May 2024
April 25th, 2024
Spartan Activities Calendar
What have we been up to?
Butterfly Release
Brain Dissections
Testing Season Kick Off!
Spartan Swag
Students brought in shirts and exclusive designs were pressed on their shirts. They then decorated with puff paints, fabric markers, and gems.
Vanguard Tours
8th graders had the opportunity to visit Vanguard Academy. This was a great opportunity for our students to see what they have to offer!
Band and Choir
Our Band and Choir programs tour to elementary schools each year to show off their talent. We LOVE showing off what our Spartans can do!
Carnival Information
Spartan AVID
If you are interested in your student joining AVID, please link on the photo to go to the application.
ASB's End of the School Year Countdown!
In District Transfers
New this year - if your student was accepted last year as an IDT, you do not need to fill out a new form for the following year unless you are requesting to go to a different school.
What is an In-District Transfer?
Parents who wish to transfer their child from their 'home' school in Moses Lake to another school within the Moses Lake School District should complete this form. Requests for Transfers are not guaranteed. Transfers from outside of the district should apply for Choice Transfer.
- Once a request is approved, a student is considered admitted to that school for the remainder of the student’s tenure in that school. As such, a student need not reapply annually unless they are moving from elementary to middle. If there are multiple students in a family that want to request an in-district transfer to another school, a form needs to be completed for each student and only one school at each level can be requested.
- In-district transfer requests for the next school year will be accepted on or after May 1st through May 31. Any in-district applications that are received after this period will be put on a “waitlist.”
- Determinations related to in-district requests made prior to the beginning of a school year will be made as quickly as possible after new student registration occurs, and no later than the 11th day of the start of school after consideration for enrollment of students in the current attendance area, class size limits, and building capacity.
- Because class size limits cannot be exceeded, appeals will not be heard if a student’s transfer application is denied due to lack of space availability.
Please complete the In-District Transfer Request Form thoroughly and be aware of the following:
- Transportation to and from school becomes the parent’s responsibility if a request is granted.
- While child care hardships may be considered, there is no guarantee that a transfer request will be honored solely based on child care. Also, documentation from the child care provided may be requested.
- Providing false information will be grounds for denial of the application