Principal's Newsletter
March 2025
Hello - this is a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have a student at, or have expressed an interest in, Glenbard West High School. Communication between Glenbard West and our families and community is very important to us. Don't forget to add gw_news@glenbard.org to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! Please email any questions directly to Glenbard Staff, we are happy to respond.
Hilltopper Community,
As I write this, our student athletes are wrapping up the winter season and beginning their spring season. This week our Girls Varsity Basketball team concluded a great postseason run that included their first Sectional Championship in twenty-six years! The Boys have their shot at a Sectional Championship this Friday at St. Charles East. We’ll have a full recap of the very successful winter season in the next newsletter.
For those families with a senior, you’ll find the first wave of graduation information below. This year’s Commencement ceremony will be Thursday, May 22nd at 6:00 PM. You will receive an important mailer from the school the first week of April with required forms to complete.
On Wednesday, February 26th, we hosted a community forum in the Elliott Library to update Glenbard West families and community members on our construction planning. You can find a video summary of the presentation here. All of our construction updates can be found on this web page. If you have any questions for me or feedback on our plans, please complete this brief survey or contact me directly.
As always, thank you for reading. Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions or concerns.
Go West!
Ben Peterselli
March 6
Band Solo Concert
5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Auditorium/Choir/Black Box/Band/Cafeteria
March 9
Frosted in Fashion
11:30 - 1:00 p.m.
Lake Ellyn Boathouse
March 11
D87 Honors Band Concert
7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
March 13
West Orchestra Solo Concert
7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Auditorium/Choir/Black Box/Band/Cafeteria
March 17
St. Patrick's Day Breakfast
7:30 - 7:55 a.m.
March 19
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
March 27
Mobile Dental Clinic
7:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Outside of Biester
March 31 - April 4
No School - Spring Break
National Merit Finalist
Megan Antonacci
Morgan Baedke
Syeda Zahra Baqhari
Emily Overtoom
Allison Penley
Girls Gymnastics State Qualifiers
Leah Chapski
Grace Flint
Head Coach Carlos Fuentes
Boys Swimming and Diving State Qualifier
Corey Beard
Head Coach Mark Beard
Boys Wrestling State Final Qualifiers
Aidan Ortega
Carson Prunty
Vince Tortoriello
Brandon Watson
Head Coach Pat McCluskey
Girls Wrestling State Final Qualifiers
Khloe Perez
Karolina Konopka
Head Coach Alberto Guevara
Forensics State Final Qualifiers
Morgan Baedke
Ben Battisto
Will Lafontaine
Hailey Weaver
Head Coach Grace Rangira
Chess Team State Qualifiers
The Hilltoppers returned from the IHSA state chess meet in Peoria, finishing with a positive 4-3 record and overall tied for 31st out of 128 qualified teams. Adam Manzke finished with an impressive 5-2 record on board 5 and secured the team's last match victory. The team included: Aleks Wrobel, Nadar Thukral, Kevin Pinto, Gabe Shapiro, Adam Manzke, Ethan Xie, Robert Elliott, Kyle Strom, Danny Iarrobino, Vlad Mykhailiuk and Allen Peanpokven. Head Coach Nic Nogulich.
Matter of Pride
Student Services hosted the February Matter of Pride Ceremony on February 21, 2025. For those that are not familiar with our Matter of Pride Award, it was created over 30 years ago at West as a way to recognize students with outstanding character. This is the only award at West that focuses on a student's kindness, willingness to help others, going above and beyond for their school and/or community, and positive attitude. Basically, Matter of Pride recipients are what makes West the Best!
Congratulations to our February Award Recipients:
Ella Formanski, Ash Callanta, Logan Lawerence, Josh Kovabel, Gideon Kovabel, Joey Lewison, Magnus Rivera, Daniyah Nixon and Drew Harris. Not Pictured: Charlie Burke
Dear Seniors and Parents:
Glenbard West High School will celebrate the Class of 2025 Commencement Ceremony at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 22, 2025. Our teachers and administrators are excited to honor the achievements of this graduating class. We recognize the hard work, dedication, and perseverance our seniors have demonstrated to reach this milestone. Many have built meaningful relationships and lifelong connections within our school community, and we want to ensure they conclude their high school experience with pride and positive memories.
Our top priority is to make the end of the year meaningful and memorable for our seniors. Faculty and staff have collaborated with student leadership to plan a series of activities that celebrate accomplishments, uphold expectations, and recognize achievements. We appreciate the partnership of students and parents in maintaining a respectful and engaging environment as we approach these final weeks.
As we prepare for these culminating events, we want to remind students and families that expectations for responsible behavior and academic commitment remain in place through the last day of student attendance. Unfortunately, in past years, some seniors have engaged in campus vandalism or misconduct, which can jeopardize participation in the commencement ceremony or result in more serious consequences. We have held meetings with seniors to ensure our expectations are clear and that they feel heard regarding their concerns.
