High Plain Elementary Corner
Ms. Leveque's and Mrs. Lyons' Weekly Newsletter
From the Desks of Ms. Leveque and Mrs. Lyons
Week of December 8, 2024
Dear HPE Families,
We hope that everyone enjoyed the Scholastic Book Fair. It's always great to see students shopping for books! Thank you to the PTO for supporting this event and for the many volunteers we had to support the students as they shopped. A huge thank you to Jessica Janeczak for facilitating this event!
This weekend is also the PTO sponsored Winter Wonderland Market. It's become a beautiful annual event where our students and community display colorful themed trees filled with goodies, which are raffled off, and our community vendors and auction gift baskets are available for the public. This event is put on by the High Plain PTO, with all proceeds going directly back to the school. Students can participate in face painting and the Sydney's Rainbows game room while parents shop until their hearts are content. We appreciate Jessica Healey, Natasha Groden, and the entire PTO executive board and parent volunteers who put this event on for the public. Join us on Sunday, December 8th, 2-5pm at the High Plain entrance. Entrance tickets can be purchased in advance using the QR code below. Happy shopping!
Finally, this Wednesday, December 11th is picture retake day. Students who are new to High Plain or who were absent on our picture day in October will have their photos taken. If you wish your child to retake their photo, please send them to school on Wednesday with their full photo packet from October. They will hand the packet to their teacher which is how we know you wish for a retake. Thanks in advance.
Ms. Leveque and Mrs. Lyons
PTO Sponsored Winter Wonderland
HPE Upcoming Dates
-Sunday, December 8: PTO Sponsored Winter Wonderland Market, 2-5pm, HPE and Wood Hill Schools
-Monday, December 9: Grade 3 String Informance, 11:00-11:45 AM. All third grade parents/guardians invited. Please bring your ID.
-Wednesday, December 11: Picture Retake Day (see information above)
- Title I Math Family Breakfast, 8:45-9:30 in the High Plain Staff Room
-Thursday, December 12: Virtual ELPAC Meeting, 12-1pm. Sign up information below.
- Title I Literacy Family Breakfast, 8:30-9:00 in the High Plain Staff Room
-Tuesday, December 17: Whole School Assembly. HPE Spirit day- wear HPE gear or purple and gold!
-Saturday, December 23 - Wednesday, January 1: Winter Recess - no school
- Wednesday, December 25: First night of Hanukkah and Christmas
- Thursday, December 26: First day of Kwanzaa
- Wednesday, January 1: New Year's Day. Happy 2025!
-Thursday, January 2: Return to school. Welcome back!
Andover Public School 2024-2025 Calendar
School Year Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:45-3:30
HPE News
As part of our HPE Student Council, we have a news team that has a weekly report for our students. Thank you to Mrs. Chaves for producing this work! Our reporters are working hard this year and love delivering the news to you and our students. Here is this week's news report.
Winter Coats
The temperature has certainly dropped this week! We head outside unless temperatures fall to 19 degrees or below. Please make sure that your child comes to school with a coat. If you need assistance with winter outdoor clothing, please reach out to the office and we would be happy to assist. Thank you!
High Plain 3rd Grade Strings - Parent Informance - Monday, December 9
3rd Grade Strings Parents are invited to attend their child’s lesson on Monday morning, December 9, 11:00-11:45 AM, in the High Plain Auditorium. Please plan to arrive by 10:45. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear the class’s progress to date, receive more information about how to support your student’s music making at home, and ask any questions you may have. Please enter through the HPE Front Lobby doors and sign in there before going to the Auditorium. IDs are needed to enter.
5th Grade Cookie Fundraiser
Thinking of baking for the winter season? Let our fifth graders help you out! Please consider the purchase of a Winter-themed Cookie Kit in support of High Plain's 5th grade class!
Cookie Kits include:
12 Winter-themed sugar cookies*
3 bags of Royal icing
2 containers of sprinkles
*dairy free & gluten free available upon request
Use the QR code below or this link to purchase: https://www.thebakersrackbakingco.com/product-page/winter-cookie-kit-1
Order by the deadline of December 12th. Kits will be distributed to children the week of 12/18 and will come home in their backpacks.
Notes from the Health Office
It's that time of year when we see an increase in student's visiting the health office. Below are some general reminders and guidelines about when students can return to school if they are home sick.
When to keep your child home:
- Fever
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Contagious diseases- please call the clinic to discuss with the nurses if you have any questions
Criteria for a student returning to school following an illness:
- Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
- Vomiting or diarrhea free for 24 hours.
