Aquarian News
Weekly Update #19
Aquarian is built on three foundational pillars: academic rigor, relationships, and engagement.
Upcoming Events
12/16-12/19 Spirit Week
12/19- Last Day of the Semester for Students
12/20- Grading Day (No School for Students)
12/20-1/6 Winter Break (Staff only return the 6th for professional development.)
1/6- Inservice (No School for Students)
1/6- PTO Meeting 5:30 in the Library
1/7- Students First Day Back
1/13- 3rd Quarter ASAs Start
1/13- 5:45 APC Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 3161 5121
Passcode: 871491
1/16- Spelling Bee 10:00
1/16- 3/4 School Battle of the Books
1/20- MLK Jr. Day (No School)
Holiday Spirit Week
December 16th Ugly Holiday Sweater- bring out your worst, to be the best
December 17th Sparkle and Shine-sequins or holiday lights…or maybe both!
December 18th Holiday Character Day- Who will it be? A Grinch, a snowman, or Santa himself?
December 19th Holiday Jammies-get ready for your long winter's nap!
4th Grade Escape Room
Annual Basket Auction
We need YOU to help make our Annual Basket Auction a smashing success—and we promise, it’s more fun than science fair! Volunteers are the heart of this event, and your superpower could be the one that helps raise enough funds for teachers to attend the legendary Ron Clark Academy. Plus, you'll get to witness the magic of baskets being auctioned off, all while helping to send some truly deserving educators on an adventure that might just make them the coolest teachers ever. Sign up today – we’ll even throw in a virtual high-five!
Candy Grams
Student Council is happy to announce that Holiday Candy Grams will be for sale starting this Wednesday, December 11, thru the following Tuesday, December 17th. They will be available at both little and big kid lunches and they will be $1each. Proceeds will go to help a non-profit in the community!
Ms. Megan's Class
Find out what happened in library this quarter! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jITtj2akZLF4EE5mSETApjojq1k_menmd1pOpjKysSg/edit?usp=sharing
Second Quarter Art Room News 2024-2025
Movies with a Purpose
🎬 Enjoy movies with a purpose! 🎬
Aquarian 5th Grade is giving you the best reason to head to the cinema. Until February 1, 25% of each Regal Movie Ticket Bundle you purchase will be donated back to Aquarian 5th Grade, when you buy via our fundraising sales page. Treat yourself, your friends, and your family to an unforgettable movie night and support a great cause! Grab your tickets here: grouprai.se/regalcinemas52858s
Amazing Shake 2025 is coming!!!
The Amazing Shake is a competition designed to teach students manners, poise under pressure, and how to engage respectfully in a professional environment. At Aquarian, we want to prepare our students to present themselves well for opportunities today and in the future. This competition is a fun, engaging opportunity presenting a series of challenges replicating real-world scenarios, giving students a chance to hone their social skills and professionalism.
It’s our second year hosting the Amazing Shake event, and it’s time for more fun and some exciting changes. In 2025, K-3 students will again have a “shake-out” to find our K-3 champion.
New for 2025, all 4th-6th grade students will compete in Round 1, The Gauntlet on March 21st. The Gauntlet consists of ten fun and challenging stations that evaluate students’ professionalism, collegiality, and ability to interact with people. The top 25-30 gauntlet winners will participate in Round 2, a "work the room" scenario with local business leaders on March 27th. The top 5 finalists will sit down for a professional lunch for Round 3 with local VIPs who will select our 2025 Amazing Shake Champion! Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities! We need your help as we challenge our students to be Amazing!
Questions? Want to help? Contact fineman_sarah@asdk12.org and chelmo_lisa@asdk12.org