Bear Bulletin
August 25, 2024
We are BEARS!
6th grade social
Late bus to be provided for students who need transportation, bus leaves at 4:40.
Late Buses
Late buses will start August 26th and run every Monday - Thursday.
Students who chose to take the late bus home will leave campus at 4:40pm and be dropped off at their nearest SBISD Elementary School.
MDE, HCE, Houseman
Woodview, SBE, VOE
Technology Issues
Students struggling to log onto their computer will have access through their social studies class to get assistance. In the mean, time if you are having any technical issues, you are always welcome to call the TECH help line at 713-251-TECH.
ID Badges
At this time, all returning students were given their ID badge, a plastic cover, and lanyard. Students are expected to wear their badge daily. If your child has lost or misplaced their ID you may purchase a new one by clicking here.
Please help your child find a routine that helps them be Accountable for their badge. Temporary badges will be supplied while new badge is arriving and can be found in the grade level offices next week.
MAP Testing
MAP Growth Testing
In the coming weeks, SBMS students will complete the MAP Growth Assessment in their content area classes. The MAP Growth Assessment is a norm referenced, computer-adaptive test that measures student achievement and growth in core content areas. Learn more here at this LINK.
By working together, we can make your child’s test experience positive and successful. Please help support with the following:
- Make sure your child gets a good night’s rest the day before the test.
- Have your child eat a healthy breakfast at home or in the cafeteria at school.
- Make sure your child arrives at school on time.
- Have your child bring their glasses if they wear them.
- Do not schedule appointments or early pick-up for testing dates.
- Encourage your child to do their best!
MAP Growth Testing will take place on campus on the following dates:
- MAP Growth Science- August 29th and 30Th
- MAP Growth Math- September 5th and 6th
- MAP Growth Reading- September 10th and 11th
Nurse Erdin
- Medication forms for the 2024-2025 school year can be found by clicking the link below.
- **A new form is required each year. https://www.springbranchisd.com/about/departments/academic-performance/student-support-services/nurses/forms
- Please make sure medication is in the original container with the appropriate label and not expired. A medication form is required before medication will be accepted.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school nurse if you have any questions or concerns.
Lauren Erdin, MSN, RN
School Nurse
Clinic: 713-251-4425
Pick up and Drop off
Parent pick up is located in the front of the school or on Parent Drive on the Northside of the campus. Please refrain from using the bus loop and Administration building for pick up and drop off. This location is only used for SBISD buses and personnel, thank you.
Advisory Next week
Student Grade Level Assembly and more Digital Citizenship!
This week will hold assemblies to address school rules, expectation, procedures and our BEARS motto to all students. While other grades will be in thier assembly, other grades will focus on digital safety and citizenship. Grade level assemblies are as follows:
8th grade- August 26
7th grade- August 27
6th grade- August 28
Advisory schedule will be implemented for all 3 days.
Volleyball- First Practice
Monday, August 26
First Day of Volleyball Practice
7th Grade: 7:15am through 1st period
8th grade: 8th period until 4:45pm
Forgot Your Lunch?
If students forget their lunch they are welcome to get a hot lunch in the cafeteria. If parents would like to drop off a forgotten lunch, we will place a cart outside the front doors for parents to drop off. This should not be a daily drop off and should be used for forgotten lunches.
No Uber Eats or Door Dashes will be accepted.
Forgotten lunch drop off times are as follows (delivery outside this time frame may prohibit your child from getting a dropped off lunch):
6th lunch- 10:50-11:10am
7th lunch 11:45-12:05pm
8th lunch 12:40-1:00pm
Meals at No Cost Now Available for Eligible Students
Students who qualify for Reduced-Priced Breakfast and Lunch this upcoming school year will now receive meals at no cost. In order to recieve this service, please complete the School Meals Application. In addition to receiving daily meals, completing these school meal forms can provide additional benefits including, discounted internet services, reduced academic test fees, discounted college application fees, and potentially more.
No Cell Phones or Electronic Devices
All Things Attendance
- Best practice is for parents to call in 15 – 20 minutes prior to their arrival to sign – out a student. We will work diligently to have the student(s) out of class for dismissal.
- You do have to come to the front office to sign out your student, but you do not need to come to the front office to sign them back in.
- Parents MUST have their ID’s to sign –out the student.
- Last chance to sign your student out for the day is at 3:40 pm. After 3:40, you will need to wait until the bell rings at 4:00pm.
- Anyone other than the parents picking up a student(s) during school hours name needs to be listed in Skyward under “Emergency Contacts” Please make sure the designated person has an ID.
- On Early release days the cut off time to sign - out student(s) is at 12:00pm. After 12:00pm, you will need to wait until the bell rings at 12:30pm.
Need to contact the attendance office – email: sbmsattendance@springbranchisd.com
- When a student is absent, please send a doctor’s note for absence to be excused. If the student doesn’t have a doctor’s note, the parent can send a note.
- Doctor’s notes can be submitted in person or by email up to 2 days after the absence.
- Please make sure the student name, ID# and grade is listed on doctor’s or parent’s note.
- Please make sure your student is at school on time. If they are not in their 1st period seat by 8:40am, they will be considered tardy.
Join the PTA
Back To School Forms
There are still a few families that need to complete their back to school forms. Remember ALL families, new and returning must complete these items. If you have not completed your forms, we ask all families comlete these online as soon as possible.
Helpful tips:
If you are currently a SBISD parent, then you must use your Skyward Family Access login ID and password to complete your back-to-school forms. If you do not have a Skyward Family Access account or have forgotten your login ID and password, please contact the school so we can assist you.
Please do not print out the forms, as they can be signed and submitted electronically. Make sure all the forms are completed by clicking the complete step button at the bottom of each form, you will also see a check mark next to each form. Once all your forms are completed, please click on the Submit Student Verification button . More information can be found on the SBISD website.
Insurance is only $25 a year. It must be purchased annually. We accept cash, check, (These are paid in person at the school) or My School Bucks.
You can find the product as: SBMS Technology Coverage Fee
Students who do not purchase insurance will not recieve a Chromebook.
Bus Transportation
What Bus Do I Ride?
Need to find your bus route? Please click on the link below and type in your address to find your bus number and pick up locations and drop offs.
Be a Volunteer
Application to apply to volunteer are open. If you are interesting in volunteering in our school or any other SBISD school, please APPLY HERE. This process can take several days and must be renewed each year. Please remember your application must be current to volunteer in any capacity.
Thanks for your continued support!
Up and Coming
Thursday, Aug. 29-MAP Testing Science
Monday, September 2- No School
Thursday, September 5-MAP Math
Friday, September 6- MAP Math