Tiger News
Hunt A+ Arts Elementary School
March 2021
Hunt FaceBook Page
Important Dates to Remember:
Friday, March 5
Lifetouch Studios will be here for Spring Pictures. Only students ordering will be photographed so they will probably only be at school from 8:45-10:00 (approximately). Picture packets and payment must be submitted no later than when the student is photographed. If you have any questions please contact Heidi in the office at 712/279-6833. Thank you.
Tuesday, March 9
Interpreter Supported Conferences from 3:40-5:40 p.m.
Monday, March 22
End of 3rd Quarter
Wednesday, March 31
2:30 p.m. dismissal time for Spring Break
Tuesday, April 13
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration
Please click the following link to register your child for kindergarten: Kindergarten Registration Link
These links provide step-by-step instructions to help parents/guardians complete online registration.
Completing Online Registration for the First Time
Hy-Vee $chool Buck$ Program
Hunt A+ is collecting HyVee receipts. Receipts must be dated August 1, 2020 – April 29, 2021. No fuel, gas, postal, money order, Western Union, lottery, Quest, Mid American, bottle refunds or gift card receipts will be accepted. Please turn all receipts in to the office.
Friendly Reminder: Please do not park in the bus lane on Myrtle Street or Center Street.
Ready for Kindergarten
Dear parents and families of children ages 2 through 5 years old (not yet attending Kindergarten),
Sioux City Community Schools is excited to announce that we will be offering virtual learning courses and learning kits for interested parents on various ways to help your child get ready for Kindergarten. These classes will include literacy skills, mathematic skills, and social and emotional skills during the 2020-21 Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions.
These self-paced learning sessions will be available to you through the virtual and safe access of your own homes with approved pre-registration using the "sign in" and "create your account" option, and registering for the current session. Families completing the current online learning course will be shipped a set of “all you need learning tools & toys” to help your child develop imperative ready for school skills.
Go to this webpage to sign up today!
Sign up here at https://www.readyforkindergarten.org/siouxcity
Session Dates:
- #2 Winter (Math) self-paced courses will run from December 18 through February 14.
- #3 Spring (Social & Emotional) self-paced courses will run from February 19 through April 18.
Enrollment only provides access to the current live session once approved (registration for the #1 Fall literacy session will close on November 15 or after the first 50 families have enrolled).
February Student Recognition:
Parent Reminders:
View Current COVID-19 and Illness Protocols and Practices: https://www.siouxcityschools.org/sccsd-covid-19-and-illness-protocols-and-practices/
Virtual Students:
If Virtual students are having any technical issues, please call (712) 279-6803 and Tech Support will be able to help resolve those issues.
Notes from the Nurse:
If a student is sent home with Covid symptoms, the student will remain home for 10 days. If the student is tested and has a negative Covid test result, they may return prior to the 10-day quarantine. If the student visits a doctor, the student may return to school prior to the 10-day quarantine if they have an alternate diagnosis. The school office will need to know what the diagnosis is (i.e. strep throat, allergies,). If the note says, “The student can return to school” without an alternate diagnosis, we are not accepting this and the student will remain out of school for 10 days. It is the recommendation of the Iowa Department of Public Health to require an alternate diagnosis to return to school.
School Fees:
If you would like to pay your students school fees or add lunch money online, you may do so through My School Bucks. You can click on the following link to get started. https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/login/getlogin
Bus Schedule
Bus #122(Green Bus)
17th & Summit (8:08 am/3:38 pm)
19th & Jones (8:12 am/3:42 pm)
21st & Summit (8:16 am/3:44 pm)
Bus #121 (Yellow Bus)
24th & Jones (8:09 am/ 3:35 pm)
18th & Jones (8:11 am/ 3:37 pm)
17th & Jones (8:17 am/3:43 pm)
Bus #130 (Red Bus)
16th & Jackson (8:08 am/ 3:48 pm)
20th & Jones (8:13 am/ 3:40 pm)
Bus #140 (Purple Bus)
14th & Summit (8:02 am/3:35 pm)
14th & Douglas (8:05 am/3:38 pm)
16th & Douglas (8:06 am/3:39 pm)
19th & Douglas (8:11 am/3:41 pm)
403 21st St. (8:14 am/3:44 pm)
Bus #145 (Blue Bus)
15th & Nebraska (8:08 am/3:36 pm)
17th & Nebraska (8:10 am/3:38 pm)
19th & Nebraska (8:12 am/3:40 pm)
21st & Nebraska (8:13 am/3:41 pm)
22nd & Nebraska (8:15 am/3:41 @21st)
22nd & Jones (8:15 am/3:44 pm)
If you need assistance with filling out a bus application, please call the Hunt office at 712-279-6833.
Medication at School:
Some students may need prescription and non-prescription medication to participate in their educational program. Emergency and non-emergency medication shall be administered when the student’s legal guardian and prescribing physician annually provides a signed and dated Medication Administration Authorization form requesting medication administration at school. The medication must be in the original labeled container, as dispensed from pharmacy or in the manufacturer’s container. Authorization forms for medication and inhalers at school can be accessed at:
www.siouxcityschools.org under School Board, Board Policies.
Hunt Preschool:
We currently have openings in our preschool classrooms for young Iowa residents who were four on or before September 15. To apply, please go to https://www.siouxcityschools.org/preschool/.If you have any questions, please contact Gina at 712-293-0436.
Handle with Care Initiative Launches in Sioux City
The Sioux City Community School District is launching a new initiative, Handle with Care, in partnership with the Sioux City Police Department (SCPD). This initiative is part of an effort to further advance work to support the emotional needs of students. Handle with Care is an alert system set up to notify the District any time a police officer is dispatched to a student’s home. SCPD will NOT share any details about the call or police activity. The alert will only prompt the District officials to take actions to “handle the student with care” in the days following the call. School staff that closely interact with the student involved will be prompted to observe the student’s behavior. If the student exhibits signs that indicate distress or concern, a professional school counselor will support the student’s emotional needs. The Handle with Care program will launch on December 1, 2019. If you have questions about the program, please call:
· Jen Gomez, Sioux City Community School District: 712-279-6075
· Sgt. Jeremy McClure, Sioux City Police Department: 712-279-4981
Let's Talk
An engaged community makes our District stronger. That is why we have made it easy for you to connect with us whenever it is convenient for you. We encourage you to take advantage of Let’s Talk!, our 24/7 online submission site. Reach out with your ideas, questions, concerns, and praise. To make a submission, please visit http://www.siouxcityschools.org/lets-talk/.
Communication and Preparedness
Student and staff safety is of paramount importance in the Sioux City Community School District. For this reason, the District exercises a host of crisis prevention and planning tactics. Should an emergency occur, the school notifies you through our Blackboard phone system. In an emergency, the system calls every phone number associated with your child in order to reach you. The message will give you details about the emergency and provide directions on when/where to pick up your child if the normal school day is altered. Learn more about school safety.
Focus 2022 Strategic Plan
Non-Discrimination Statement
Hunt A+ Arts Elementary School
Principal: Cami Barker
Website: https://www.siouxcityschools.org/hunt/
Location: 1114 West 27th Street, Sioux City, IA, USA
Phone: 712-279-6833
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hunt-A-Arts-Elementary-School-243035805709274/
Twitter: @HuntTigersES