Additionally, we want to emphasize that there are no designated “Senior Ditch Days.” Unexcused absences may result in both academic and disciplinary consequences. We appreciate the support of parents in reinforcing the importance of finishing the year strong and making these final weeks a time of celebration and reflection.
Below, you’ll find a list of key dates and information leading up to commencement.
Important Change: In years past, the Senior Picnic has traditionally taken place on the seniors' last day (May 16th). However, due to a conflict with AP testing, the Senior Picnic and Tour de Glenbard will now take place on Tuesday, May 20th, immediately following commencement practice. While this is a change from previous years, we remain excited and confident that holding it alongside graduation rehearsal will still provide the same nostalgic and celebratory atmosphere for our seniors. This adjustment ensures that all students can fully participate in both AP testing and these cherished end-of-year traditions.
We look forward to celebrating the Class of 2025 alongside our students and families. Commencement is a special occasion to reflect on their accomplishments and take pride in their journey. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Peter Baker
Assistant Principal for Student Services
Class of 2025 Important Dates and Additional Graduation Information
Monday, April 7, 2025 – Mandatory Senior Meeting at 9:34 AM during Glenbard Hour in the Auditorium. Seniors will receive important graduation and end-of-year details.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 – Graduation information and required forms will be emailed to all senior families.
Friday, April 25, 2025 – All graduation forms due.
Monday, May 5 – Friday, May 9, 2025 – Seniors who attended a Glenbard District 87 school for less than four years must complete an iPad Buyout request or return their iPad to the Help Desk.
Tuesday, May 6, 2025 – Senior Honors Convocation at 7:30 PM in the Auditorium.
Wednesday, May 7, 2025 – All financial obligations due (books, fees, iPads, etc.).
Friday, May 9, 2025 – Senior Survey must be completed.
Friday, May 16, 2025 – Seniors' Last Day & Cap and Gown Distribution during Glenbard Hour.
Tuesday, May 20, 2025 – Mandatory Graduation Practice at 10:00AM in the Field House (Graduation tickets will be distributed). Senior Picnic – Immediately following graduation rehearsal.
Thursday, May 22, 2025 – Commencement Ceremony at 6:00 PM. Graduates must report to the Field House by 5:00 PM.
Friday, May 23, 2025 – Rain date for Commencement, if necessary.
- Mandatory Senior Meeting (April 7) - During Glenbard Hour (9:34am) in the Auditorium, Seniors will hear important graduation and end of the year information.
- Textbooks & iPads - Library books and rented textbooks must be returned by May 9th. Seniors who attended a Glenbard District 87 school for less than four years must either return their iPad or complete an iPad Buyout request by May 9th. Failure to return books or an iPad will result in fines for the replacement cost. Seniors with outstanding obligations may not be able to participate in commencement.
- Cap, Gown & Commencement Tickets - Seniors must have all financial and academic obligations resolved to receive their cap, gown, and commencement tickets after graduation rehearsal on May 20th. Each graduating senior will receive four (4) tickets for the ceremony. Students may request up to two (2) additional tickets by completing the extra ticket request form by April 25th. More ticket details will be sent via email on April 8, 2025. If you have not yet ordered a cap and gown, contact Herff Jones immediately at (815) 756-4743 or visit www.highschool.herffjones.com.
- Commencement Video - A digital download of the ceremony will be available through Communication Resource Management. To order, visit mygraduationvideo.com.
- Live Streaming - The ceremony will be streamed live. Families can access the broadcast via THIS LINK (a free account is required, which can be set up in advance).
- Graduation Photography - GradImages is the official photographer for the Commencement Ceremony.Each graduate will be photographed, and proofs will be available for viewing shortly after the event at www.gradimages.com.
Glenbard West Summer School Registration Is Now Open!
Summer school registration is available HERE.
You can also review our course offerings at Glenbard West Course Offerings
We encourage all students to enroll in a course this summer. Credit courses are available to satisfy graduation requirements and if a course needs to be repeated. Also, our noncredit (Bridge) courses help students prepare for a course they plan to take and provide an opportunity to explore areas of interest. Please note: Summer credit courses for incoming freshmen will only be available during Semester 2 due to technology and registration. The only summer credit courses available for incoming freshmen students are Speech and Consumer Management.
If you have any questions, please contact our in-year Summer School Principal, Mrs. Lauren Meister-Norton: lauren_meister-norton@glenbard.org or 630-942-7478.
AP Update
We’re a little over two months away from AP testing season! If you have not done so already, please have your AP student check their myAP in College Board to ensure they have joined each of the AP classes for which they would like an exam ordered. Please notify the API office or your student’s counselor if your student does not intend to take an AP exam for which they are already registered. Second-semester exam changes can be made with no penalty prior to March 14th. Any changes beyond that or for year-long or first-semester AP courses will incur a late fee. See Volume Two of our AP Guide for Families in English and Spanish for more information on this and more.
