Manning Morsels
Week of August 19th 2024

It's Homecoming Week for the District so we are joining in the Fun!
💥Fun Friday Winner - Alison!💥
New Student Enrollment Plans 😁
As new students come into the building, questions are asked about why they are placed into homerooms. Moving forward, our collaborative teams are set up so that this decision can be made together, based on information the office receives. There is no need to stick with an old practice when we can revamp this one too. In the future when a new family comes in I will send the team an email with the child's name and a start date. Any particular information pertaining to the student will be kept in the office. Let's come up with a protocol so the team can decide what is the best placement for the student.
E-Learning Days Notification that will be sent to parents on Sunday
As a part of the Board approved E-Learning Plans, if we should ever need to utilize an E-Learning Day, grade levels will be sending home a paper based learning packet for your student. Please make sure to store them in a safe place and do not have your child complete it at this time. If we ever needed to make use of an E-Learning Day in the future, you would wait for further instructions from your teacher in how to complete the packet. These should be sent home by the end of this week by your child's teacher so please look out for them.
(PLEASE make sure you send home a packet by the end of the week-September 27th!!!)
Interpreters for Conferences
Skyward unfortunately does NOT have an easy feature for us so we will have to reach out and ask our families. Please reach out to your parents and see if anyone would like one.
If you need an interpreter for conferences, please let the office know on Monday, September 23rd.
Parents can begin signing up on Wednesday September 25th at 9:00am.
Conferences occur before the end of the quarter so you do not need to print progress reports yet! Let's open Otus and show our families how to dive into the gradebook that will tell the story over the course of the year.
September 15-October 15th: Hispanic Heritage Book Lists and Resources
Buddy Reading - October 16th 12:45-1:15
✨✨✨Referendum Information✨✨✨
We Need You
Town Hall Meetings @ Manning Gym
6:30 pm Wednesday, Sept. 25
6:30 pm Thursday, Sept. 26
10:00 am Saturday, Sept. 28
6:30 pm Tuesday, Oct. 1
5:30 pm Tuesday, Oct. 8
MONDAY, September 23rd
Monday: Pajama Day
Wear your favorite pajamas!
Co Teacher intentional planning day
Safety talk with Officer Durst 9:00 Padilla-Martinez 9:15 Bartosz
TUESDAY, September 24th
Tuesday: Patriotic Day
Wear Red, White, & Blue!
Regular schedule
Safety talk with Officer Durst 9:00 McConnell 9:15 Frank 9:30 Gordon
School Board Meeting 6:30 pm
WEDNESDAY, September 25th
11:05-11:25 3rd
11:25-11:45 2nd
11:45-12:05 4th
12:05-12:25 5th
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday
Wear your wackiest outfit! Mismatched clothes, funky patterns, etc.
Conference window opens for parents at 9:00am
11:30-1:00 AMBA insurance rep in the staff lounge to answer any questions
Collaborative team meeting 1:45-2:45 pm
Town Hall & Tours 6:30 pm
THURSDAY, September 26th
Thursday: Under the Sea
Dress like you live under the sea!
Town Hall & Tours 6:30 pm
Homecoming Parade 6:00 pm
FRIDAY, September 27th
Friday: Manning/Miller Day
Wear Manning/Miller spiritwear or school colors!
Regular schedule
Homecoming football game 6:00 pm