DJUSD Staff Insights
December 2024
Mark Your Calendars
December 19 - Board of Education Meeting
December 23-January 3 - Winter Break
December 25 - Hanukkah begins
December 25 - Christmas
December 26 - Kwanzaa begins
January 1, 2025 - New Years Day
January 6, 2025 - Senior High School Teacher Work Day
January 20, 2025 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 24, 2025 - Junior High Teacher Work Day
January 29, 2025 - Lunar New Year
January 30, 2025 - Fred T. Korematsu Day
District Department Updates
Enrollment and School Boundaries Board Discussions
If you haven’t already heard, the Board of Education has been engaged in a series of study sessions about District enrollment and school boundaries. We are standing at an important juncture with District enrollment declining and a local housing crisis of affordability and availability. This is having a serious impact on our school enrollment, most acutely at the elementary level. As a community, we have made choices over the last few decades that have created the situation we find ourselves in today, but we also have opportunities on the horizon that will bring more students to our District and schools. Through a series of Board study sessions, we are taking a deliberate approach to talk about history, current context, enrollment forecasting and challenges and opportunities related to possible housing developments. This work will inform Board direction and we will continue to provide additional updates throughout this work.
Business Services
First Interim Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2024-25
The First Interim Report will be presented to the Board of Education on December 19. It covers the District’s financial activity from July 1 - October 31 and includes an updated budget projection for the 2024-25 school year.
As part of this report, the Board must certify that the District can meet its financial obligations for the current year and the next two years. This certification is based on the District’s expected cash flow and available unrestricted funds. This important process helps ensure the District remains financially stable
Review Your Benefits
DJUSD's enrollment period begins December 9, 2024, for plan year January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. Have you reviewed your insurance benefits lately? The right benefits can help you be financially stable. Reviewing them regularly ensures you have coverage to help protect your wallet and your way of life. An American Fidelity account manager can help you pick the best options that meet your needs. Schedule time to review your benefits today!
Change in Fiscal Personnel
Oscar Alcocer received a promotion to the Instruction Technology Department in October. The Fiscal team has been searching for his replacement and anticipate the hiring of our new Accounting Technician III - Benefits person this month. During this transition time, please contact Danielle McCaslin with any benefits questions.
Capital Operations
An Update on our Bond Projects
Our Signature Bond Projects are nearing completion, showcasing incredible upgrades for our schools and community over the past 6 years. Currently, Early Childhood Education facilities are being constructed at Korematsu, Montgomery, North Davis, Pioneer and Willett elementary schools, which will allow the District to implement extended day kindergarten in fall 2025. The new Aquatic Center at Davis High School is progressing as planned and is on track for completion by summer 2025. Stay updated and explore project details on our website.
Introducing our Custodial Team Leader IV
We want to take this opportunity to introduce a great addition to the DJUSD custodial night crew, Muhameed (Mo) Malik, who was promoted from the day lead custodian at Korematsu to our new Custodial Team Leader IV. With Mo’s addition to the night crew, the District will have an extra layer of support for when there are emergencies (broken windows, graffiti, vandalism), alarms, weather-related issues and more.
Ground Squirrels at it Again...
Due to a ground squirrel population at Harper Junior High, we had an electricity outage in the G-Wing. Our team, electrician Todd Elfin and ground crew members Xavier Collazo, Angel Bocanegra and Matias Turner, worked hard over the break to repair and restore electricity to the G-Wing resulting in no disruptions to students' learning time.
Chief Strategy Office
News on Efforts to Address Housing Affordability
DJUSD has been selected to be part of the Education Workforce Housing Cohort led by the California School Boards Association (CSBA). DJUSD will join a select group of other California school districts and county offices that are committed to finding solutions to ways to improve housing affordability for teachers and school staff. DJUSD will take part in a workshop series throughout this school year that includes visits to California school districts who have developed education workforce housing, including high-quality and attractive housing to lease to their employees at below-market rates. Stay tuned for more information or check our website to stay up to date on news and developments!
Share Your Updates and Highlights With Us!
Do you have an update or highlight from your school department, District department or school site that you would like to broadcast? Share it with us! Email your news to communications@djusd.net and let us know if you’d like us to share it in our Staff Insights newsletter, our DJUSD Family Connections newsletter or both! We would love to showcase all of the wonderful things happening around our District.
Instructional Services
Expanding TK and the Upcoming Launch of All-Day Kindergarten
We are excited to share that, for the first time, our District will be moving to a full day kindergarten program at all elementary sites beginning in the 2025-26 school year. Kindergarten representatives from every elementary school will be convening three times over the course of the next two months to plan for this transition. This important development will allow DJUSD to better meet the needs of our kinder students and families. Transitional Kindergarten (TK) will be available to all four year olds, but will remain a half-day program. S.P.A.R.K. will be offered to our TK students opposite their TK day. After-school S.P.A.R.K. will continue to serve students in all elementary grades, TK-6. With these exciting developments, you will also see the concurrent opening of newly constructed early childhood education classrooms at many of our elementary campuses so we can meet the needs of these expanding programs for our youngest learners.
