ConVal School Nurse Newsletter
Winter 2025
Welcome to 2025!! We wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year!
Do Your Part To Keep Students/Staff, Family, and the Community Thriving in 25'
Below is important information on common winter illnesses and a link with more detailed information. Also featured are ways to prevent sickness and tips for staying healthy.
Top 10 Most Common Winter Ailments
· Common Cold (rhinovirus)
· Flu (Influenza)
· Covid-19
· Chest Cold (bronchitis)
· Pneumonia
· Pink Eye (conjunctivitis)
· Sinus Infection (sinusitis)
· Strep Throat
· Stomach Bug (Norovirus)
For more information, click https://health.clevelandclinic.org/common-winter-conditions-are-you-contagious.
How to stop the spread of Infection:
Wash with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds. Or use hand sanitizer if unable to wash hands.
commonly touched items, areas, and electronic devices.
consult your healthcare provider for medical advice.
When Can My Student Return To School?
🤧 If your child was out due to mild cold symptoms, nausea, stomachache, headache, etc., then he/she may return once symptoms have improved and your child feels that he/she can fully participate in their school day.
🤒 If your child had a fever (100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher), he/she must be fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications before returning to school.
🤢If your child was out due to vomiting or diarrhea, he/she must stay home for a full 24 hours after the last incidence of those symptoms.
📄If your child was seen by a provider, please follow the recommendations given regarding when he/she may return to school and share any documentation with your school nurse.
Self Care is Essential
- Keep your immune system strong and resistant to germs by eating a nutritious diet, exercising, and maintaining a good sleep schedule.
- Stay hydrated- drinking plenty of water helps your body defend against germs/viruses.
- Use a cool mist humidifier to help prevent nosebleeds, sinus infections, and other respiratory ailments.
- Use lotion, sunscreen, and lip protection as needed.
- Dress appropriately for cold weather (layering is helpful).
Please send the school nurse a copy of your child's most recent physical to have on file.
Call your school nurse with any questions or concerns.
ConVal District Nurses
Gretchen Shippee, RN ConVal High School (603)924-3869 gshippee@conval.edu
Jennifer Haskell, RN ConVal High School (603)924-3869 jhaskell@conval.edu
Judi Bernardi, RN Great Brook School (603)588-6630 jbernardi@conval.edu
Tricia Harris, RN South Meadow School (603)924-7105 pharris@conval.edu
Vicki Mellon, RN Antrim Elementary (603)588-6371 vmellon@conval.edu
Merissa Doubleday, RN Peterborough Elementary (603)924-3828 mdoubleday@conval.edu
Amy Healey, RN Pierce School (603)588-2131 ahealey@conval.edu
Lindsay Pino, RN Francestown Elementary (603)547-2976 lpino@cvsd.me
Lindsay Pino, RN Greenfield Elementary (603)547-3334 lpino@cvsd.me
Pam Murphy, RN Hancock Elementary (603)525-3303 pmurphy@conval.edu
Pam Murphy, RN Dublin Consolidated (603)563-8332 pmurphy@conval.edu
Mitzi Turgeon, RN Temple Elementary (603)878-1955 mturgeon@conval.edu