Will Rogers Roundup
The week of September 16, 2024
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Mon. 9/16 PS Arts Visual Arts Classes with Ms. Heather begin for Grades TK-5th
Mon. 9/16 Spanish class with Dr. Amy Teplin begin for grades 2nd-5th
Mon. 9/16 Music Rhapsody Classes begin fro grades TK-2nd!
Mon. 9/16-27 PTA Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Begins!
Tues. 9/17 First day of 4th and 5th gr. music class 2x per week
Thurs. 9/19 ELAC meeting @8:30 a.m. in the library
Thurs. 9/19 SSC meeting @ 3:15 p.m.
Thurs. 9/19 SMMUSD Board Mtg. @ 5:30 p.m. WRLC presents! Agenda online.
Fri. 9/20 Every Friday is SPIRIT DAY at WRLC. Encourage your children to wear their WRLC t-shirts!
Fri. 9/20 School-wide Assembly on the track and field @ 9:45 a.m. Parents are welcome to join!
Fri. 9/20 Fall Rodeo Dance 6-8pm in auditorium
Tues. 9/24 Bedtime Stories & Pajamas: A Literacy Night Event @6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria
Fri. 9/27 Every Friday is SPIRIT DAY at WRLC. Encourage your children to wear their WRLC t-shirts!
Fri. 9/27 School-wide Assembly on the track and field @ 9:45 a.m. Parents are welcome to join!
Sat. 9/28 Family Farming Day and Beautification Day 10:00 -2:00 p.m.
Wed. 10/2 PTA Association Meeting @6pm
Thurs. 10/3 Local Holiday- No School
Mon. 10/7 Volunteer Training @8:30am/3pm/6pm
Mon. 10/7-11 Ed Foundation Pledge Week
Thurs. 10/10 PS Arts Night @6pm
Fri. 10/11 Bike It Walk it!
Tues. 10/15 1st Grade Field Trip: Heal the Bay
Tues. 10/15 SLT sub out day @PDLC
Tues. 10/15 Make-up Picture Day
Thurs. 10/17 ELAC mtg. @8:30 a.m.
Thurs. 10/17 Great Shakeout Drill @10:17 a.m.
Thurs. 10/17 SSC mtg. @ 3:15 p.m.
Sun. 10/27 Family Farming Day @10am
Thurs. 10/31 Halloween Costume Parade @ 8:30 am. on the track/field
SMMUSD 2024-2025 Calendar
Get Ready for the Fall Rodeo Dance!
Join us for our free PTA Fall Rodeo Dance on September 20th, open to all our families! Help make it a success by signing up to bring baked goods by September 19th and volunteering for the event.
Please remember, dinner won’t be served. Families are encouraged to eat beforehand, bring refillable water bottles, and enjoy complimentary desserts, fruit, and water.
Sign up to donate or volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4FAEAF29A6FD0-50948989-fall
Your children will come home on Monday with flyers about the WRLC READ-A-THON! Register on our online platform at https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/323831373733/1
While we encourage families to update their reading progress online, they can also fill out and return the paper form they receive on Monday. We encourage all families register online to participate!
Your support in promoting this event is truly appreciated, as it is essential to help us reach our fundraising goals! Let's encourage reading in our children and raise money for our beloved school.
ART CART is back!
Tuesday is our lunchtime ART CART day. Students are invited to participate in creative art projects and handicrafts during lunchtime. This is possible through the support of our parent volunteers. If you would like to volunteer for lunchtime on Tuesdays, please sign up using the link below.
The school provides the supplies, your support requires:
You are a level 1 cleared volunteer
You are willing to safely supervise students with proper use of art tools and materials
Enthusiasm for working with children
Enjoyment with crafts and art
Music Rhapsody Classes for grade Tk- 2nd Begins this week!
Thanks to Prop 28 funds our youngest learners will have weekly music lessons!
The curriculum taught by Music Rhapsody has been proven to have a long-term impact on musical and academic learning. Developed by founder/director Lynn Kleiner in 1983, Music Rhapsody’s award-winning music education program is based on Orff Schulwerk, a creative teaching philosophy. The Orff Schulwerk approach is the national standard for elementary music education. This approach focuses on allowing students to enjoy the fun of singing, moving, and playing high-quality percussion instruments and recorders in a joyful, game-like group setting while learning to read, write and create music. Lessons spark creativity and higher-level thinking skills.
AFTER CARE Partner Information
CDS 310-399-5865
CREST ( 4th and 5th Grade) 310-458-8540
SM BOYS & GIRLS CLUB Playground Club (1st -5th) 310-496-8800 Register here
YMCA 310-393-2721
I am excited to share that Will Rogers Learning Community is the recipient a 2024-2025 Sprouts Community Foundation Community Grant ($10K) to support the instruction in our Regenerative Farm!
This grant along with our SMEF stretch funding, have afforded us the opportunity to create a collaborative Farm Teaching Team! This new approach will incorporate a team of Regenerative Farming enthusiasts who will help advance the mission of our farm. Our team will include a Farm Committee and Chair, Strategy Team Lead, Teaching partnerships, Composting Curriculum and teaching, Master Gardeners and much more!
Classrooms have begun to visit the farm already, but our formal Regenerative Farm classes will start at the end of September!
We look forward to this new approach that will allow us to integrate Regenerative Farming into the IB curriculum through the support of community partners!
