Leicester Middle School
Wolverine Weekly 3/20/2023-3/24/2023
Mr. Daponde's Insights
Below we have more information on the upcoming Alice Training on March 27th.
The next Family Advisory Council meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 28 at 6:30PM at the Leicester Middle/High School auditorium. I have provided MCAS information below.
A mandatory parent meeting for Nature's Classroom will be on Wednesday, March 22nd, beginning at 5 pm in the LMHS auditorium. This meeting should be roughly 30 minutes long. A packet was recently sent home with important information and forms that must be filled out and returned. Please return this packet by Thursday, March 16th. You can access the packet here as well.
A mandatory parent meeting for Washington, D.C., will be on Wednesday, March 22nd, beginning at 5:45 pm in the LMHS auditorium. This meeting should be roughly 30 minutes long.
Information on class selection for 8th-grade students entering high school is provided below.
Spring sports information is provided below.
Hannah Spratt, our 8th-grade Project 351 2023 Ambassador, will conduct a clothing drive for area shelters. Please donate any unwanted but serviceable clothing items. You or your student can bring in items and put them in boxes near the main office. We appreciate your support!
Reminder: It is a state law that you cannot pass a school bus with flashing red lights. Please do not attempt to pass our school buses with flashing red lights, whether on their runs or in front of the school. We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
Information on our Volleyball club is below.
There has been an increase in the number of students asking to ride home on other buses for various reasons, causing some buses to become overcrowded. Because of this, the Bus Company has requested that we discontinue allowing students not assigned to buses 1, 4, 5, and 7 to ride on these buses.
Please pull forward as far as possible during parent pickup so more cars can pick up their student. When you stop by the stairs, it slows the process down. If your student is on crutches or has other needs, it is acceptable to stop by the stairs. We appreciate your cooperation.
Information on Leicester Youth Handball is provided below.
Information for Camp Marshall is provided below.
Please use the link below or click here to sign your student up for Tuesday's after-school activities if they intend on taking the late bus or are staying after for a club. This is very important as it gives the drivers an idea of how many students will be traveling and how they will divide up the routes in Leicester.
Mrs. Ledbetter and Mrs. Cronin will be conducting Mandated Screenings for vision (5th & 7th grades), hearing (7th grade), and BMI (7th grade) starting in February. Please check your email for information regarding these screenings.
WACKY WEDNESDAY - Celebrating your favorite sports team!
Please support Ms. Jenna Patterson, who will run in the Boston Marathon to help raise money for the Police Activities League. See her flyer below!
We will go outside for recess when the temperature is 32 degrees or higher, and the area is safe. Please have your students dress for the weather.
To view the acceptable snack list, click here
Our Price Chopper code is 14226. Please use this code when checking out, as it helps our school raise funds for needed supplies. We appreciate your help in this matter.
Have a great week! GO WOLVERINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alice Training Information
On Monday, March 27th, Sgt Guertin and Officer Brooks from the LPD will conduct grade-specific ALICE protocols for students in grades 5-8. Here are the topics of discussion in each grade. The officers will cover Evacuate and Lockdown protocols. Evacuation topics will include:
1) Lining up at the door
2) Leaving the room
3) What should they take with them?
4) Exiting the building
5) Going to a rallying point
Lockdown protocols include:
1) Stay in your classroom or go to the nearest classroom
2) What to do if you're in the bathroom
3) How to initially help the teacher in the classroom (help barricade the door if necessary)
4) Spread out in the room but away from doors and windows
Grades 5, 6, and 7 will not be taught Counter distraction or Swarm techniques. Grade 8 will not be taught Swarm techniques.
Below, you can access the Alice Training guide we used to form the discussion topics. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Doug
Wolverine Attributes
Wolverines are Tenacious!
Towards achievement, standing up for fellow students, and making the right choice.
Wolverines are Distinctive!
In our attitudes, actions, expectations, understanding, and empathy.
Wolverines protect their Den!
Create an environment where all feel safe and comfortable in the hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria, auditorium, and recess.
Wolverines seek Help!
Seek teachers, counselors, nurses, paraprofessionals, secretaries, custodians, and administrators for help.
National History Day Competition - Congratulations to all of our students who participated and those who are moving on!
National History Day Massachusetts: Leicester Regional Competition
March 12, 2023
Location: Leicester Middle School
Total Participants: 188 students
LMS Students- 75
Total Schools: 14
Leicester Award winners- NHD: Leicester Regional Competition
Leicester hosted the National History Day Regional competition for Massachusetts on March 12. Leicester’s Competition was one of two in the state. The other competition was held in Stonham, MA. Students presented work as exhibits, documentaries, websites, performances, and papers. Each of those categories was separated into both individual and group categories for 10 categories all together. The top 6 projects in each category at each location were selected to move onto the next round on April 1.
