Low Ash Primary
Weekly round up - 24.1.25
As you know, we were inspected by Ofsted this week. Thank you to all parents and carers who completed the survey - we really appreciate it. We had what is called an 'ungraded' inspection. This means that the inspection took place to check whether we had maintained our (good) standards from the previous inspection. We are not allowed to share the outcomes of the inspection with you until the report is published so please don't think we are trying to avoid sharing news with you. Quite the contrary, we look forward to sharing the report! The children, as ever, were a credit to the school and should be very proud of themselves.
Apologies if any of you have called or emailed school this week and our responses have taken longer than normal. The 2 days of inspection are quite intense with the inspection team so some things may have been slightly delayed.
Stars of the Week
Reception and Key Stage 1 Stars of the Week
Key Stage 2 Stars of the Week
Well done to this week's Stars of the Week! You should all be very proud of yourselves.
This week's school attendance is 96.4%.
Whole school attendance so far this year is 95.3%
Early Years/Key Stage 1 class of the week is 2W with 98.3% attendance (they also won the award last week!).
Key Stage 2 class of the week is 4BY with 100% attendance - well done 4BY!
Once more, here is the link to the attendance page of the school website which has information on the Penalty Notice system. Ultimately, more than 2 penalty notices could result in the council taking you to court and a criminal record. We really do not want any of our families to have to go through this.
Dates for the Diary
Thursday 30th January - Year 5 and 6 volunteering at the Wrose Chapel coffee morning
Thursday 30th January - 5E Space Camp
Thursday 30th January - Asda Heroes meeting with specific Year 5 pupils
Monday 3rd February - My Happy Mind module 3 launch day
Monday 3rd February - Nursery local walk and public transport trip
Thursday 6th February - Year 5 and 6 volunteering at the Wrose Chapel coffee morning
Thursday 6th February - KS1 story telling workshop
Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day
Thursday 13th February- Year 5 and 6 volunteering at the Wrose Chapel coffee morning
Thursday 13th February - Nursery stay and play session (8.30-9.15 or 12.30-1.15)
Thursday 13th February - FOLA movie night (EYFS - 3.30-4.30 and KS1 & 2 - 4.45-6.30)
Friday 14th February - end of half term show case for parents and carers. (You are invited into your child's class from 3pm).
Friday 14th February - Break up for half term
Monday 24th February - School re-opens
Wednesday 26th March - Consultation evening
Thursday 27th March - Consultation evening
Year 5 Space Camp
It was 5W's turn for their Space Camp last night. They all seemed to have a brilliant time despite some tired eyes today (from both pupils and staff!)
Sporting update
Well done to all pupils who took part in the Cross Country finals this week. They should be very proud of themselves.
Online Safety
Recent concerns have emerged regarding a WhatsApp group known as ‘Add Everyone.’ This group exposes children and young people to explicit and harmful material.
‘Add Everyone’ group chats can go by many names, but their purpose is often the same. These WhatsApp groups are spaces where children and young people are invited to join a chat that contains content such as sexual images, material promoting self-harm, sexual violence, racism and other inappropriate content. These chats may be created by adults seeking to connect with younger users or by young people themselves as a seemingly fun activity. However, as the name suggests, it is difficult to control who becomes a member of these groups, which means that access to children and young people can easily fall into the wrong hands. In some cases, the group owners ask for children to add their contacts to the group, ‘except their parents’. Please follow the link below for the full article.
Safeguarding Alert: The ‘Add Everyone’ Explicit WhatsApp Group - Safer Schools
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.