The Call
Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2024
Dear CPA Families,
I am incredibly grateful for the support shown during National Principal Month. It is a joy to serve as your principal and to work together with each of you in supporting our Cadets. Becoming a principal was rooted in my passion teaching and learning, shaping young minds and helping guide students toward a successful future. Equally important to me is supporting our teachers, assisting them in their professional journey through instructional coaching, and creating a positive and enriching learning environment for all.
As we wrap up the first quarter, I’m excited for the work we’ll continue to accomplish together. Please join us on November 12 for our Principal Conversations, where we’ll share new updates on our master schedule and address any questions you may have.
Thank you so much for attending our recent PTO meeting! Your involvement and support are invaluable to our school community. Please keep an eye out for upcoming PTO nominations and voting—your voice matters, and we look forward to your continued participation.
Here's To A Great Week Ahead,
Ms. Lattimore
8th Grade Experience @ Crossland HS - CTE Program
Three - Hour Early Dismissal- End Of First Quarter
Friday, Nov 1, 2024, 12:15 PM
Character Day Festivities
Dear CPA Families,
We are excited to announce our Character Day Parade on Oct. 31, 2024. This is a fun opportunity for our students to showcase their creativity and love for their favorite characters. Parents of PreK-5 students are welcome to join us outdoors to pass out treats as our students parade in their character attire. If the weather does not cooperate, we will move the parade inside, creating a festive route through the hallways of CPA.
Students in grades 6-8 are also welcome to participate by dressing up as characters from books, movies, or historical figures. Please check your child’s Seesaw account for any special assignments related to Character Day.
To ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment, we ask that you follow these Character Day Parade/Dance guidelines:
- No look-alike weapons (swords, guns, etc.) as part of costumes.
- No masks that cover the entire face—students’ faces must be visible.
- Makeup or hair coloring should be applied at home. These items are not permitted in school
- Costumes must be school-appropriate and not overly scary or violent.
- Comfortable footwear is required, as students will be walking in the parade.
- Be mindful of weather conditions and dress accordingly if we are outdoors.
Costumes cannot interfere with daily responsibilities, both in and out of the class. Costumes should be comfortable enough to wear for the school day.
If a student’s costume is found to be inappropriate, she/he will be asked to remove the costume.
We are looking forward to a fun and safe event that celebrates creativity and community spirit!
We can’t wait to see all of our students’ amazing character outfits!
Mon. Oct. 28
Flag Football 6-8th
Rear Door Bus Evacuation Tomorrow
Tus. Oct.29
Rear Door Bus Evacuation
CPA @ Science Bowl
Chorus 4th and 5th Grades
Art Club
Drama Club
Let’s Grow Club
Cursive Writing Club-Sambells
STEM Club- Ms. Rivers/MESA-6-7
MESA (6-7th Grade)
Wed. Oct.30
Soccer (1-5 Grade)
Flag Football 6-8) -outdoors
Flag Football (Grades 3-5)- outdoors
MESA 2-5th
Dance- LS
PBIS Training Day 3
Thurs. Oct. 31
Character Day Parade- 9:30-11am
Fall Dance (12-3pm)
Cheer Club (Grades 1-5)/Dance Ensemble
Friday, Nov. 1
Three Hour Early Dismissal- End of First Quarter
School Climate Survey
Dear CPA Community,
Thank you for your time and thoughtful responses in completing our school climate survey. Your feedback is crucial in helping us create the best possible environment for everyone at our school.
If you haven’t had a chance to complete the survey yet, there’s still time, and we’d truly appreciate your input. The survey will be open until October 31.
Every perspective matters as we work together to support our school community’s growth and success
English: bit.ly/24ClimateSurvey
Spanish: bit.ly/24ClimateSurveyES
French: bit.ly/24ClimateSurveyFR
Principal CPA Conversations
The purpose of our Principal's Chat and Chew is to create an open and welcoming space for parents to connect with school leadership and stay informed about what's happening at Colin Powell Academy. This informal session allows me to share important updates (scheduling), upcoming events, and initiatives that impact our students. Please check See Saw for Meeting Link.
Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024, 06:00 PM
Attention 8th Grade Families
Curious about which program might be the best fit?
Join us at our Specialty Programs Showcase on Thursday, November 7 at Charles Herbert Flowers High School from 6 to 8 p.m. This event is the perfect opportunity to meet program coordinators, speak with current students, and learn about the diverse offerings available.
Important Application Windows
High School Specialty Programs: Apply now through December 13
Programas de especialidad en PGCPS
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Prince George se complacen en ofrecer una variedad de programas de especialidad diseñados para despertar la pasión, fomentar el talento y preparar el camino hacia carreras profesionales prometedoras. Desde ciencias de la salud hasta artes, hay algo para cada estudiante.
¡Marquen sus calendarios para la presentación!
¿Tienes curiosidad sobre cuál programa es el más adecuado?
Acompáñanos en nuestra Presentación de los Programas de Especialidad el jueves, 7 de noviembre en la Escuela Superior Charles Herbert Flowers de 6:00 a 8:00 p. m. Este evento es la oportunidad perfecta para conocer a los coordinadores del programa, hablar con estudiantes actuales y aprender sobre las diversas ofertas disponibles.
Importantes plazos de solicitud de admisión
Programas de especialidad de la escuela superior: solicita tu admisión desde ahora hasta el 13 de diciembre.
Lotería de las escuelas chárter y los programas de especialidad de kínder a 8. º grado: del 1 de noviembre de 2024 al 7 de febrero de 2025.
Lotería del Programa de Talentosos y Dotados (TAG): del 16 de diciembre de 2024 al 12 de marzo de 2025.
¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de forjar tu futuro y dar el primer paso para desarrollar tu potencial!
Let's Grow Club
Join us on November 15th, 2-4 PM at Colin Powell Academy for plastic bottles collection. The bottles will be used to build a Greenhouse for students in CPA. We will collaborate with Jacob Ladder Youth Foundation, students, parents and community to build this one of a kind greenhouse. Be part of this cool project. Don’t trash your bottles, bring them to us. Recycle Reuse Repurpose -National Recycling Day , November 15th.