We have put together a draft of our Glenbard West 2025 AP Testing Schedule. Please note that this is a live document and may be subject to change as we firm up numbers and spaces for testing. For AP-related updates, please join our Remind by texting @gbwaptest to the number 81010 or clicking here. Please contact the office of the Assistant Principal for Instruction with questions: 630-942-7471.
State Testing Information
The school-day ACT is a graduation requirement as outlined by the state of Illinois. To ensure all students have ample time to prepare and familiarize themselves with this new suite of testing, our underclassmen will take the preACT. Detailed testing information is outlined below:
preACT for Freshmen and Sophomores
Test Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Freshmen and Sophomores will both take the digital preACT. Students testing with standard time are scheduled to be dismissed at 11:10am. This is a non-attendance day for juniors and seniors.
School Day ACT for Juniors
Test Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
All juniors will take the digital ACT test with Writing. Students testing with standard time are scheduled to be dismissed at 12:40pm. This is a non-attendance day for freshmen, sophomores, and seniors.
As we look ahead to spring testing, our teachers have been busy preparing students for the shift to the ACT. We have also compiled resources that students can use to practice and prepare beyond that which they experience in their classes. All students can access practice tests in TestNav by following the directions here.
preACT Resources for Freshmen & Sophomores:
preACT Student Prep Guide includes test-taking tips and information on the preACT and its sections
preACT practice test includes a full practice test that students can use to familiarize themselves with the preACT sections and questions
ACT Resources for Juniors:
ACT Student Prep Guide includes a full practice test, detailed test information and test-taking strategies
ACT vs. SAT (from ACT) reviews the key differences between the tests through the various sections
Back row: Max Hufnagle, Nisa Gabbidon, Jaclyn Reeves, Pam Hagstrom, Deandra Bass
Front row: Lisa Cunningham, Jessica Walters, Peter Baker, Amanda Meyer, Bridget Mazzone
Left to right front row: Beatriz Ferreria, Mary Yangas, Rhiannon Sieck, Natalie Rubino, and Lissete Ochoa. Second row: Patty Fanella, Kate Culloton, Jeremiah Weincek and Matt Brodhead. Back row: Tad Keely, Mike Neberz, and Tony Bergantino.
College 101 - Summer School Enrichment Registration Now Open!
August 4th & 5th
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
This two-day summer school enrichment course is for rising seniors. Students will finalize their college list in SchooLinks, begin their Common Application and get a jump start on their college essays. Come join the school counselors for this hands-on workshop and get ahead of the college selection process before the school year begins. Advanced registration required. Visit the Summer School website to register HERE.
FREE Dental Clinic
The Dupage County Health Department is coming to Glenbard West March 27th for FREE dental exams for all students who return a completed signed consent form. This exam will meet the state mandated requirements for 9th grade students if they have not completed the necessary dental examination yet. If the student meets the necessary requirements, in addition to the exam, they will receive a dental cleaning, fluoride treatment and sealants. All high school students are welcome to participate. Health forms are available in the Glenbard West Health Office and are attached in English & Spanish. Forms must be turned into the health office or emailed to stephanie_brezwyn@glenbard.org by Monday March, 24th.
Monthly Attendance Insights: Every Day Counts
January saw a dip in our Average Daily Attendance number, from 94% in December to 91.7% last month. This is the time of year when students begin struggling to make it to school. It is also the time students begin struggling the most academically. As we say in the Deans Office, the best place for a student is at school, in their classroom.
Both parents and students play a role in ensuring regular school attendance. Let your child know that attending school daily is important for their success. For example, say, "Going to school daily helps you stay on track with your work." Show an active interest in their education by asking about what they're learning or how their classes are going. When students see that you care, they’re more likely to take attendance seriously and stay engaged in school.
Here Comes the Bus App
The Deans Office wants to remind parents of the “Here Comes the Bus” app that students and families can use to track student buses. You can download it from both the App Store and Google Play store. When creating an account using the student’s name and ID number, you will be asked for a school code. Glenbard West School code is 30226. As well, this flyer has information about reporting any app issues to Safeway should you need to.
2025-2026 Parking Applications
The 2025-2026 Parking Application is set to be shared via Schoology on March 17th and remain open until April 11th. Mr. Billone will share the application multiple times via Schoology during that time.
All absences must be communicated with our Attendance Office before 10:30. Call (630) 858-5060 anytime, day or night to speak with one of our Attendance Office Assistants or leave a voicemail.
Need Help?
