Wildcat Weekly August 9, 2024
Some important info & thoughts for the starting school year

Ben’s Bulletin: Weekly Insights & Updates
Happy Friday Wildcats!
This week we kicked off the first 3 days of the school year with a bang!
I have loved seeing the positive energy and enthusiasm from everyone as we've welcomed back our students and started off the year.
This morning I went home and sent all 3 of my kids to school on the bus for the first time (our youngest started Kindergarten today)! Just as I did, our parents have dropped of their kids at school this week hoping they would have a good day and enjoy school. Well every afternoon I try to stand at the front entrance as our kids leave, and I've seen so many smiles and excitement on the faces of kids. When I've asked kids how the first few days have been, they've shared that it's been great and they like you, their teachers!
Let's keep up the energy and focus on 3=33 as we continue into next week. The first 3 weeks as you build relationships with your students and establish classroom routines, procedures and expectations will set you up for success for the rest of the 33 weeks of the school year!
I hope you have a great weekend and we'll see you back on Monday! - Ben
Clara's first day of Kindergarten
Look out Franktown, the D'Ardenne kids are coming
Ponderosa students welcoming in Sagewood students on the first day!
Happy Birthday to These Wildcats!!
August 10 - Diana Majka & Dan McCArter
August 11 - Christy Parish
August 14 - Joseph Vroom
Here is the schedule for the next week
August 12th
- Evacuation Drill
- Assistant Principal Interviews in the morning
August 13th
- First Team Meetings with Admin and Counselor
August 14th
- Department meetings
August 15th
- 8th Grade Girls Volleyball games vs. Sierra 4:00 pm (C team here, A/B away)
- Cross Country Meet vs. CRMS 4:00 pm (Home) at the Dog park just up Fox Sparrow Rd
- Back to School Night 6:00 - 7:40 - All Certified Staff should be here, check out the linked schedule
August 16th
- Assembly Schedule - shortened classes for end of day assembly in the gym
- For any students or staff with sensory needs or cannot handle the noise of the gym, we will live stream the assembly and have it viewable from the Commons.
- Lunch with Ben in the staff lounge (I'm going to bake something too!)
- Every week that I can, I'm going to have lunch with staff. My goal is to connect with staff and hear what's going on in our school. I would love to see you all in the staff lounge for lunch whenever it is your lunch!
Staff Devices
We have 35 new Macbook Airs to replace the oldest staff devices. Our new IT Technician, Zach Music, has created a Google Form for all staff to fill out so that we can determine whose devices to prioritize first.
Please fill out this form ASAP so we can make sure we get a new computer everyone who needs a new device!
If you are getting a new computer, here is what you need to know to transfer everything on your computer to Google Drive: Mac Google Drive Back up instructions
Beginning of Year Meetings & Handbook
We will start scheduling Beginning of Year evaluation meetings (BOYs) with all certified staff in the coming weeks. Jayme will reach out to everyone that Ben evaluates to schedule and Colleen will schedule through Calendly.
Please make sure you read "The Sagewood Way" (purple binder) and everything inside it before your BOY meeting. For everyone evaluated by Tom, we are going to wait on those meetings as we are actively hiring for his replacement and hope to have someone on board soon!
Sagewood 25 Year Celebration - Click the picture to RSVP!
Check this LINK for instructions regarding the first Wildcat on Thursday and for Friday's assembly!
How to Log in to PBIS Reward Using a Personal Device (phone)
To log in to the PBIS Rewards mobile app using a phone, you can generate an authorization code from the web portal and then enter it into the app:
- Download and install the PBIS Rewards app from the App Store, Google Play, or Amazon App Store
- Go to the web portal and select Login Auth Codes from the main menu
- Under Create Auth Codes, select Staff
- An admin can create a code for any staff member, or a staff member can create a code for themselves
- Open the app and select I Have an Authorization Code
- Enter the code and select Submit
AVID Site Team
On Tuesday, August 20th, we will have our first AVID site team meeting of the year. As an AVID school, we are looking to get as many people on our AVID site team as possible. If you attended an AVID training this past summer, we'd love for you to come. If you are interested in learning more and helping to grow AVID here at Sagewood, please come.
The AVID Site Team pays $45/hr, so you will be paid for attending!
Watch D.O.G.S. Program Starting at Sagewood
- To provide positive male and female role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important.
- To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.
These parent volunteers would be here in the hallways, lunches, before and after school, coming into classrooms and volunteering as needed wherever anyone has need.
This is a new program, so we'd like to make sure staff have an opportunity to ask questions and help us consider all the things we need to make this program get off to a good start.
Please come talk to Ben or Katrina if there is anything you'd like to share or questions you have about this program. Our aim is to get it started by Labor Day.