Chisholm Trail High School
I have seen a lot of Staffulty making an attempt #BeTheReason in the classrooms, hallways, and other areas at CTHS. Thank you for your willingness to engage our students, parents, and each other in such a way we all understand we are valuable.
Need to Know/Reminders
- 10/10 Rule: students remain in class first and last 10 minutes of class
- When emails are sent to entire staff, DO NOT reply all
- In a few weeks TTESS (appraisal) process will begin. All teacher goals will be tied to CTHS Campus Improvement Plan. More information will follow soon.
- Documents will consistently be updated in MS OneDrive for Staffulty access. They will not be emailed.
- Uncover glass windows in classroom door unless otherwise specified by campus admin (i.e. double-door classrooms such as Science classes)
- Have RESPECT agreements visible in classroom
- Have CHAMPs visible in classroom
See embedded link below for background, talking points, mission and vision of Advocacy
- 2nd & 5th week of 6 weeks on Tuesdays
Call Log
- Conversation in PLCs
Freshmen Focus
- Each Teacher will have 4-6 Freshmen
- We will continue to support students from last year, but not require them to meet with Advocates tri-weekly.
Dress Code
Some staffulty have voiced concerns regarding student dress code.
- CTHS will follow EMS-ISD dress code
- Class meetings will be conducted next week where students will be given expectations regarding dress code
- My expectation is students have their I.D. on their person. If they would like to wear them on a lanyard, they may do so.
- Once student I.D. cards have been issued, students will need them to use the pass to get out of your class. Student I.D. may be requested by our security personnel in the parking lot.
- As principal, my number one concern is the safety of CTHS (Students & Staffulty)
- My next concern is ensuring students have an opportunity to be successful academically, psychologically, socially, and emotionally. Therefore, anything that puts any of those in jeopardy, I am adamantly against. This includes, but is not limited to removing students from class for dress code violations.
- We will work within the confines of the EMS-ISD dress code policy while maximizing instructional time for our students
- Students are not permitted to wear hats or hoods in the building during school hours. There are times when we are required to identify students on camera and these obstruct our view.
Event Information
Community Pep Rally
Thursday, Aug 23, 2018, 07:00 PM