RHS Weekly Newsletter
August 29, 2024
New This Week
Hey Romeo,
We're looking forward to a great 2024-2025 school year. You should all have your schedules (if not, PowerSchool is open and you can get it there). Remember, our first day (Tuesday, September 3) is a half day (7:25-10:30) "C-All schedule (that means you go to all 8 classes in order: 1, 2, 3...)
Also, all calendars, daily schedules, and other important documents are included in the "documents" section of this newsletter.
Have a great Labor Day weekend and we'll see you all on Tuesday!
Mr. Osebold
Senior Painting
Seniors, remember that you need to get your spot painted this weekend (if you're not already done). The lot will be open for painting during daylight hours on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Please remember that you cannot leave any items/materials. So be sure to clean up after yourself each day.
Watchdog 2024
This year's Watchdog game is September 13th. Watchdog shirts are available for purchase at Bulldog Days. If you forgot to get one, or they were out of your size, you can order shirts here: Watchdog 2024 Shirt Order. Orders will only be taken for one more week. This year's proceeds will be going to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, The Rainbow Connection, and The Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation.
Counselors' Corner
**Can only access with your Romeo email account**
Students, if you would like to request a change to your schedule, please use the form linked above. If requesting a change, please remember the following:
- Many classes are full and most change requests will not be approved
- Once your request is processed (may take until the 2nd week of school), you will receive an email with the outcome of your request
- You must follow your current schedule (available in PowerSchool) until you hear back from your counselor that your schedule change has been approved
- Please keep in mind that we do not change schedules for the following reasons:
- Request a particular teacher or period
- To change your academy
- To change a lunch
- To match a friend's schedule
Parking Lot Dismissal
Results from our 2023-2024 climate survey showed that our high school parking lot and dismissal was a top concern of our parents and students. In response, students and staff gathered data and conducted several test scenarios to determine the fastest and safest dismissal procedure. The results were clear. The fastest, and by far safest, dismissal procedure is to do the following:
- All RHS parents (exiting the RHS parent loop) must turn right (north)
- All students exiting out of north exit must turn right (north)
- All students exiting out of south exit must turn left (south)
- All 9GA parents must turn left (south)
- See picture below
This scenario drastically reduced cross traffic which emptied our parking lot quickly and kept our parents and students safest. Starting this school year, all traffic exiting the building (parent and student drivers) will be asked to follow this procedure. Signage is coming, but our security personnel will be there to help at dismissal. We appreciate your support and patience while we figured out the best and safest method of dismissal.
Upcoming Events
9/3: 1st day of school
9/13: Watchdog FB game
RHS Tutoring Schedule 2024-2025 (coming soon)
RHS Clubs 2024-2025 (coming soon)
Class of 2025
Senior Parking Painting
2024-2025 Senior Painted Parking Spot Letter
Reminder that painting can only be done DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS this weekend and next weekend.
Senior Yearbook Pictures
Most of our seniors have gotten their senior yearbook pictures taken already by Michael Barton Studios (pictures were at RHS in early August and there was a make up day last week). If you have already done this, thank you. If you have not done this yet, there will be ONE FINAL opportunity on November 6th. Be on the look out for an email next week to get this scheduled. If this is not done, your picture will not be in your senior yearbook.