SGE Family Newsletter
March 10, 2025
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Looking Ahead...
Mar 9: Time Change!
Mar 11: PTO Mtg, 5:30
Mar 14: PreK Field Trip
Mar 14: Kinder Rodeo
Mar 17-22: Spring Break
Mar 24: No School
Apr 1-2: 1st Grade Field Trip
Apr 3: Kindergarten Field Trip
Apr 4: End of 5th Six Weeks
Apr 8: Kindergarten Graduation Pictures
Apr 10: 5th Six Weeks Report Cards Post to Family Access
Apr 17: Field Day
Apr 18: No School
Apr 21: No School
Apr 22: School Bus Driver/Monitor Day
Apr 22: 1st Grade Program
Apr 22: Adventure Dash Kick-off
Cell Phones & Other Electronic Devices
We've noticed students with devices lately and want to send a reminder regarding this district's position on cell phones and other electronic devices at the elementary level.
"The district permits students to possess personal cell phones for safety purposes; however, these devices must remain turned off during the following times on each campus:
Elementary Schools - cell phones and/or smart watches must be turned off and put away from the time a student arrives on campus through dismissal. Earbuds and headphones may only be used for instructional purposes with a district-provided device." (BCISD Student Handbook 2024-2025, pgs 54-55)
Average Daily Attendance for SGE
Last Week's ADA for SGE: 94.55%
ADA stands for Average Daily Attendance and is defined as the total days of student attendance divided by the total days of instruction. Check out SGE's ADA trends in the chart above.
"98 IS Great!" We'll celebrate as a campus when we hit a week with 98% attendance!
We recognize that illnesses and events take place that necesitate absences, however, we do encourage every student to be in school every day he/she is able. Let's work for 98%!
Caught with Character!
This week we're celebrating two new Leaders of the Pack! Here's what their teachers had to say...
Harper is always quick to encourage friends and help them with whatever they need. Her kindness to others brightens our school.
Maverick is always quick to show kindness and help other students when they are having a hard day. He even let a friend be in line first when it was his turn!
Academics + Character = Success
Get your Yearbook!
Order forms were sent home last week. If ordering online, visit:
Yearbook ID Code: 14634525
Orders are due April 1, 2025.
Scottish Rite: Take Time to Read Program
During Texas Public Schools Month, Masons and elementary schools celebrate and encourage reading by asking students to Take Time to Read every day!
Your child will bring home a Take Time to Read calendar for the month of March. Here's how it works:
-Mark the calendar each day your child reads.
-Turn in the Take Time to Read calendar to the classroom teacher by Friday, April 4th.
-Scottish Rite will bring a prize for students who turned in the completed calendar!
It's that easy! We hope you and your kiddos TAKE TIME TO READ!
Thanks to all who made it for Open House! More pictures on our Facebook page!
The Family Learning Connection
Texas Education Agency's "Family Learning Connection" aims to provide a platform for sharing news, resources, and inspiring stories that highlight the importance of family engagement in education. We believe that when families and educators work together, students can achieve greater success. Click here to read!
This 3rd quarter edition covers the topics:
- Parental Support
- Childhood Depression
- Empathy in Young Children
- Engaging with Grandfamilies
- and more!
For the 5th six weeks, we're focusing on habit #5!
How do I request a change in transportation?
Submit an email on the same day as the transportation change request by 1:30 p.m. to sge-transportation@burnetcisd.net
Include the following details in the email:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s grade level
- Student’s homeroom teacher
- The transportation change you want made for today (bus rider to car rider or car rider to bus rider)
Requests made after 1:30pm will not be processed. Notes, phone calls, text messages and emails sent to any other email will not be processed.
Shady Grove Elementary School
7:15am Office Opens
7:40am School Begins
7:45am Tardy Bell
9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
1:30pm Transportation changes due, please email: sge-transportation@burnetcisd.net
3:20pm Student Dismissal
4:00pm Office/School Closes
Email: sge-transportation@burnetcisd.net
Website: sge.burnetcisd.net/
Location: 111 Shady Grove Road, Burnet, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 756-2126
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShadyGroveBurnet