children ready for school. We thank you.
For the start of the year, we are all about building relationships and practicing routines. We believe it is especially important for our students to have a sense of belonging from day one. Our classrooms focus on kindness, honesty, respect, and responsibility—our district’s community values. This reveals to our students that we care about them and want them to make good choices. Having them practice daily routines builds on their competence and independence. As a result, our 4K students have begun to see school as part of their everyday lives.
Please mark your calendars. On Tuesday, October 22nd, we are holding our annual Literacy Night from 5:00PM to 6:00PM. It is a great family event where we provide a variety of literacy activities to support creating a love of reading and learning at home. Come join us!
The last thing I wish share is open communication is so beneficial in creating a trusting relationship between our school and families. We welcome your input on matters related your children’s education. This is their first year at school. They need us, and we need each other. Together, we can provide timely support so our students can be successful.
Our Minimakers can do AMAZING things!
Thank you.
Hercules Nikolaou, Ph.D.
KASD Plan for Excellence
Click HERE for the Kimberly Area School District Plan for Excellence
Important Upcoming Dates
- September 16 - Hearing Screening
- September 27 - NO SCHOOL
- September 24, 25 & 26 - Hofacker Field Trip
- October 14 - Picture Retake Day
- October 22 - Literacy Night - 5-6 pm
Annual Notices 2024-25
Each year the Kimberly Area School District must inform all families and staff of certain information. The updated Public Notices document can be found on our website at https://www.kimberly.k12.wi.us/departments/pupil-services/notices
If you need a printed copy, you can request one from any school office or the District Administration Office.
Join our Parent Advisory Committee
The Parent Advisory Committee serves as the steering committee for special and social events throughout the school year. It is composed of a team of parents who volunteer their time and talents to build a community between our school and families. We can best serve our students when we work together.
Our first meeting will be held on: Thursday, September 26th beginning at 4:30 PM at the 4K Center for Literacy.
ALL parents/guardians are welcome anytime – please join us!
Safety Drills
With the start of the school year, school safety is our priority. It is important for our staff and students to know how to proceed during unsafe situations. Over the next two weeks, we will practice our safety drills, debrief on what we observe, and make any necessary adjustments. If you have any questions, please connect with our principal, Dr. Nikolaou.
Picture Retake Day!
Students that need to be photographed:
If students have not been photographed this school year, please be prepared to have a photograph taken on October 4th. All students must be photographed. Portraits will be needed for our school's data base.
Students that would like re-take photos:
If you want a re-take of your student's original portrait, please return the original package in its entirety to the photographer on re-take day. A replacement package will be printed and delivered to the school with your student's new image. If you did not purchase photos from the original picture day and want a re-take, please have the student's picture taken.
Students who want to order school pictures for the first time:
If you would like to order school pictures for the first time, you can print and use the order form .pdf or obtain one from the school office. Just fill out the order form and bring it with you to re-take day.
Students who did not order school pictures and would like to order at a later time:
If you do not order your student's portrait on re-take day, you will still be able to order online for the entire school year. Approximately 3 weeks after the portrait is taken your student will bring home a proof form with their own secure private gallery password. Online orders get mailed directly to your home and will include a shipping charge of $5.25.
Delivery of re-take portraits:
Re-take photos will be delivered to the school approximately three weeks after the re-take day.
4K Group Letter
Public Nature of School Events
The public nature of school events information can be found on our website under public notices.
Student Absences
If your child is going to be absent, tardy or leaving early, please notify the office by calling (920) 423-4190. Feel free to leave a voicemail on the 4K Center attendance line anytime. You can also email Ms. Jenny in the office at jlchevalier@kimberly.k12.wi.us
Bus Transportation Information
If your child(ren) will be riding the bus at any time during the school year, please review the Pupil Transportation Handbook with them. The last page of the handbook is a form that must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian for each pupil that will ride the bus. The completed form should be returned to the child's school secretary by September 15, 2024.
Traffic Flow at 4KCfL Information
This letter is intended to give direction regarding a few traffic flow systems that we need your help with, in order to help things flow smoothly. Although it may seem lengthy, please be sure to read the portions that apply to your family.
Human Growth and Development Information
School Fees for 2024-25
General Fee - $20.00
Milk Fee - $20.25
Field Trip Fee - $23.00
Total: $63.25
If you haven't already paid your 24/25 school fees, you may make payment online by accessing your Infinite Campus account. When paying through Infinite Campus, you are now able to pay using the e-check method or by using your credit card. Credit card fees for registration will be waived through September 31st. Please remember when you use an e-check it is similar to using a paper check and if this check would be rejected by your bank due to non-sufficient funds, you will be charged a $25 NSF fee. Families are encouraged to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Applications and Fee Waivers as needed.
Parent Calendar for 2024-25
Early Release Dates for 4KCfL
Join Our Team!
Health Services
Hearing Screening Information
4K Center for Literacy HEARING SCREENING will take place on Monday, September 16th. Please click on the flyer to the left to access more information about the district's hearing screening.
We are looking for 3-4 volunteers to assist our staff with the hearing screening from approximately 8:45 am - 11:00 am (am session) or 12:45 - 3:00 pm (pm session). Please call our office at 920-423-4190 or email jlchevalier@kimberly.k12.wi.us. You will need to have a approved background check on file in order to volunteer.
When to Keep Your Child Home!
If your child is feeling ill, please refer to the document with parameters on when to keep your child home.
Other 4K Communication Opportunities!
We have a FACEBOOK Page!
Follow us on FACEBOOK!
4KC Website
You can find more information on our website. Click our Minimaker to take you to the website
Community Events!
We receive many worthwhile announcements to be included in our newsletters. Since we cannot include all information here, please click on our Minimaker to check our our Community Events page. Events and activities are listed there, and are updated often.
Student NonDiscrimination Statement
The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex (including gender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected Classes") in any of its student programs and activities.
If you are unable to access specific content within this newsletter, please call us at (920) 423-4190. This newsletter may contain links to third party sites, which are not within our control. The District is not responsible for the content or accessibility of third party sites. Some files may require Adobe Reader to open. Adobe Reader can be downloaded here.
Pupil Nondiscrimination Statement: The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including gender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected Classes") in any of its student programs and activities.