Leicester Students
75 participated
56 were selected to move on
4 groups won gold medals
7 group won silver medals
6 groups won bronze medals
4 other groups won recognition with Honorable Mention.
About 10 Leicester High School students volunteered to help out.
We have about a dozen students who competed in states in Winchester in 2022. They all loved that they were able to use their experiences to improve their projects
All students were proud of how their interviews with the judges went
The event organizers with the Massachusetts Historical Society expressed their happiness with Leicester’s facilities and its students.
Next Round
Location: Winchester High School, Winchester, MA
Date: 4/1/23
LMS students participating- 56
Last year’s numbers for the state history day
38 total schools
270 total students made up of
151 High School Students
119 Middle School Students
The top 2 student groups from each category will be selected to move onto the National Round of NHD at College Park, Maryland (Washington DC Metro Area).
Last year 2 performances made it to the national round, but the event was held virtually.
MCAS Information
ELA - Tuesday, March 28th and Wednesday, March 29th
Math - Wednesday, April 26th and Thursday, April 27th
STE - Thursday, May 18th and Friday, May 19th
ELA - Tuesday, April 11th and Wednesday, April 12th
Math - Monday, May 8th and Tuesday, May 9th
ELA - Tuesday, April 4th and Wednesday, April 5th
Math - Thursday, May 11th and Friday, May 12th
ELA - Thursday, March 30th and Friday, March 31st
Math - Tuesday, May 2nd and Wednesday, May 3rd
STE - Tuesday, May 16th and Wednesday, May 17th
Students cannot bring a cell phone or backpack into the classroom. Backpacks will be left outside of class. A hallway monitor will be available. All open dates are makeup test dates for students absent on a particular test date.
Afterschool Form
We have started after-school help on Tuesdays. If you want your student to stay after school, please click here to complete the form. You may sign them up on our website under “After School Permission Slip.” Buses leave LMS around 3:45 pm.
Weekly Events
- Spring sports begin!
Tuesday- 3/21 Day 1 A
- After-school help - Late bus
- 8th grade course selection - date change due to a snow day
Wednesday -3/22 Day 2 B
- Wacky Wednesday - Celebrate your favorite sports team!
- Nature's Classroom Mandatory Parent meeting - LMHS auditorium at 5 pm
- Washington D.C. Mandatory Parent meeting - LMHS auditorium at 5:45 pm
Thursday - 3/23 Day 3 C
Friday- 3/24 Day 4 D
Course selection for 8th-grade students - Tuesday, March 21st
Our 8th-grade students will select their high school courses for next year this Tuesday, March 21st. Here is the schedule for that day:
7:42-8:26 Ferdella Rm 320
8:28-9:12 Gallant-Smith Rm 215
10:46-11:31 Ferdella Rm 320
11:31-12:18 Gallant-Smith Rm 213
1:27 - 2:10 Ferdella Rm 320
If you have questions regarding course selections or your child's schedule for next year, please get in touch with Mr. Barry or Mr. Bowes.
Scheduling Presentation for Students
Spring Sports Information
Spring Schedule
The spring schedule is up for viewing and to help with planning. The schedule can be found at Arbiter Live using this link. The schedule is updated daily with results, postponements, reschedules, and cancellations.
Leicester Wolverines Instagram
Follow @leicesterwolverines Instagram for announcements, information, scores, updates, and shout outs.
Yearbook Sales
Morning Fitness
Morning Fitness is $30 monthly and runs Monday-Friday beginning at 6:15 AM. Below is a link to the payment portal. Payment is expected monthly through UniPay. Please remember that payment is due on the first of each month.
https://unipaygold.unibank.com/customerinfo.aspxClubs and Extracurricular Activities
Nature's Classroom
Washington DC Payment Information
Dear Parents/Guardians:
I appreciate your interest in our annual 8th Grade trip to our Nation’s Capital from May 22 - May 26, 2023. The privilege of attending this trip is predicated on our students maintaining passing grades, demonstrating appropriate behavior and citizenship consistently, and attending school regularly.
Travelogs International will coordinate this year’s trip. The cost of the trip is $950. A deposit of $250 will be due by Friday, January 20, 2023. All payments must be made through UNIPAY , our online payment portal. Electronic checks, debit, and credit cards can be used on Unipay. Unipay does not accept VISA.
Limited financial aid may be available. Please email Mr. Daponde if you need assistance.
Payment Schedule: Date Payment Total
Payment #1 (Mandatory Deposit) Friday, January 20 $250.00 $250.00
Payment #2 Friday, February 17 $240.00 $490.00
Payment #3 Friday, March 17 $240.00 $730.00
Payment #4 Friday, April 7 $220.00 $950.00
The trip cost MUST be paid IN FULL by April 7, 2023. There will be NO exceptions.
An additional packet, including contact and medical information, etc., will be distributed after the February vacation. Student t-shirts are included in the cost of the trip. Please do not send payments to the school.
Thank you,
Doug Daponde, Principal