- If your child has a contagious illness – contact the school nurse before your child returns to school so that we can advise you regarding return to school protocols
- Andover Public Schools does not support a “no nit: policy. If you find your child has lice, please contact the school nurse so we can support and advise you. All students should be checked by the school nurse before returning to school.
Although we are not currently seeing a lot of head lice in the school, returning from vacation tends to be when we see an uptick in cases. As a preventive measure, please continue to perform head checks on your children monthly and call the clinic with any questions.
Artist in Making
Artist in Making is a joint venture by the Tri-M Music Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, and the Theater Guild to highlight arts opportunities in secondary school. We welcomed AHS students to our third, fourth, and fifth grades this week as they worked with our students understand some opportunities that may be in their future. Thanks to Sean Walsh, PK-12 Visual & Performing Arts Program Coordinator, for supporting this venture. This was made possible by a grant from Andona and was spearheaded by AHS student Anna Bacchi as a part of her Girl Scout Gold Award.
Library Corner
From Mrs. Slomsky
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped at the book fair. It is a lot of work, and all the students enjoy visiting the book fair and getting new books!
During November, the High Plain students checked out 2,208 books from the library. The top 10 books checked out in November were all graphic novels and were all a part of the following series: Dog Man, Cat Kid, Catwad or Babysitter’s Club. There were 23 books put on hold during November. As the books become available, they are delivered to the student’s classroom. The number of overdue books has increased to 295 books. Please ask your students if they have any library books that need to be returned. Some of the books were checked out in September. It is a good practice to have someplace to keep the library books so your student knows where to locate them. Additionally, several books have been returned wet to the library, please make sure water bottles are kept separate from library books to decrease the chance of damage. There are 44 4th and 5th grade students that have read at least 1 MCBA book this year. 22 students have already read 5 Massachusetts Children Book award books and have qualified to vote in April.
In December, the Kindergarten students will continue to learn about new authors each week. We will also be reading some holiday books. In first grade, we will continue to read Caldecott award winning books and discuss the different artwork that the illustrators use. There are some holiday books that have won the Caldecott medal. In second grade, we are learning about fairytales. We have started reading fairytales by the Grimm brothers. The second grade students have all learned how to use SORA, which is an app to access ebooks and audiobooks throughout the state of Massachusetts, SORA can be accessed from home via Classlink. The third grade students will be researching an author using PebbleGo and creating a Google slide that they will share with their classmates. The fourth grade students are learning about different types of nonfiction books and writing styles. The fifth graders are wrapping up a unit on evaluating information and then they will be gearing up to start their Capstone research projects in January.
HPE Holiday Giving: Final Opportunity
Each year, the High Plain community comes together to support those around us who need extra help with the Holidays. As in years past, we will be donating gift cards so families can buy the gifts of their choice. Please use the Sign Up Genius link below to sign up to donate a gift card. All gift cards must be returned to the High Plain Main Office by 12/9 so we have time to disperse them to the families. Any questions can be directed to Jill Celata at jill.celata@andoverma.us. E-gift cards will also be accepted at that email address. Should you purchase and send an e-gift card, please email Jill so she can be on the lookout for it. Thank you for your generosity and supporting our school community.
Author Jerry Pallotta is Coming!
Beloved children's author Jerry Pallotta will be speaking at High Plain to our kindergarten, first, and second graders. He is attending thanks to a generous grant from the Cummings Foundation. If you are interested in ordering any of his books, the orders must be placed by Friday, December 13th. The order form is below and a paper copy has been sent home with children in grades K - 2.
APS: Who We Are & Stay Connected
Communication with our families is essential to the success and wellness of our students. To assist our families and help them connect with the appropriate staff who is best suited to answer questions, we have updated our “Who We Are” page on our website. The information will guide families to resources on how to reach staff with concerns and how to stay connected to news and events across the district.
Let's Talk Redistricting - with Dr. Parvey
Andover Programs for Parents of English Learners
ELPAC Virtual Meeting this Thursday
Next Thursday, December 12, Andover Public School's EL Department is hosting our second ELPAC meeting virtually from 12-1pm (Zoom link to be sent out after families register to ensure interpreters). ELPAC stands for English Learner Parents Advisory Council and is voluntary gathering of parents, guardians, teachers, administrators, and community members from Andover to advocate for the education of our Multilingual Learners PreK-12.