WRLC Cell Phone and Electronics Policy
At WRLC, we make every effort to avoid interrupting instructional time and therefore do not allow cellphones and other electronics to be used during the instructional day. Students are not permitted to wear smartwatches or Gizmos in the classrooms. If your child wears a smartwatch, or has a smartphone, please remind them they are to be kept in their backpack turned off or on school-mode during the school day. We encourage parents to support us by leaving these items at home.
Students are never permitted to use cell phones on campus. In the event of an emergency administration carry radios, teachers have cellphones and there is a school phone in every learning space. Under the advisement of our SMPD school resource officers, individual student cellphone use can actually hinder the delivery of important messaging necessary in a true emergency.
Other personal electronics from home such as Nintendo Switches, iPads, Kindles etc. are not permitted on campus. If a student uses their cell phone during school hours, it will be confiscated and held until the end of the school day and must be picked up by a parent. In no event or circumstance, will the district or its staff be held responsible or liable for the loss, theft, or damage to any such device.
Please help us ensure that our students have an electronics free learning zone at school.
Breakfast and lunch are free for all students! Make a plan with your child each week about the days they will be eating food prepared at school or bringing lunch from home.
We encourage you to pack a snack for your children for morning recess.
Please send your child to school with a re-fillable water bottle! We have water stations located throughout campus.
Oops, I Forgot!
Mornings are busy and sometimes students leave for school without their water bottle, instrument or homework. In an an effort to reduce classroom interruptions and to support students with developing responsibility, please use our "Oops, I forgot" table. Make a plan with your child that if they leave something at home, a parent can drop it off in the office. We will place their item on a table outside the office. During their recess or on their way to lunch, they may check the table for their forgotten item.
Please communicate this plan with your child, so they know there is place for parents to drop-off items they may have left at home!
Please do not forget to send with your child every day:
- School materials including books, homework, projects, etc.
- Re-fillable water bottle ( We have several refilling stations on campus)
- A morning snack
- Lunch is available to all students free of charge for the 2024-25 school year. You may also pack a lunch form home.
- Sunscreen (put on prior to arriving at school)
- Hat
- Layers of clothing (sweatshirt, windbreaker, etc.) Keep an eye on the weather.
- A growth mindset for a successful day!
We are currently looking for a Legislative Chair to join our PTA team! This important role involves staying informed on key legislative issues that impact our students and school, and helping to keep our community updated.
If you’re interested in supporting our school by tracking important education-related developments and sharing relevant information, we’d love to have you on board!
We're also in need of a Student Store Chair to help manage and run our student store on Fridays and during special events. The store is an important part of our school community, offering families and our community a chance to purchase school spirit wear and other fun items. We're planning to bring the store out this Friday, but we need help throughout the entire year to make this successful. If you're interested in helping out, please reach out to us!
Please email president@willrogerspta.com
Join the Will Rogers PTA for $10 to support activities and events that enrich your student's education and strengthen our school community.
Will Rogers School Site Council (SSC) (Site Governance)
The School Site Council (Site Governance Committee) meets at least 8 times a year (meetings are Thursdays 3:30-5:00 p.m. (calendar) to:
To develop, approve, and annually review a school plan, to be known as the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
To plan, monitor and evaluate the school-based activities and expenditures for Consolidated Application Programs, including Federal, State and local funds.
To follow the requirements of the Greene Act.
To carry out all the other duties and responsibilities assigned to it in the Educational Code of the State of California.
The SSC is composed of elected members: staff (principal, teachers, classified staff) and parents/legal guardians, PTA board member of children currently enrolled at Rogers who are not employed by the school district. All members are elected for a two year term.
If you would be interested in joining our SSC, please download and email this form to Lila Daruty@ldaruty@smmusd.org by the nomination deadline September 8th.Please reach out if you have any questions. You will be notified when your nomination has been received.
Self-nomination deadline is Sept. 8th.
Candidates will be announced by Sunday, Sept.10th.
If there are multiple candidates there will be an election.
Election results will be published on Sunday, Sept. 15th.
Families wishing to enroll their students should contact our school’s Bilingual Community Liaison, Flory Vila, fvila@smmusd.org, 310 452-2364 x67338, and fill out a Program opt-in form.
Las familias que deseen
inscribir a sus estudiantes en el Programa de Bolsas de Fin de Semana deben comunicarse con Flory Vila, fvila@smmusd.org 310 452-2364 x67338, y completar un formulario para inscribirse en el programa.
WRLC is an International Baccalaureate Primary Years School (PYP)
As an International Baccalaureate Programme School, we believe there is a broad range of capacities and responsibilities that go beyond academic success. We make a commitment to help all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them. We do this through the development of students according to the IB learner profile. The profile aims to develop learners who are:
The IB Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Free and Reduced Meals
We encourage all families to submit the Free and Reduced Meals application by Friday, October 4. Although California provides free meals for all students, this application is crucial for determining eligibility for additional programs and resources, including Title 1 school designations for the 2025-26 school year. The state uses this form to assess which families qualify for benefits beyond free meals, so widespread participation is essential. To support this effort, please share the application link with your families and distribute the flier through your school's communication channels.
Application Link: https://bit.ly/MealApplications-SMMUSD
You can view and download the flier here.
Contact Us
Email: ldaruty@smmusd.org
Website: https://www.smmusd.org/rogers
Location: 2401 14th Street, Santa Monica, CA, 90406
Phone: 310-452-2364
Twitter: @WillRogersSTEM