WOTC 4-H August 2024
Monthly Newsletter

2024 WOTC Fair Recap
If you left/forgot a general project in the Main Exhibit Building, please come grab it from the office ASAP!
The office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00AM - 4:30PM.
THANK YOU for an incredibly successful & smooth fair!!
- Our early numbers for the 4-H Food Stand, our main fundraiser of the year, are looking good! After the last few bills are paid we'll be able to share an accurate number.
- The Blue Ribbon Auction saw another record breaking year!
- WOTC 4-H is sending 86 projects to the State Fair & State Events - so far!
Herdsmanship Results
Congratulations and another huge THANK YOU to everyone who worked hard to keep their livestock areas clean and well-taken care of, especially our WINNERS below!
Large Club
- Eagle Lake - awarded $50 as a club & added to recognition boards in AgCountry Show Arena
- Norwegian Grove - awarded $25 as a club
Small Club
- Sverdrup - awarded $50 as a club & added to recognition boards in AgCountry Show Arena
- Grove Lake - awarded $25 as a club
WOTC 4-H Dog Show
Good luck to all of our trainers and dogs this weekend!
Exhibitors, please remember to bring your potluck dish!
If you qualify for the State Dog Show, your paperwork and payment MUST be turned into the Extension Office by 4:30PM on Wednesday, August 7.
State Fair Livestock & General Encampment
and State Horse Show
Important Dates for Chaperones & Exhibitors:
- Livestock & General CHAPERONE Meeting: Wednesday, August 7 @ 6:00PM at the Extension Office
- REQUIRED Livestock & General EXHIBITOR Meeting: Monday, August 12 @ 6:00PM at the Extension Office
- General Project exhibitors must have their projects turned into the office no later than this meeting for Jessica & Rachel to transport down to the State Fair.
- Livestock Encampment: Wednesday, August 21 - Sunday, August 25
- General Encampment: Sunday, August 25 - Tuesday, August 27
- State Horse Show: Friday, September 13 - Sunday, September 15
State Fair Livestock Interviews
Livestock exhibitors MUST complete their interview online by 6:00PM on...
- Tuesday, August 20 - Beef, Dairy Goat, Meat Goat, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep, & Swine
- Tuesday, August 27 - Llama & Alpaca
- Dairy Workshop, which fulfills the interview requirement, is scheduled for Friday, August 23 during the State Fair. A session sign-up email will be sent to our Dairy exhibitors on Tuesday, August 20.
Livestock interviews include an educational podcast followed by a 25 question quiz (3 are directly from the podcast; 22 are species-specific). Choose your species-specific interview based on your grade completed this past school year!
- Swine exhibitors, look out for a familiar face/voice!!
⭐ CLICK HERE to complete your 2024 Livestock Interview! ⭐
Preparing Your General Projects for the State Fair
All exhibits that are being transported by Jessica & Rachel need to be packaged, labeled, and brought to the Extension Office no later than August 12 @ 6:00PM. We do NOT have packing supplies available in the office.
Small exhibits should be in boxes, posters should be in large garbage bags, photos in zipper storage bags, clothes in garment bags, etc. Make sure the packaging and all pieces of your exhibit are labeled with the following information:
- Full Name and Grade just completed
- County Name
- Project Area
- Number of Pieces if the item has multiple parts
We want your projects to be delivered in their best shape possible, and proper packaging greatly helps with this! Please remember, all exhibits are entered and displayed at the risk of the exhibitor; if your project is of great sentimental and/or monetary value, you should carefully consider whether it should be exposed to the possible hazards of the fair.
State Horse Show Interviews
4-H State Horse Show exhibitors are strongly encouraged to participate in the horse interview process. Initial online interviews must be completed by 12:00PM on Friday, September 13, 2024.
Horse interviews include an educational podcast followed by an online test. Choose your interview based on your grade completed this past school year.
⭐ CLICK HERE to complete your 2024 Horse Interview! ⭐ (The link will be live soon.)
State Shooting Sports & Wildlife Invitational
State Shoot is hosted in Alexandria, MN from Friday, September 6 - Sunday, September 8.
4-H youth in grades 3+ who have completed 15 hours of on-the-line-shooting under the guidance of a certified instructor(s) AND 8 hours of wildlife education may attend the State Shoot.
Shooting Sports practice is on the following Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00PM at the Lakes Area Shooting Center in Fergus Falls in preparation for State Shoot:
- August 6, August 13, August 20, August 27
State Ambassador
Congratulations, Madison P.!
Madison is a State Ambassador for her second year and will assume new responsibilities with being on the State Ambassador Leadership Team! She will be showing a Dairy calf during Livestock Encampment but will be at the State Fair for it's entirety, so make sure to swing by the 4-H Building to congratulate and say hi to her! Madison will also be competing at the State Horse Show in September. She is an excellent role model for 4-H'ers not only in our county but in the State as well, and a great champion of 4-H to the general public!
Click here to meet the rest of our State Ambassadors!
Livestock PDC
Mark your calendars! Attend the annual meeting on Monday, September 23!
An agenda will be attached in the September Newsletter.
You can still view past minutes and agendas by clicking on the "Livestock PDC Public Folder" below.
Livestock PDC Annual Meeting
Monday, Sep 23, 2024, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Horse PDC
Mark your calendars! Attend the annual meeting on Monday, October 14!
An agenda will be attached in the October Newsletter.
You can still view past minutes and agendas by clicking on the "Horse PDC Public Folder" below.
Horse PDC Annual Meeting
Monday, Oct 14, 2024, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
MN 4-H Agriculture Ambassadors
4-H Agriculture Ambassadors are youth in grades 10 and up from around the state who have a passion for 4-H, agriculture, and educating others. The experience includes leading educational experiences for 4-H clubs, county, and community events, and attending agriculture events such as the Ag Day Gala. The term of a 4-H Ag. Ambassador runs from October 1, 2024 - September 20, 2025 (a two-year term is a possibility).
Apply via the online application between August 1 - 31, 2024.
Applicants will be selected and notified in September.
NW Region County Fairs, August 2024
- Clearwater County Fair: Bagley, MN from Wednesday, July 31 - Sunday, August 4
- Becker County Fair: Detroit Lakes, MN from Wednesday, August 7 - Saturday, August 10
- Douglas County Fair: Alexandria, MN from Wednesday, August 14 - Saturday, August 17
- Minnesota State Fair: Thursday, August 22 - Monday, September 2
Contact Jessica or Rachel at 218-998-8760!
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