Here is the invitation and how to sign up. Interpreters will be provided.
Other News
Free Parenting Solutions Library
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce its new MPY Parenting Solutions Library. The MPY Parenting Solutions Library is offered at no charge, in partnership with Peace At Home Parenting Solutions, a non- profit. Peace At Home Parenting Solutions is a dynamic hub of trusted knowledge and compassionate support that inspires parents to create positive change for their children, their families and themselves. Through this new partnership, MPY is pleased to offer proven resources to help students’ families thrive. The video trainings are presented by experts with advanced degrees and present easy-to-use strategies for long-lasting change.
High Plain Financial Assistance 2024-25
Throughout the school year, there are many opportunities to apply for financial assistance to help with fees associated with programs, events, supplies and activities for students in Andover. Should you be in a position where we can support, please fill out our response form in which you can indicate the programs that you and your family are interested in getting more information about as the applications become available. High Plain will keep this information confidential. Please keep us updated if your information or circumstances change through the year. There may be some instances we are unable to offer support due to limited resources.
PickUp Patrol
We know that there are times when families have a need to make a change to their child’s usual dismissal routine. PickUp Patrol is an app-based system where users can quickly alert the school of a change in dismissal routine for that day. Changes will be allowed until 2:30 PM each day, at which point no dismissal changes will be accepted. We do not use PickUp Patrol for absences or late arrivals. You need to call the school and reach the attendance line for absences and late arrivals.
How It Works:
- Your child’s regular dismissal plan from Aspen has been entered into the system. This is called their Default Plan.
- Whenever your child is following a plan other than their Default Plan you’ll submit the change using the PickUp Patrol app.
Examples of a plan change:
· Your child has a doctor's appointment and will be leaving early.
· Your child normally rides the bus but is getting picked up today.
· Your child normally goes to an afterschool program but will be taking the bus today.
- 3. When the change is submitted, the school will be notified. Before the end of the school day, the teachers are notified and we’ll relay the change to your child.
If you have any questions, please first check the PUP Parent Guide, then contact us in the main office. Please remember that PickUp Patrol changes only reflect that single day, not the on-going default plans. If you need to make a change to a default plan, please do so in the Aspen portal, or feel free to email me (mara.shanahan@andoverma.us), and I will make sure that default plan is reflected in PickUp Patrol.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
NAME/BUS TAGS (For Kindergarten and Grade 1 Students)
Your child’s teacher will give you a name tag necklace on the first day. Please have your kindergartner or first grader wear the nametag until further notice.
Bus transportation to and from school is provided free of charge to elementary students. Kindergarten students must be met by a known adult at the bus stop. Bus routes are available for families in the Aspen portal. This will state your drop-off and pick-up times. As the year begins, please know that your bus could arrive 10 minutes early or later than what is stated in Aspen. We appreciate your patience.
Please note that there are differences in morning arrival and afternoon car pick up. In the morning, you may arrive by using the High Plain Rd. entrance or the Cross St. entrance. In the afternoon, you can only arrive through the Cross St. entrance. The High Plain Rd. entrance is closed to allow buses. Both morning and afternoon arrival, all vehicles must turn right when leaving the drop off/pick up line.
Morning Arrival: 8:45-9:00
· Morning car drop-off begins at 8:45 at the High Plain main entrance sidewalk. You may use the High Plain Rd. and Cross St. entrances.
· The staff will supervise the children as they exit the car in the HPE Circle area.
· Please follow the staff’s direction as they will have a series of cars pull up for children to exit.
· All vehicles must turn right when leaving the drop off lane in the AM.
· There is no supervision before 8:45 AM and students should not be dropped off before that time.
· The children will have supervised play on the playground until 8:55 AM.
· If you arrive after 9:00, please park and walk your child/children into the building. You will need to sign your child into school. You will find the sign-in book in our school foyer.
Afternoon Car Pick Up: 3:30
· Any student being picked up by car should be picked up via the pick-up line.
· This line moves quickly and has the support of assigned assistant staff to escort students safely to their cars.
· Please enter only through the Cross St. entrance and join the line and stay to the right. The High Plain Rd. entrance is not available for the afternoon.
· Please leave an opening at all intersections for buses to pass the waiting car line and negotiate turns into the bus drop off area.
· If you arrive before the car line is in motion, please be aware of the Massachusetts Anti Idling Law (MGL Chapter 90 16B, 540 SMR 27.00), as posted.
