Cougar Clips
13 December 2024
Happy Friday Kipling Families,
I hope some of you got to see our Board of Education meeting last night as our 5th Grade Student Council members were featured in the “What’s Good in 109” opening segment. I am incredibly proud of our students who spoke in front of the Board and shared all the work and initiatives they have going on this year. Thank you to all the parents who came to support their kids and our school. And thank you to Ms. Krause, Ms. Malek, Ms. Primack, Ms. Tierney, and Ms. Thurman for everything you do to organize and guide our Student Council members.
Our calendar year is quickly coming to an end and we are only four days away from winter break. Thank you for an amazing first half of this school year! Our families and our PTO have all been incredibly supportive and such a pleasure to partner with. I cannot express how much gratitude I have for your positive collaboration. Kipling is such a special place and we are all lucky to be a part of this tremendous community.
I hope you all enjoy 18 days off with family and friends. Eat great food and sleep in as much as possible! Let’s commit to celebrating this time by being as present as possible with our kids.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and your families!
Mr. Matthew O. Lombardo, NBCT
Kipling Elementary School
Winter Weather Information/Guidelines
The cold temperatures and winter weather have arrived. Here is what you need to know regarding our winter weather expectations and procedures:
-Please ensure your child wears or brings gym shoes in their backpacks on days they have P.E.
-Many factors are considered when deciding whether recess will be held inside or outside. These include temperature, wind chill, and the conditions of our playgrounds and blacktop areas (e.g., snow, ice, or water).
-Generally, we will go outside if the temperature is at or above 15 degrees with the wind chill, assuming the playgrounds and blacktop areas are safe.
-The decision to go outside is often made just before recess, so it's important for students to come prepared every day. All four elementary buildings will be utilizing accuweather.com to make this determination.
-Please make sure your child has proper winter clothing, including a coat, hat, gloves, boots, snow pants, and other necessary items. Students will not be allowed in the snow without snow pants or snow boots.
-To prevent mix-ups, please label all items with your child's name. Additionally, we encourage all students to have a change of clothes at school.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping to keep our students safe, warm, and ready to enjoy the winter weather!
Kipling PTO
Don't forget to log in/sign up at the PTO site. Visit https://kiplingpto.membershiptoolkit.com/home to get started!
Our PTO is proud to promote both our annual district fundraiser, the 109 Gives Back Holiday Gift Drive, as well as our traditional Restored Hope fundraiser we have historically run. Both fliers are included in this Cougar Clips.
Thank you to everyone who is participating in Kipling’s Holiday Gift Drive! Just a reminder, please drop off LABELED gift wrapped items to Kipling on Monday, December 16, 2024 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM or 3:00 - 6:00 PM.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: Elise Kleinberg (917.929.2527/emandi75@aol.com) or Jill Lerner (312.636-8895/ jilllerner@gmail.com)
Please open your heart to help make this a special holiday season for all.
Thank you in advance for your support!
The Philanthropy Committee
See's Candies
'Tis the See's-on to order some candy and support the PTO! Please share the link with family and friends and encourage everyone to order! Kipling’s See’s Candies store will be open all year! It’s always the right time for candy!
Please feel free to email ptokipling@gmail.com for any questions!
Seeking Cultures to Showcase
Thank you to the Strobel family for filling our Cultural Collection case with your beautiful and rich Chilean artifacts. Thank you for taking the lead this year for our school community. We all have so many unique and special cultural perspectives and lived experiences to share with each other and I am very proud and eager to learn about each of yours.
In an effort to ensure inclusion of diverse populations and perspectives, we are looking for other Kipling families to use the Kipling Cultural Collection to teach the Kipling community about your culture! Display objects may include 6-8 traditional or cultural objects, a family video describing the significance of each object, recipe, flag, map, music, etc - anything to bring your vibrant culture to life!
Volunteering at Kipling
We need volunteers to help compost during lunch periods. This is a great chance to help the planet and see your kids in action!
The LMC is looking for volunteers every day between
8:50-11:20am and 12:50-3:25pm (Wednesdays 12:50-2:25pm)
Sign up for a slot and come in any time you are free.
DPS109 Info
Holiday Gift Drive Drop-Offs Extended Until Monday!
If you haven’t had a chance to sign up for a gift donation, you can do so here! The last day donations can be dropped off in school lobbies is Monday, December 16th. When dropping off donations, please label each item with the family name it’s intended for, as gifts are organized by anonymous family names.Tech Tips
While we encourage everyone to limit time spent on devices, we understand that these tools can foster meaningful connections when used wisely. However, in today’s digital age, it can be difficult to stay informed about the latest apps and trends to ensure your child's online safety. We want to do our part in supporting students and families in the various ways they can implement security settings on their children’s devices and monitor time spent online. What better time to introduce these tech tips than October, Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Throughout the school year, we will feature practical technology tips in our newsletters, offering fresh ideas for families to use at home developed by our own Student Resource Officer, Lauren Maldonado, and our Innovations Specialist, Maria Galanis.
Upcoming Important Dates
-Mon, 12/16: Choir Concert, 6:30pm
-Thurs, 12/19: Classroom Holiday parties in the PM
-Fri, 12/20-Sun, 1/5: Winter Break - Blessings to all our families!
-Mon, 1/6: Teacher Inservice Day
-Tues, 1/7: Students Return from break