Cougar Chronicle
Important Dates to Remember
2/7 - Daddy/Daughter Dance (details below)
2/3-2/7 - Cafeteria closed to lunch visitors (dance set up)
Attendance Matters
Attendance Matters ALL DAY, EVERYDAY. Excused and unexcused absences easily add up to too much time lost in the classroom, putting students at risk academically. In order for students to learn and achieve their fullest potential, it is critical that they attend school and are engaged in the learning process. Student absences, whether excused or unexcused, impact a child's ability to succeed in school.
Some absences are unavoidable. Winter health-related absences are one of the top reasons students miss so many days of school. Occasional absences related to health are to be expected, but they can quickly add up. The important thing is to get your children to school as often as possible and on time! Please don’t forget to email cogburnattendance@fultonschools.org (and cc the teacher) when your child is absent. Additionally, please remember that the late bell rings at 7:40. Students need to be in their classroom ready to learn at that time. If you are a car rider, please leave a few minutes earlier in the morning to get your child to school on time.
Lateness causes disruptions in learning, and it has an impact on academic success. You will receive an emailed letter from your school social worker once your child has accumulated 12 tardies.
If you have any questions, please reference FCS Attendance Policy, https://www.fultonschools.org/attendancematters, reach out to the school, or contact Randi Downey, LCSW, school social worker: downeyr@fultonschools.org
Field Day Art Contest - 5th Grade
January 14th – January 31st in art class or at home, 5th grade students will have the opportunity to draw their ideas for this year’s 20 year anniversary Field Day t-shirt design. If you happen to miss your art day or need more time, you have until FRIDAY, January 31st to turn your idea in to your art teacher. All submissions will be narrowed down to the TOP 10 and displayed on a bulletin board. The Art and PE dept. will vote to choose the winning design. The artist who creates the winning design will receive their Field Day shirt for free.
Design Guidelines:
1. Make sure you include “CWE” or “Cogburn Woods” in your design.
2. Don’t forget to let everyone know it’s “Field Day 2025” 20th year!!!
3. Designs should be on WHITE paper in BLACK ink. This could be a drawing or computer-generated design. Original artwork only!
4. Only the front of the shirt will be printed, no neck, no sleeve, no back designs will be considered.
5. This contest is only open to 5th graders, but the design will be used on Field Day t-shirts for ALL grades.
Get Out and Play!
The Cogburn Woods PE department encourages students to be physically active outside of school. If you have a picture of your child/family doing something active, please send it to: hanningo@fultonschools.org so that they can be on the All Star Board for the whole week!
New Activity Comes to CWE!!!
Cogburn Artists, Are You Ready? Kidcreate Studio is bringing their Drawing Made Easy course to CWES! This class is open to all students and is a wonderful way to learn as a growing artist. Drawing Made Easy is a 6 week program that is every Wednesday from February 5th to March 12th. Class will begin at 2:30, and pick-up time is 3:30. The cost for Drawing Made Easy is $118 per student. There will be a 10% discount for siblings. You can register at the following link: https://app.amilia.com/store/en/kidcreate-studio-johns-creek/api/Activity/Detail?activityId=xO96nJa
Cogburn Woods Elementary's own Adrienne Sienkowski (CWE parent) is interviewed by Dr. Looney! Click below to learn more about her valuable contribution to our school.
From Our Art Department
The CWE Art Department is in need of a few supplies. If you can help, please send items in with your student or drop off at the front desk:
- Mini muffin and mini cupcake containers
- Flat cardboard pieces
- Empty cereal boxes
- Tropical Crayola markers
- Sharpie markers
- New or used pool noodles for kindergarten sculpture project
Thank you,
Sue Miller, Art Teacher
Career Day Coming Soon!
Cogburn Woods will be having its annual Career Day on February 28th from 9:00-11:00. In order to make this event a successful, fun learning experience for our students, we will need volunteers to speak with 3rd-5th grade classrooms about their careers. Volunteers will speak to classrooms on a rotation for 20 minutes each. If interested in volunteering, please complete the form below. Please reach out to Ms. Woodworth or Ms. Greene with any questions. We'd love to have you!
Counselor's Corner
The topic for next week's Student Success Skills program is "Empathy". In the attachment that we've provided below, you'll find the discussion points that teachers will go over with our students. We encourage you to take this opportunity to reinforce these lessons at home as well.
K Lesson- My feelings, Your feelings
1 Lesson- How someone else might feel!
2 Lesson- The case of caring
3 Lesson- From another perspective
4 Lesson Showing Empathy
5 Lesson- Taking the perspective of another
Only ONE WEEK left to purchase Daddy Daughter Dance tickets! The last day to purchase is Friday, January 31st and tickets will NOT be sold at the door.
Order through our website here: https://cwepto.membershiptoolkit.com/packet/24827
Winter Reading 2025: Be a Reading Machine
Ready, set, READ! We encourage readers of all ages to challenge themselves to become reading machines this winter. From Jan. 1-31, we are participating in “Be a Reading Machine,” a reading challenge sponsored by Beanstack and Baker & Taylor. We challenge our community to read and log as much as they can during the challenge to earn fun, new badges!
How to log into Beanstack:
1. Go to classlink https://launchpad.classlink.com/fcs
a. Username: FCS student id #
b. password: birthday (MMDDYYYY)
(reach out to your teacher for this info)
2. Click on elibrary
3. Click on Beanstack
4. Click on "Winter Reading 2025: Be a Reading Machine"
5. Start logging your minutes
OR Download the Beanstack App to log your minutes