· Drivers should have a visor card with their child’s last name on it, displayed on the rearview mirror.
· Visor cards may be picked up at the school office any day and we will have extra for you during the first few weeks of school.
· Please turn right after picking up your student and exit through Cross St. so traffic flow will be one way.
· Please make your child’s teacher aware, via the PickUp Patrol app, when there are any changes to the default dismissal plan.
· For morning arrival, a school crossing guard will be at the Cross Street/Brady Loop entrance.
· All AM walkers and bike riders should use the Cross St. entrance and the sidewalks that follow the front side of the school.
· Bike Riders: Only students in grades 3, 4, and 5 may ride a bike to and from school. A permission form must be completed with the main office.
· At dismissal, there are 2 groups of walker students and 1 group of bike riders. All Kindergarten students must be released to an adult.
· Walker line 1 and bike riders will be escorted from the Wood Hill cafeteria to the Cross Street/Brady Loop entrance and crossed by the crossing guard.
· Walker line 2 will be escorted to the end of the High Plain driveway.
· No adult should attempt to pick up a walker or bike rider at the Wood Hill circle or parking lot.
High Plain Road Entrance Closed at Dismissal
This is a reminder that the High Plain Road entrance is closed to cars at dismissal. It is the access entrance for buses only. The Cross Street entrance is how cars enter for car pickup. This is a safety concern. We have seen cars try to sneak in daily and it's simply not fair to those who are following the dismissal procedures. We ask you to be respectful of your fellow HPE community members and abide by this rule.
Technology and Electronics at School
We are all working to manage the age of technology and are looking for support between school and home. Many children have new smart devices and the elementary schools have some guidance.
A kind reminder to our families that cell phones must be turned off and in students’ backpacks at the start of the school day. Smartwatches may be worn as regular watches, however, students are not allowed to text, communicate with others, use applications, take pictures or videos, or access social media services and websites.
Should parents/guardians urgently need to reach their child during the school day, we ask that you call the main office. Students are also allowed to come to the main office if they need to contact someone at home. If a cell phone or watch becomes a significant distraction, school administrators will reach out to parents/guardians. The Andover Public Schools is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, or broken devices.
To promote healthy digital habits during the school day, the resources below may be helpful to use. We appreciate your partnership as we work to keep interruptions to the school day at a minimum.
Resource for Apple Watches:
How to set a School Time schedule
Open the Watch app on your iPhone. Tap All Watches, then tap your child's watch.
Tap Done, then tap Schooltime.
Turn on Schooltime, then tap Edit Schedule.
Choose the days and times when you want Schooltime to be active.
Tap Add Time if you want to set up more than one schedule in a day.
Resource for Gizmo Watches:
How to set up School mode
Open the. Gizmo Hub app.
Tap the. School mode switch. turn on or off. If necessary, set up a School Mode schedule.
In School Devices
K-3 Devices will stay in school.
4-5 Devices can be brought home if directed by the classroom teacher to complete an assignment. Otherwise, they will remain in school.
Visiting the School
Please make sure that you arrive with your license. We cannot check you in and let you enter without your license or state issued ID. You also need to have a valid CORI form on file. Please help us with these required safety steps.
High Plain PTO
School Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and lunch are once again free to all students. Breakfast is served from 8:45-8:55 each morning and no advanced ordering is needed.
Lunches will need be preordered. Lunch requires families to order in advance to ensure we have the correct allergy-friendly lunch for all our students. It is very important that our cafeteria has an accurate lunch count each day. Please review with your children each morning what you have ordered for them.
Information about the Andover Public Schools lunch program, as well as menus and instructions for online ordering, may be found on the website here: http://www.andoverschoolnutrition.com/
It is important that we make sure all students are safe and accounted for each day. If your child is out for any reason, please call in all absences to 978-247-8601 (Attendance Line) before 8:45 A.M. and leave a message. Please use this absence line, not the main number.
Andover Public School Information
School Hours of Operation
8:30 am: School office opens
8:45 am: School drop off
9:00 am: School day begins
After 9:00 am: Children are tardy and must be accompanied by a parent into the office
After 2:00 pm: Unless it's an emergency, no dismissal changes
Students must be dismissed before 3:00
3:30 pm: School ends
Ms. Sarah Leveque, Principal
Email: sarah.leveque@andoverma.us
Website: https://aps1.net/212/High-Plain-Elementary-School
Location: 333 High Plain Road, Andover, MA, USA
Phone: 978-247-8600