The Cardinal Connection
February 22, 2024
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity.
Important Dates:
February 21st: Basketball game vs. Brightwood ES @4:30PM (game will be played at Savoy ES)
February 21st: Girl Scout Cookie Sale 3:30-6PM
February 23rd: Basketball game vs Garrison ES @4:30PM (game will be played at Burville ES)
February 24th: DCIAA Cheer Championship at Coolidge HS 11AM-2PM
February 26th: Virtual Principal Chat @6PM
February 27th: Basketball game vs. Tubman ES @4:30PM (game will be played at Walker-Jones ES)
February 29th: Black History Month Presentation
March 14th: Parent Teacher Conference...No School for Students
March15th: No School for Students and Staff
Help us make magic happen!
Cardinal Community,
With just a few days left, the Cardinal Drama Players at J.O. Wilson Elementary have raised $6,373 of our $10,000 goal. This funding will bring the enchanting world of "Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka JR." to life here at JO Wilson with vibrant sets, costumes, and props, and send our talented young performers on an inspiring trip to a Broadway Musical in New York City.
Your support not only brings this dream to life but invests in our children's futures, igniting their passion for the arts and expanding their horizons. Join us in turning their hard work into a golden opportunity. Donate today and share the joy of creativity with our community and your collective network. Let's make this production a sweet success together for our students! Use the link below to donate.
Lottery News and Information for NEW PK3/PK4 Students!
Cardinal Families,
We're reaching out to remind all families of first-time PK3 and PK4 students about the essential step in joining our community: completing the lottery application process. Whether JO Wilson is your in-boundary school, or you already have a child attending, it's crucial for all new PK3 and PK4 families to submit a lottery application for enrollment consideration.
Here's what you need to know:
Eligibility: Any child who will be 3 years of age by September 30th is eligible for PK3 for the upcoming school year.
Application Deadline: The final date to submit your lottery application for the first round of openings is March 1, 2024.
How to Apply: Complete the lottery application process online by visiting My School DC Welcome to My School DC | My School DC
Reminder: Current PK3/PK4 students WILL NOT need to complete a lottery application, if returning to JOW for the upcoming school year. You will simply re-enroll in April. The lottery is ONLY for new or first time PK3/PK4 students.
We strongly encourage you to submit your application by the March 1, 2024, deadline to improve your child's chances of gaining a spot in our vibrant community. Don't miss this crucial step towards your child's educational journey with us.
J.O. Wilson ES Water Testing Results
February 21, 2024
Dear J.O. Wilson Elementary School Parents and Families, Throughout the course of the year, DC Public Schools (DCPS) and the DC Department of General Services (DGS) partner to coordinate lead testing of drinking water sources at all our schools. Initial testing has taken place at your school, and I am writing to share the results.
Per District of Columbia law, all drinking water sources must be tested, and results must be below five parts per billion (ppb) of lead, which is the standard to which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates lead concentration in bottled water. Non-drinking water sources, such as sinks in bathrooms, classrooms, and utility closets, are safe for hand washing only. These sources are clearly labeled to instruct students not to drink water from them.
Testing has been completed for your school and all drinking water results were below the actionable level of five ppb.
Please use the following websites as resources to learn more about lead, read through the testing
protocol, and locate testing results for your school:
Lead in the District | doee (dc.gov)
Water Filtration Testing Protocol | dgs (dc.gov)
Water Sampling Results for DC Public Schools | dgs
If you have additional questions, please email dcps.watersamplingresults@k12.dc.gov. Thank you for your continued support.
Lisa Putman
Chief Operating Officer
DC Public Schools
Celebrating Black History Month at JOW
Thanks for helping spread love to our wonderful teachers and staff on Valentine’s Day! We hung up all the hearts filled with thoughtful messages written by our Cardinal students and families. Love is literally in the air, and on full display in the teachers’ lounge.
DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DC DCPR) Summer Camp 2024 Lottery Open through Feb. 26
To ensure equity and fairness, DPR uses a lottery system for families accessing DPR Summer Camp. All lottery registrations submitted during the registration window have an equal chance of selection. For details, including program locations, dates, and costs, please visit https://dprsummercamp.com/.
Important Dates:
Feb. 12-26: In-Person Registration Assistance
Feb. 12: Summer Camp Lottery Opened
Feb. 26: Summer Camp Lottery Closes
By March 1: Notification via Email of Lottery Selection
March 6: Deadline to confirm camp slot and payment due
J.O. Wilson PTA Family Trivia Night at the Queen Vic on Thursday, Feb. 29
Come enjoy an evening of fun and facts. The winning trivia team will receive a $50 Queen Vic gift card. This event is free and open to all Cardinal families, teachers, and staff. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Reserve your team table before Feb. 28!
Who: All Cardinal families, teachers, and staff
What: Trivia featuring 3 rounds of 10 questions (Current Events & Black History Month, J.O. Wilson Facts, Kids Round)
Where: The Queen Vic (upstairs), 1206 H St NE
When: Thursday, Feb. 29, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Trivia will begin at 6 p.m., but we suggest you arrive early if you plan to order and eat before the fun begins.
Why: To have fun with other Cardinals (and compete to win a $50 Queen Vic gift card!)
How: Build a team of 2-4 and reserve your table. There will be some limited standing space for walk-ins.
What do you know about J.O.? Send an email to info@jowilsonpta.org to share your school-related trivia questions (and answers), and we might include it in the game!
Hill Family Biking Community Clean-Up Ride
Hill Family Biking will host a Community Clean-up Ride on Saturday, Feb. 24, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The ride will start at Maury Elementary parking lot on 12th Pl NE. We'll be riding to the following 3 locations hosted by ANC Commissioners to beautify our neighborhood:
17th and Potomac Ave SE
12th and K St NE
10th and G St NE (Sherwood Rec)
Be thinking about what location you want to end at, so we can easily break into groups before we all ride together and drop off each group at their clean-up site. And be sure to bring your work gloves, trash bags and trash pickers. We'll have extras provided by DPW
Parents Night Out - Saturday, March 23, from 6 to 10 p.m.
Join Cardinal parents and guardians for dinner and dancing on H Street in partnership with CHAMPS' Old School Dance Party. Location TBA. Dancing starts at 8:30. For participating parents and guardians, JOW PTA will provide childcare at school for J.O. students from 6 to 10 p.m.
J.O. Wilson Cherry Blossom Market and Yard Sale - Saturday, April 6, 2024
J.O. Wilson families, staff, and creatives are invited to sell their second-hand treasures and original creative works at the first annual J.O. Wilson Market and Yard Sale. This FREE event will feature fun for the whole family, so mark your calendars, get ready to clean out your closets, and keep an eye out for more details.
Middle School Principal Panel Discussion
Performance Oversight Hearings
The Committee of the Whole will hold the following performance oversight hearings:
Feb. 27, at 9 a.m. - Performance oversight hearing for UDC, the DC Public Charter School Board, State Board of Education, Office of the Student Advocate, Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education, and the DC State Athletic Association. Register to testify or submit written testimony here.
- Feb. 28, at 9:30 a.m. - Performance oversight hearing for the Deputy Mayor for Education, DC Public Schools, and Office of the State Superintendent for Education. Register to testify or submit written testimony here. If you anticipate testifying, you are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible.