Westland Update for Week of April 1
A Note from Ms. Serino, Westland Principal
April is Arab American Heritage Month
This Week- The Week of April 1
Return from Spring Break- Students and staff return from Spring Break on Tuesday, April 2nd.
Lost and Found- Our clothing racks, water bottle collections and lunch box piles will be cleared as of Friday, April 5. Stop by the cafeteria to find lost items.
SSL Form Deadline- For students who are hoping to earn the Superintendent's Service Award this year, submit any forms by Friday, April 5.
Looking Ahead to Next Week- April 8
End of Marking Period 3- The final day for marking period 3 is Tuesday, April 9.
No School on April 10- There is no school for students on Wednesday, April 10 so teachers can complete grades.
Beginning of Marking Period 4- The first day of marking period 4 is Thursday, April 11. Health students will return to PE. Mr. Fier and Mr. Gant's students will rotate to health.
State Testing for All Grades- On Thursday, April 11 and Friday, April 12, all students will take the MCAP test in English/Language Arts. Please arrive to school on time with a charged Chromebook and a charged mind.
6th Grade Parents--ICYMI
Lost and Found Will Be Cleared April 5
Our Mathletes Rock
Parent Session about LGBTQ+ Kids on April 16
Gamechanger Conference on April 20
April 22nd...
Spring Testing Dates--Revision for Grade 8
Oh What a Multi-Cultural Night!!!
Student Service Learning News
C&O Canal and Potomac Riverside Cleanup - April 13, 2024 (9 AM - 12 PM) - Join us as we work together to clean up the Potomac River and its huge watershed area! Some of the many cleanup sites in our region are in your backyard! Students may earn 3 SSL hours for participating. Interested students may view additional details and sign up at the following link.
Earth Day SSL Opportunity (April 22, 2024, 9:30am - 2:00pm) - Build the first MCPS farm, and earn SSL hours while giving back to the Earth! Students may earn 4.5 SSL hours for participating. Breakfast, lunch, and transportation will be provided. To learn more, please click here
Colorsplash Fun Run May 11
Join us for Westland's Colorsplash Fun Run on Saturday, May 11.
SPONSOR Westland MS Colorsplash 2024 to get your business in front of the community.
Adult and kid volunteers (SSL hours) will make the event happen. We need you!
Email wmscolorsplash@gmail.com for more info.
Check Out Our STAR Lessons
* New Events Are Added in Bold Font
- Arab American Heritage Month
- Month of the Military Child
- National Autism Acceptance Month
- Tu, 4/2- Students/Staff return from Spring Break
- Tu, 4/9- Last Day of Marking Period 3
- Tu, 4/9- Girls Soccer v. Pyle at home
- W, 4/10- No School for Students- Grading/Planning for Teachers
- Th, 4/11- First Day of Marking Period 4
- Th, 4/11- MCAP testing in English Language Arts in AM (6th-8th grades) Day 1 of 2
- F, 4/12- MCAP testing in English Language Arts in AM (6th-8th grades) Day 2 of 2
- M, 4/15- MCAP testing in Math in AM (6th-8th grades) Day 1 of 2
- Tu, 4/16- MCAP testing in Math in AM (6th-8th grades) Day 2 of 2
- Tu, 4/16- Virtual Parent Session on Supporting LGBTQ+ Kids
- W, 4/17- Student Member of the Board of Education Election (6th-12th graders vote)
- W, 4./17- Boys Soccer v. Silver Creek at home
- Th, 4/18- Report Cards distributed through Homeroom
- Sa, 4/20- Gamechangers Conference for Young Men
- M, 4/22- Earth Day
- M, 4/22- Asynchronous Learning Day- Students at Home
- W, 4/24- Secretaries'/Administrative Professionals' Day
- Th, 4/25- Boys Soccer v. Tilden at Home
- W, 5/1- Girls Soccer v. North Bethesda at Home
- W, 5/1- BCC Foundation Evening Welcome Event for 8th Grade Parents
- Friday 5/3 and Sat 5/4- Spring Musical- Madagascar Jr.
- Week of May 6- Educator Appreciation Week!
- Tu, 5/7- MAP Testing (all grades) in the AM
- Tu, 5/7- Girls Soccer v. Cabin John at Home
- Tu, 5/7- Parent Teacher Association meeting in the evening
- W, 5/8- MAP Testing (all grades) in the AM
- Sat, 5/11- Colorsplash 2K Fun Run, 5-7 PM
- Tu, 5/14- No School- Election Day
- W, 5/15- 8th Grade State Social Studies Testing Day 1 of 2
- Th, 5/16- 8th Grade State Social Studies Testing Day 2 of 2
- Th, 5/16- Final Day for Activity Buses
- F, 5/17- Spanish 3 Field Trip to Gala Hispanic Theater
- M, 5/20-W, 5/22- Outdoor Education for Buxton's Students
- W, 5/22-F, 5/24- Outdoor Education for Sayeh's Students
- M, 5/27- No School- Memorial Day Holiday
- W, 5/29- 5th Graders Visit Westland
- F, 5/31- 8th Grade Celebration Trip during School
- Tu, 6/11- 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony at BCC HS
- Th, 8/22- New Student Orientation 8:15-12:00
- Th, 8/22- Back to School Night for Parents 6:30-8:30 PM
Westland Middle School
Email: Alison_L_Serino@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/westlandms/
Location: 5511 Massachusetts Avenue, Bethesda, MD, USA
Twitter: @AlisonSerinoWMS