The Howl
Greetings Wolf Pack!
Welcome to December! The temperatures are cooling, the snow has begun to fall and lights are beginning to light our communities on the long nights. As we enter December we also have our Winter Sports in full swing. Congratulations to all of our student athletes, coaches, parents and community members on strong starts to the season. Our clubs and activities are also in full swing of competition, community building, etc. Students, if you are not yet a part of a club, sport or activity please stop by the athletic office THIS WEEK to ask about how to get involved. We know that students that are involved in sports, clubs and activities experience a much greater sense of belonging at school, as well as increased attendance and grades. Especially during this dark, cold months, plug into the Wolf community! Mr. Nee, Ms. Beaver and Ms. Ripp are ready to help you get connected.
We are also over 1/2 way through 1st semester. Don't forget that 5th hour tutoring is available Monday-Thursday EVERY week. This is a perfect time to get on top of those grades to ensure that you are opening doors to your future. Remember that credits are what getting us to graduation and GPA helps open the door to colleges, 3.0 is the way to go! Reach out to your teachers for next steps on how to bring your grade up before break because it is a VERY quick turn around after break.
We have multiple teams throughout our building that are reviewing data and responding. Over the next several weeks we will be focusing on different behaviors based on data as we tighten up our systems and structures to support students and support teachers in supporting students to thrive in the classroom environment.
Here's what's in this week's Howl:
- December Holiday Celebrations
- Upcoming and Athletic Events
- Daily Announcements
- Online School and Boys Basketball Store
- Three Sided Approach- Students Learning Bell-to-Bell
- Quick Contacts
- Plowing Season is Here- Please Move Your Bikes
- Yearbook Purchasing
- Bucky Books to Benefit DECA
- Wisconsin Wayfinder: Essential Children's Resources
- Sun Prairie United Dance Fundraiser and Clinic Opportunities
- Classroom and Student Spotlights:
- Empty Bowls Dinner- 2nd year a grand success!
- Lily Rosenthal- USA Athlete!
- Ean Ackley- Student of the Week
- Girls Basketball Ready for Year 2
- State Swimmer Highlights
- Equity Vision, One West, Non-Discrimination
In Case you Missed It:
- Course Request Season is Approaching
- Academic and Career Planning
- Cap and Gown Donations
- 5th Hour Tutoring
- ASVAB Testing
- Parent Partnership Meetings
- Senior Caps and Gowns
Jen Ploeger- Principal-
Chai Lee- Associate Principal-
Ed Ford- Associate Principal-
December Holiday Celebrations
During December we will be celebrating traditions from around the world that bring light, love, joy and richness to our community. This week we start with a poll to learn from you about your traditions around this time of year and an opportunity for you to share your traditions with us to highlight in future Howls and around the school at West.
Do you have a winter holiday tradition/s in your family?
Upcoming Events
- December 11th- No School- Professional Development Day
- December 13th- 6:00pm- Parent Partnership Meeting
- Monday December 25th-Monday, January 1st- Winter Break
Daily Announcements
Online School Store
New merch link is open now! Order your Wolf Wear Today!
Boys Basketball Merch Store Closes TODAY (12/3)
Three-Sided Approach: Students Learning Bell-to-Bell
This past week I (Principal JP) had the opportunity to collaborate with other educators from around the country at the AVID National Convention. Throughout the week we collaborated in strategies to support teachers and students in teaching and learning through instructional strategies, systems, supports, etc. The challenges faced by High Schools across the country are REMARKABLY similar and aligned to the challenges we face at SP West. One of the areas of focus universally is: supporting students to be engaged in their learning community (classroom) from bell-to-bell, particularly as we continue to come out of the pandemic. Here at SP West we are developing a three-sided approach to supporting students bell-to-bell.
As we continue to focus on creating One West it will take ALL of us to support our students, EVERY student to be thrive in their classroom from bell-to-bell. The three-sided approach includes:
- Adult Accountability: We will be focusing on following up with staff regarding expectations that have been laid out throughout the year. Each week we will have a specific focus that we are reteaching for students and staff. We will then follow-up with individual staff to identify additional support needed if the expectation is not yet being followed, examples: no passes first 10 and last 10 minutes of class, using den passes when students are in the den, supporting students not leaving class early and not issuing passes during lunch time. T
- Root Cause: We will be talking to students who are currently not in class from bell-to-bell to understand what they need to be in class and taking steps to meet those needs. We will also be intentionally partnering with the parents/caregivers of these students to support their student thriving in class.