Needs and Assets Assessment for new Multilingual Families
The Multilingual Department, in collaboration with the Climate Coordinator and the Language Justice and Family Partnership team, developed, piloted and distributed a comprehensive Needs and Assets Assessment to newly enrolled families, who speak languages other than English. This assessment aims to gather insights into family needs and strengths, linking them to appropriate services and resources. The Needs and Assets Assessment was translated and distributed to 250 families in multiple languages, with reminders sent to non-responders. Initial responses highlighted trends, including interest in after-school programs, electives, and information on high school graduation and college readiness. Analysis of responses has provided valuable insights into family strengths and areas of interest, enabling targeted follow-up. Results were shared with school site leadership who conducted personalized outreach to families with immediate needs. Elementary families had the highest response rates, while Spanish-speaking families were underrepresented, suggesting a need for more accessible engagement strategies. Opportunities for improvement include addressing the barriers that may deter responses or reduce response rates and exploring partnerships with school sites to expand outreach capacity. Despite the challenges, this effort demonstrates DJUSD’s commitment to fostering family partnerships, leveraging data for targeted support, and advancing equity in multilingual education.
Secondary Course Catalogs Coming Soon
With the moving up of the due date for course request sheets/program planning documents to February 21, 2025 Secondary Course catalogs will be finalized and sent to publication prior to Winter Break (December 20, 2024). Counselors are working to make revisions updates and the Board of Education approved some new courses and course revisions at the November 21, 2024 meeting. Below is a list of new and revised courses that will be updated and added to High School course catalogs:
New Courses
African American Art Histories (DSHS)
Walking for Fitness (DSHS)
Peer Tutor-Bilingual (DSHS)
Career Development (DSHS & DVCA)
Advanced Digital Sound Design (DVCA)
Revised Courses
Computer Science Discoveries (DVCA)
Law I (DVCA)
Athletics (DSHS)
Personnel Services
Considering Retirement at the end of 2024-25?
Believe it or not, this is the time of year when we begin looking toward our staffing projections for the next school year. If you are thinking about retirement at the end of the 2024-2025 school year, please be aware that we currently have a $1000 payment incentive in place in MOU agreement with CSEA and DTA for employees that provide early notification of retirement from the District, with an effective date between June 14-30, 2025. Employees must submit the retirement notification no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 17, 2025. You can find the retirement form links on the District website via Informed K12.
Special Education
December Newsletter Highlights Important Resources
The Special Education Department is pleased to share upcoming events and a variety of resources in our December Newsletter. In this month's edition, you'll find information on SACSE meetings, upcoming events around the District and helpful tips in the "Self Care Corner."
Student Nutrition Services
Student Nutrition Services is Growing!
Student Support Services
Ever Wonder What’s “Going Around”?
Wastewater testing by Healthy Central Valley Together reveals current pathogen trends in our community. Find the link, along with other helpful resources, on our Health Services / Illness webpage. Protect yourself and others, schedule your annual Flu and COVID vaccines at MyTurn.ca.gov today!
Join us for our December PEP Talk on Screen Addictions
For many children and teens, the use of screens mimics patterns of drug addiction, making it difficult for them to be without their devices close at hand. When parents attempt to limit screen use, they may encounter addictive behavior that includes lying, stealing, pleading, threatening and erupting in anger. This PEP Talk will discuss the growing prevalence of screen addictions and strategies parents can use to address these issues and live more harmoniously. Join us virtually on Wednesday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m.
2024 California School Dashboard Released
The 2024 California School Dashboard has been released to the public. You can click here for an overview of what data is being used to compile this year’s dashboard, and here to view our DJUSD District Performance Overview. Staff will be reviewing site-level dashboard data with their site principals in the coming weeks.
Multi-Factor Authentication
During the month of December, Technology staff will be coming around to sites to turn on Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for all staff. This level of security will protect confidential information and will limit the effect that “phishing” emails have on users. Staff will have a choice to use their mobile phone or a physical USB “Key” to authenticate when signing into DJUSD Google or Microsoft Applications.
Board of Education
Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be in-person on Thursday, December 19, 2024. This regular meetings can be viewed on DJUSD Education Channel 17 and by livestream, or you can watch archived recordings at djusd.tv.
Quick Links
DJUSD Staff Insights e-newsletter is designed to keep our employees up to speed on the latest news and need to knows coming from various departments in this very challenging time. We hope you find this resource helpful. You can find archived issues on our Staff Insights webpage.