The Buzz
Spring Term 2024 - 11th January 2024

Message From the Executive Headteacher
It was wonderful to welcome all the children back to school this week, as they came through the gate they were obviously delighted to see their friends and teachers; telling us all their Christmas news.
We had a very exciting start to the new term as we welcomed Bounce Beyond, the hall was filled with mini trampets and all the children enjoyed a 30 minute work out session with the team; bouncing along to their favourite dance tracks and completing challenges. Certainly a high energy start to the term.
The children have settled back quickly into the routines and I've been pleased to see the hard work already going on in the classrooms with children excited about their learning once again.
We will be welcoming parents on Monday 15th at 9am to a mathematics information session for parents, this will be a really informative session and will help you to understand our school approach to mathematics and how you can support your child at home. I very much hope to see you there.
The HISNA team worked hard over the autumn term with some wonderful events and they have now planned some exciting events for the upcoming term, keep a look out for the communication and please support these if you are able.
Please remember to keep a check on your Parent Hub. Today we sent out some very helpful information from the Mental Health Support Team (MHST).
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
Class with best attendance last half term was 2P with 98%
Class 1Y had the least number of lates last half term with 13
👋 Makaton Sign of the Week
🟨 Nursery
It has been a frosty but fun start to the new school term. We were very excited to welcome back all of the children on Tuesday and have also welcomed some new families to both morning and afternoon nursery. All of the new children have settled brilliantly and are enjoying making new friends.
We have been thinking about the new year this week and what wishes we have for the new year. We read the story' Happy New Year Spot' where the characters all made wishes and some of their wishes came true. We then thought about what we hope for for 2024 and shared these hopes with our friends. Some of us wish for time playing with our friends, some of us wish for more fun at Nursery and some of us wish for more stories.
We have also been excited about the frosty weather too and have been exploring this in the garden, through icy small world toys like polar bears and igloos.
We have loved being back at Nursery and cannot wait for another term of fun and learning!
🟥 Reception
Happy New Year! It has been wonderful to welcome Reception back to school after the holidays. They have settled back into the routines and have been excited to see their friends and share their holiday news.
This week, we have been talking about New Year and have been looking at the story 'Happy New Year, Spot! The children have been coming up with their own New Year's wishes and we have had some lovely discussions and excellent use of language. In provision, the children have been making their own New Year wishing wands, creating glittery potions and making some lovely star and firework paintings in the creative area.
We were visited by Bounce Beyond and the children had a fantastic time on the trampolines bouncing and following the routines! We talked about the importance of exercise and how it keeps us healthy - it was great fun!
🟦 Year 1
Happy New Year to you all and welcome to the new spring term! We would like to thank you for all of your kind Christmas wishes and generous gifts. We hope you all had a relaxing and fun-filled festive period. We have thoroughly enjoyed our first term with the children, and have been amazed by all they have achieved so far – we are really looking forward to what lies ahead during this spring term.
We ‘jump’-started the new year into action by welcoming Bounce Beyond into school this week!. The children had great fun working out on the mini trampolines, throwing some energetic moves and shapes to the disco tunes whilst working up a much-needed sweat in this chilly weather. A fantastic way to bounce into the new year!
Our topic this half term will be ‘Up, Up and Away!’ where we will continue our study of seasonal changes and how these affect our weather, as well as exploring the world; places, continents, oceans, landmarks and people who have made a significant impact on our lives. We begin the term by introducing our new focus book ‘Katie in London’ by James Mayhew, focusing on the landmarks, sights and characters in the story.
In science, we begin by identifying the features of winter, looking at why the trees are bare, weather patterns and why the temperature drops, and how the days are shorter. We will be thinking about what clothes will be best to wear and discuss what months of the year make up the winter season.
We start this term on history topics by looking at various modes of transport and how this has changed over time. We will be discussing the similarities and differences between the old and the new, discussing which we would prefer to travel in and why.
In maths, we have begun the term by recapping numbers to 20, counting forwards and backwards and working on our understanding of teen numbers, identifying how many tens and ones are in each.
Please remember, you can access details of the year 1 curriculum, along with more detailed information about our curriculum and home learning ideas and opportunities, on the school website.
🟩 Year 2
Happy New Year from the year 2 team! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and a restful break. The children have come back excited and ready for another great term ahead. We started our week with high energy bouncing thanks to our 'Bounce Beyond' workshop. The children (and adults) had a great time completing the challenges set as well as a bounce disco.
We have started our latest topic of 'Sky Riders' where we are learning about the Wright Brothers and their invention of the first powered aeroplane. We started our history topic this week by discovering who these famous brothers were before reading our latest focus book 'Taking Flight' written by Adam Hanchen.
In Maths we have been thinking about money and ex[ploring the value of different coins and notes we use in the UK. We have identified the value of each coin and used our knowledge of counting in 2's, 5's and 10's to find total amounts of different coins and notes, We will finish the week exploring different ways to make different amounts of money using a variety of notes and coins. Please continue to help us by giving the children any opportunity possible to use money at home in play or real life scenarios.
Our science topic this term is plants where we will begin by exploring different parts of a plant and then think about what plants we have around us. We will make observational drawings of plants before thinking about what plants form part of our diet.
If you feel that you or your child has traits of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or already has a diagnosis and you need further support, you can visit the ADHD Embrace website at www.adhdembrace.org. They offer resources and seminars for you to access, including a seminar this month about a Diagnosis of ADHD in adults and the impact of ADHD in families.
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
Messages from the Office
Helpful School Information
If you apply after the deadline of Monday 15th January 2024 you will be considered a late applicant and you will go on to a waitlist for a place in September 2024 - link above.
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815