West Genesee School District
October 11, 2024
Administration Updates
Message from the Superintendent
Dear West Genesee Families,
We are well into the school year and there is progress in many areas. Our student groups move through their competition seasons appearing on campus and at away sites while representing our community at the highest level. The effort competing is matched by the many hours of work in preparation. Thank you to our students for being positive ambassadors for West Genesee!
The physical changes to our District are visible through capital project work. Current updates include:
- completed installation of new walkways and fencing at the high school upper stadium,
- finalized Health Office at Split Rock,
- rebuilt lower landing stairs at Stonehedge, and
- progress in the HS pool area in the balcony, sound system, and scoring area.
Note: Delayed work due to basement moisture is now moving forward. Updates are provided monthly at Board of Education Meetings and can be found here on the West Genesee CSD website.
In addition, demolition work has begun in Stonehedge to make way for several renovations including the nurse's office, art room, music suite, and both cafeterias and kitchens. Later in the year, work will begin on HVAC work in CMS, and music suites in both East Hill and Onondaga Road.
During the past months, preliminary designs for a future capital project have been rendered, shared with the District Facilities Committee, presented at Board of Education Meetings, and undergone revisions. The scope of the work includes:
- a new Transportation Center, bus and visitor parking on the newly acquired land, with road connection to the high school property,
- renovated student, staff, and visitor parking, and
- new student drop-off areas, new bus line-up areas, and elimination of the existing bus loop highlighting the site work along with improved traffic flow.
More detail will be shared in upcoming months as proposed plans are finalized.
For now, enjoy this edition of the E-Newsletter that includes highlights of students and staff, important event dates, and information about employment opportunities. It’s a great day to be a Wildcat!
David C. Bills, Superintendent of Schools
Student Recognition
West Genesee Gold Golf Team Wins the Section III Title!
Congratulations to the WGHS Boys Gold Golf team who won the Section III title on October 7, 2024!
Jonathon Shoults shot the lowest over all round with a 75, and ten WGHS boys golfers qualified for the NYS Championship in the spring.
It Happened at School...
High School Physical Ed Classes Hike to New Property!
Physical Education teacher Carrie Corley has added hikes to the new property into her wellness curriculum. It was beautiful and very manageable, and they made it to the pond and back in one period, and saw a couple deer as well.
Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month at Stonehedge
To celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month at Stonehedge Elementary School, the morning announcements included a special greeting in Spanish—"Buenos días"—to start the day. Additionally, 3rd-grade students now have the opportunity to sign up for the Spanish Club.
Staff Recognition
Meet our School Librarians: This Week...Lauren Northrup at WGIS
We would like to introduce you to Lauren Northrup who is the new Library Media Specialist at West Genesee Intermediate School.
She is a Syracuse University graduate, where she received her Master’s Degree as a Library Media Specialist in 2023. She also received her Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in English from SUNY Oswego in 2021 and previously received her Associates of Science Degree in English from Onondaga Community College in 2019.
Northrup started her career as a librarian at Tully Elementary School in September of 2023, teaching Pre-K through 6th grade. She then transferred to West Genesee Intermediate School in February of 2024.
She grew up in Camillus, NY and currently lives in Liverpool with her soon to be husband, Ian. They will be getting married in Fall of 2025!
In her spare time, she loves to bake, swim, and enjoy the outdoors. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family, and taking long walks with her Siberian Husky, Silver.
Coat Drive/Adult Education/Winter Sports Registration
Trunk or Treat at the High School Sponsored by the Positivity Project
The Annual WGHS Trunk or Treat will be held on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at West Genesee High School (Rain Date Thursday, October 24, 2024)
Sponsored by Positivity Project & the Class of 2025;
Suggested $5 Donations Benefit for the CNY Make a Wish Foundation
West Genesee PTA/PTO District Council is Hosting a Coat Drive!
The District Council is having a coat drive the month of October.
On November 2, 2024 a "shopping" event will be held for West Genesee families who need winter gear.
Register now for Adult Education Classes!!
Visit https://westgeneseecsdny.sites.thrillshare.com/page/adult-education now for complete course descriptions and to register online. Don't wait to register, class space is limited.
You should have received the Adult Education brochure in the Fall edition of The Communicator sent in September. Check out the return of your favorites as well as a few new and exciting classes!
Mark Your Calendars! WINTER 2024 – 2025 Sports Start Dates
- Modified 7/8 Girls Volleyball- 11/4/24 (Winter 1)
- Modified 7/8/9 Boys Basketball- 11/4/24 (Winter 1)
- JV & Varsity Winter Sports- 11/18/24
- Modified: Boys 7/8 Swimming, Girls 7/8/9 Basketball, 7/8 Wrestling, 7/8 Boys Volleyball. - 1/21/25 (Winter 2)
A parent/guardian can register by clicking on this link: https://students.arbitersports.com/organizations/west-genesee-central-school-district
Sign-ups on ArbiterSports are 30 days prior to the start date.
ParentSquare: Attendance Info and Tips
ParentSquare Attendance Absence Submission Started in September!
SInce mid-September, you have been able to submit your child’s absence reason through ParentSquare. You must wait for a notification from ParentSquare (via text, app notification or email) confirming your child’s absence before providing the reason.
You have until the end of the school day to submit the reason via ParentSquare. If you miss this deadline, please contact the school directly or send a note with your child.
From the Website:
Click “Send Note to School”
Enter the reason for the absence
Click submit to send it directly to your school’s attendance office
From the App:
Click “Send Note to School”
Enter the reason for the absence
Click submit to send it directly to your school’s attendance office
*Please note the notifications times:
Grades 5 - 12 - 8:45 - 9:00 AM
Grades K - 4 - 10:30 - 10:45 AM
Click here for a printable version (PDF) from the website.
To respond to an attendance notification and submit a note, you need to be logged into ParentSquare as a registered user.
West Genesee is Hiring
We are Hiring a Crossing Guard
We are looking for a Crossing Guard. This is a part-time position located at West Genesee Intermediate School.
Inquiries can be made to WGCSD Human Resources at 315-487-4555.
WGCSD is Looking to Hire Full-time and Substitute Custodians
West Genesee CSD is hiring full-time custodians on all shifts and substitute custodians for the 2nd shift.
Inquiries can be made to Buildings and Grounds at (315) 487-4630.
Upcoming Events
- October 14, 2024 No School- Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day
- October 14-18, 2024 School Board Appreciation Week
- October 16, 2024 Board of Education Claims Audit Sub-Committee-Split Rock Elementary School-5:30 p.m.
- October 16, 2024 Board of Education Meeting-Split Rock Elementary School Cafeteria-6:00 p.m.
- November 6, 2024 Board of Education Public Hearing on Tax Exemptions-WGHS Library-6:00 p.m.
- November 6, 2024 Board of Education Meeting-WGHS Library