St. Columba's Primary School
Dear Parents and Carers,
Monsignor O’Loughlin will be returning from leave next Tuesday, 22 August and St Columba’s Parish will be back to normal life with regards to Masses and contacting the Parish Office.
Many students have been involved or are going to be involved in the Catholic Education Annual Performing Arts Festival in the past few weeks and next few weeks of this term. There have been some wonderful performances by students, and I am sure there will be more of these to come. I would like to thank Mrs McDonald for all the work that she does with our performing arts students. The students’ performances are a credit to the school and to Mrs McDonald.
Our Year 5 students are having their after-hours Zoo excursion this week. Year 5W had a great experience and 5G will be attending tonight. Many thanks to the staff involved in providing their time to run the after-hours excursion.
We are celebrating Book Week next week. The staff have organised some great activities for the students to participate in and I thank them very much for this.
On Thursday 7 September from 5:30pm to 7:00pm we will also hold our Open Night, where parents have the opportunity to wander through classrooms. The Art Exhibition, music and technology will be in the school undercover area; while LEAP and Science will be showcased in the Library.
Next week, I will be away attending to CEWA commitments on Monday and Tuesday. Mr Yock will be in charge, during my absence.
A reminder, that Year 1W will be presenting assembly tomorrow (Friday, 18 August) at 9:00am. All are invited to attend.
God bless.
Allen McMahon
Important Dates
Friday 18 August
- Assembly - 1W
Tuesday 22 August
- Book Week Assembly and Dress Up Parade - 9am
- Father's Day Incursion - Y2-3
Wednesday 23 August
- Performing Arts Festival - Choir
Thursday 24 August
- Performing Arts Festival - Y6 Dance
- Prayer Service - Y2
Friday 25 August
- Assembly - 1G
- Becoming a Man / Becoming a Woman Incursion - Y6
- School photos begin
Wednesday 30 August
- Father's Day P&F Breakfast Bash - 7.30am to 9am
Merit Award Winners - Friday, 18 August
Year 1G - Neave, Reuben, Clodagh, Devan
Year 1W - Addison, Grace, Toby, Matthew H
Year 2G - Nicholas, Bridget, Olivia, Blake
Year 2W - Darcy, Miguel, Elliott
Year 3G - Phoebe, Hugo O, Addisyn
Year 3W - Tanny, Hugh
Year 4G - Genevieve, Grace, Klelia
Year 4W - Gui, Charlotte, Zara M, Angus
Year 5G - Denim
Year 5W - Raphaella, Harry Sc
Year 6G - Louise, Jason
Year 6W - Isabelle, Alessandro
Merit Award Winners - Week 6
Year 1G - Lyra, Evie M, Leo
Year 1W - Nathan, Evelyn, Charlotte, Owen Y
Year 2G - Zoe, Albert, Aidan
Year 2W - Presley, Leah, Caleb
Year 3G - Indigo, Archie, Nash
Year 3W - Jeremy C, Eloise, Gabriella S
Year 4G - Annabelle, Isabelle, Cooper
Year 4W - Vinay, Giverny, Ivy, Olivia
Year 5G - Johanes, Ari V
Year 5W - Aiden L
Year 6G - Joseph, Charlotte
Year 6W - Keira, Nate
Bookweek Parade 2023
Calling all Book Characters! It’s time to dress to impress in your favourite book character costume for the annual Book Week Parade at St Columba’s.
The Book Week Parade will take place on Tuesday, 22 August at 9am, with all classes in PP-Year 6 coming out onto the outside courts to showcase their costumes.
Students are welcome to wear their Book Week costume for the remainder of the day or change back into their school uniform following the parade.
We look forward to a morning of fun and excitement. All parents are welcome.
School Photos - Tues 29 & Thurs 31 August and Fri 1 September 2023
School Photos will take place on Tuesday 29, Thursday 31 August and Friday 1 September 2023 (Term 3, Week 7).
Today every student at school will receive an individual student photo SHOOTKEY to bring home. This is different to the ordering process from previous years as parents are now not required to bring back any envelopes and all orders are placed online. #winning
If you do not require a school photograph this year you do not need to action anything.
Instructions for ordering photos are on the student photo SHOOTKEY sheets and are self-explanatory. Only online orders are accepted. A wide choice of photo packs are available for purchase.
Should your child lose their individual order sheet, you can request your child’s SHOOTKEY from the office.
Family Photos
Family Photos will be taken before school in the Library from 8:15am on Tuesday, 29 August. (A second family photo session is available on Thursday 31 August for families with Kindergarten Green students if they are unable to make the Tuesday session). If you would like a Family (sibling) photo taken we ask you to register your interest before Sunday, 27 August by clicking on the button below.
A Family Order SHOOTKEY will be distributed by the photographers on the day and payments can then be placed online.
Any new students to the school will receive an individual SHOOTKEY form on photo day by the photographers.
All students in Years 3-6 will wear their formal uniform on Tuesday, 29 August.
The DRAFT photo schedule is below. Please note that this is not set and can be changed by the photographer without notice.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions.
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Feast of the Assumption took place on Tuesday, 15 August.
It is our faith that Mary, the Mother of our Lord, has been gifted by her Son with a share in His new state of life. He now nourishes her with his Resurrection life, and that means that her body and soul, her total humanity, is suffused with divine glory.
With Mary, the tradition inspired by the Holy Spirit, tells us that at the end of her earthly life, she grace-fully made the transition from earthly to heavenly existence without the wrenching apart of body and soul, which we may expect.
That is what we mean by ‘The Assumption’. It has been believed and celebrated since the early centuries of the Church.
Pre-Kindy 2024
If you have not received an email, please contact the office.
P&F News
Please see details below for the Father's Day Breakfast Bash!
Have a great week!
Hayley Mitchell
P&F President
P & F Father’s Day Event RSVP
Calling all Dads and Father Figures,
You are invited to the Father's Day Breakfast Event, run by our P & F Team, on Wednesday, 30 August from 7:30-9:00am in Kalyara Mia (Undercover Area).
This event is for dads and father figures who have children in Kindy to Year 6.
The P & F will provide a sausage sizzle and small selection of other items. #yesplease
We ask Dads (or mums on their behalf) to reply to our Expression of Interest form below to allow the P & F to ascertain numbers for catering purposes. We ask for this to be completed by COB Friday 18 August.
We are excited to be able to offer this community event for our dads and father figures.
P & F Team
Entertainment Books
The year starts from the date of purchase of your Entertainment Book.
School Term Dates for 2023
Term 3: Monday, 17 July to Thursday, 21 September 2023
Term 4: Monday, 9 October to Friday, 8 December 2023
Pupil Free Days for 2023
Term 3: Friday 22 September
Term 4: None
Sacrament Dates for 2023
Reconciliation: Saturday, 11 November at 10am
St Columba's Catholic Primary School
Location: 30 York Street, South Perth WA 6151, Australia
Phone: (08) 6436 9500