From the Desk of Mrs. Bauguss
4th Grade
Meet Mrs. Bauguss
I am thankful to be at Wilkesboro for my third year! Prior to that, I taught at Central Wilkes Middle School for 12 years. I taught all three grade levels and all four subjects over my time there but taught Math all 12 years. I love teaching and have always wanted to be a teacher. I studied at Wilkes Community College to get my Associate of Science degree and then transferred to Appalachian State University to earn my Bachelors of Education in Elementary Education. I am certified to teach Kindergarten thru 6th grade in all subjects, 6th through 9th grade Math & English Language Arts and am AIG certified.
I have been married to my husband Thomas for 19 years. Together, we have three girls, two cats and a grandson. We are pictured below along with my husband's father :) In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, reading and playing board games. My favorites include purple, butterflies, music, pens, and the TV show Friends!
Jennifer Bauguss
Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
I believe we should keep an open line of communication about your student in order to provide the best experience and education possible. I will post frequently on Class Dojo and update our Smore newsletter often. My preferred communication hours are 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.. Any messages received outside these hours will be answered the next business day.
Classroom Student Supplies
Book Bag (no wheels)
(2) 1-inch 3 ring binders
1 clipboard
1 boxes of colored pencils
2 composition notebooks (wide ruled, not spiral bound)
3 packs of wide ruled lose leaf paper
4 - 2 pocket folders
Pencil box for supplies
1 pair earbuds or headphones
2 packs #2 pencils Ticonderoga Preferred
2 packs of index cards
1 pack highlighters
1 pack of Crayola markers
1 pack glue sticks
2 packs of sticky notes
1 pair scissors
4 packs dry erase markers
Handheld pencil sharpener
Refillable water bottle
Requested supplies for the classroom:
- Kleenex
- Hand Sanitizer
- Clorox Wipes
- Ziploc bags of various sizes
- Paper towels
- Classroom snacks
- Class prize box/treasure box items
Here is our classroom Amazon Wish List if you would like to purchase anything to help out in our classroom.
We will have a mid-morning snack since our lunch is at 12:10. Students may bring healthy snacks that will give them the nutritional boost they need to get through the day. Our snack time is only 5-10 minutes long, so please keep that in mind when planning snacks to send. Also, foods requiring minimal clean-up are best! Please do not send anything with peanuts or peanut butter due to allergies. We do not have a refrigerator in our classroom, so do not send anything that must be kept cold.
Hydration is an important part of learning! Students are permitted to bring a water bottle to keep on their desks during the day. Please do not send any glass bottles, soda, or sports drinks. Water only, please!
Snack Ideas:
animal crackers
goldfish crackers
graham crackers
Slim Jim Beef Sticks
granola/cereal bars
pudding cups
fruit snacks
Schedule of Upcoming Events
August 26th: First day of school!
September 2nd: Labor Day; No school
September 5th: Screenagers Movie 7:00pm
September 6th: Spirit Day & Birthday Celebrations for August & September
September 9th-13th: Book Fair
September 11th & 12th: Grandparents Day
September 19th: Screenagers Next Generation 7:00pm
September 20th: 3rd-5th Grade Dance 3:00-5:00pm
September 25th: John A Walker Center Field Trip; Progress Report go home
September 26th: Literacy Night
September 27th: Teacher Workday; No School
September 30th: PTO Capital Campaign begins
Updates & Reminders
Please send all beginning of year paperwork in as soon as possible.
I have updated our Amazon Wishlist to include a few books that I think will interest the students as well as snacks and classroom supplies that we will need in the future. I have also added a few things that will help to enhance our classroom lessons and small group centers.
Here is the link to our classroom wish list!
Please make sure students come to school each day with the following:
- Backpack
- Water Bottle
- Green Folder
- healthy snack
Green Folder: Your student will bring home a green communication each day. In that folder, there will be a place for you to write any notes or for me to communicate with you that way as well. This folder is your student's responsibility.
Homework: Each night, your student will be responsible for reading 20-30 minutes. The reading log should be in their green folder and be signed each night.
Transportation: Please call the office if you have a transportation change for the day. Please make sure you have let me know how your child will typically travel home.