Sometimes, speaking up is not the easiest thing to do. If you know your student is struggling to confide or communicate with their Dean or another school official regarding something serious, harmful, or dangerous, Glenbard West provides this Hilltopper Help Form below to report it.
Additionally, students can text a CRISIS Test Line: Text HOME to 74141 which sends information to a Crisis Counselor, a real-life human trained to help individuals return to a healthy/stable level of functioning.
Last year, the State of Illinois launched a school safety program called Safe2Help Illinois to raise awareness of the 21st-century threats facing school children in Illinois. Safe2Help Illinois will offer students a safe, confidential way in which to share information that might help prevent suicides, bullying, school violence, or other threats to school safety. This program is intended to get students to “Seek Help Before Harm.” Call 844-472-3345 or Text 72332(SAFE2) to report.
Go West!
No School - Spring Break
March 31 - April 4
Classes resume on Monday, April 7, 2025
Spring Break Office Hours:
During Spring Break, the Main Office will be open from March 31 through April 4.
Operation hours will be from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
2024- 2025 BELL SCHEDULE
Glenbard West is very proud of the many accomplishments of our student athletes in the winter season. I would like to thank all of our athletes, coaches, families for working together to make this experience as memorable as possible for especially our Senior athletes. Although many of our teams have finished, we still have a number of athletes and teams competing in the State Series for their respective sports. We will include all of these accomplishments in the next newsletter.
Spring sports have arrived! Boys Gymnastics has already began and will have their first meet on March 6th at Glenbard East. Girls Badminton, Boys Tennis, Girls Soccer, Girls and Boys Lacrosse, Baseball, Softball and all start on March 3rd with Boys Volleyball beginning on March 10th. Please make sure all current physical forms are turned into the athletic office prior to the first day of practice. The Spring Parent Athlete meeting is scheduled for Saturday March 15th at 10:00am in Biester Gym.
At times, weather dictates changes and reschedules and we ask everyone to stay up to date with all changes on our athletic website at https://schools.snap.app/glenbardwest for the most recent updates and game schedules. There will be changes, cancellations, and postponements, so please be on the lookout for changes.
The summer will be here before long and I would encourage everyone to enroll in Glenbard West summer camps through the Glen Ellyn Park District. Registration will open right around March 5th. Please contact the athletic office with any questions. The complete list of camps can be found on our website along with the Glen Ellyn Park District website at www.gepark.org. We look forward to all of our current and future Hilltoppers being involved and staying active during the summer.
A final reminder to make sure to follow us on Instagram at @glenbard_west_hilltoppers.
Glenbard District 87 is pleased to partner with OrganicLife as our food service provider. Information regarding OrganicLife, menu offerings, and nutrition/allergen information will be available on your high school’s website this summer.
Visit www.pushcoin.com to sign up for the prepayment option with their easy-to-use system.
Please note that for the 2024-2025 school year, free meals will be available to those who qualify. Please see the “Residency, Fees, and Financial Assistance Information” page for more information.
Glenbard West Boosters is primarily a fundraising organization with more than 350 members and 125+ Board members that plans various Booster-sponsored events and fundraising activities. The funds raised enhance academic programs, athletic programs and extra-curricular activities that enrich the student experience at Glenbard West.
West Nation proudly supports Glenbard Parent Series (GPS). Visit www.GlenbardGPS.org for information on the nationally recognized speaker series for parents, students, educators and community members. The series is free and open to the public.
Please visit www.gbwnation.com to purchase a membership, make a donation and to volunteer. We invite all students and parents to be a part of WEST NATION!
Follow us on Twitter/@GWWestNation or Facebook/GlenbardWestNation
You can keep up with Glenbard information throughout the year by signing up for Glenbard News, our district-wide enewsletter, at this link.
Each week, you will receive district-wide news about students’ achievements in school-sponsored activities; upcoming events; fund-raisers; school board information and more.
Crisis Text Line - Text REACH to: 741741
This sends information to a Crisis Counselor, a real-life human being trained to help individuals return to a healthy/stable level of functioning.
Safe2Help Illinois Call 844-472-3345 or Text 72332(SAFE2)
Safe2Help Illinois offers students a safe, confidential way in which to share information that might help prevent suicides, bullying, school violence or other threats to school safety. This program is intended to get students to “Seek Help Before Harm.”
Students who wish to report a potential act of school violence at Glenbard West may also leave an anonymous message with our School Resource Officer at (630) 681-3177 or call the Bullying Hotline Call (630) 942-7406
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call/Text 988
This number has trained staff to answer calls and respond to texts from individuals at risk for suicide as well as those experiencing other mental health and substance use-related emergencies. Specialized services will be available for veterans, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other groups.
Glenbard West High School
Email: gw_news@glenbard.org
Website: glenbardwesths.org
Location: 670 Crescent Blvd.
Phone: 630-469-8600
Instagram: @glenbard_west_hilltoppers