- Student Accountability: In addition to adult accountability and working to solve root causes, we will also be focused on student accountability. Supporting students to reach high expectations while strengthening systems and structures to eliminate barriers that currently exist.
This week we will be getting additional feedback from staff, parents/caregivers and students on details on the strategy and specific next steps and will be sharing more details next week in the Howl.
In Class First 10 and Last 10
This week our focus is students being in and engaged in class for the FIRST 10 and LAST 10 minutes of class. This means that no student should be out on a pass of any kind (den pass, bathroom pass or blue pass) during the 1st 10 or Last 10 minutes of class. These two moments are the most beneficial learning moments of the classroom as the learning goal for class is established, community is connected and then the learning from the day is reviewed, summarized and reflected on at the end of class.
- Parents/caregivers: please talk to your student about the importance of arriving to class ON TIME and staying IN CLASS for the first 10 minutes. Please also check-in on the importance of being in class for the LAST 10 minutes, not leaving on a pass or leaving the classroom early.
- Students: Challenge yourself to be IN CLASS during the FIRST 10 and LAST 10 of EACH block this week (no passes during that time, arriving on time and not leaving early).
- Staff: Empower students to be in class for the FIRST 10 and LAST 10 by not issuing ANY passes during this time. Being prepared with a strong opening and closing slide/activity. Teaching from the door at the end of class.
- Floor Team/Admin: Support students being in class for the FIRST 10 and LAST 10 by walking students back to class.
Quick Contacts
We want to make sure that ALL Parent/Caregivers and Students know who their team is and who to contact. Checkout this quick one pager that gives information about your go to contacts both for West and District level.
Plowing Season is Here- Please Move Your Bikes
There are a few bikes on the bike rack in the front of the school that have been there for weeks. Please move so grounds can plow in the future.
Yearbook Purchasing
Yearbooks must be ordered by February 23rd, 2024 to be guaranteed a copy of the 2024 Yearbook. Go to Type in “Sun Prairie” and make sure you click Sun Prairie West. The yearbooks for East and West are different from each other, so it is very important that you purchase the correct yearbook. You may also visit the following link directly:
Bucky Books to Benefit DECA
Need a gift for you or someone else this holiday season? DECA is selling Bucky Books for $35. Each purchase comes with extra coupons to Kwik Trip and HyVee as well as a $10 certificate to Chick-fil-A or Nitty Gritty. If you are interested, please reach out to Jason Benisch via email, Purchase your Bucky Book today!
Wisconsin Wayfinder: Essential Children's Resources
A newly developed, statewide, user-friendly website and toll-free number, 877-WiscWay (877-947-2929), provides families with convenient, direct access to compassionate and knowledgeable children’s resource guides. Click here to access the Wisconsin Wayfinder webpage.
Sun Prairie United Dance Fundraiser and Clinic Opportunities
Classroom and Student Spotlights!
Legal Studies
Students in Mr. Barth’s Legal Studies class are learning about personal liberties and discrimination. In this unit, students participated in a Mock Trial where students presented arguments as attorneys, gave testimonies as witnesses, and evaluated the dispute as jurors.
Classroom and Student Corner- FFA Co-Curricular Fieldtrip
Sun Prairie East and West FFA members joined 800 FFA members from across the state at the Mission/Impact conference in Green Bay. During this conference, students built their leadership skills by learning how to define their mission statements, identify their strengths, and discover strategies to build their confidence.
Additionally, Sun Prairie East and West FFA members toured three Agricultural producers across the state, including a vegetable farm/producer (Gumz Muck Farm – a potato and onion farm in Endeavor, WI), a dairy farm with a robotic milking parlor (Knigge Dairy Farm in Omro, WI), and an alpaca farm raised for fiber (Shilcox Shamrock Lines in De Pere, WI).
Thank you to our ag teachers and staff for making this learning experience possible for our students! #SPMovesTogether
Student Spotlight- Creative Writing Festival
Student Spotlight- Boys' Basketball!
Boys basketball has started off their season! Sport our basketball program with your winter order, online order closes TODAY. Sun Prairie West boys basketball’s inaugural season of 2022-23 was a resounding success. The Wolves were immediately among the elite in the Big Eight conference, finishing with a 13-7 record for fourth in the final standings. Check-out this awesome article spotlighting our Wolves!
Sun Prairie West junior Chris Davis Jr. was a first team all-conference selection last season.
Staff Spotlight- Ronda McLin
We are proud to Spotlight Girl's Basketball Coach Ronda McLin.
Sun Prairie West junior Makenzie Hawk was named honorable mention all-conference by the Big Eight following the 2022-23 season.
Staff Spotlight- Anna-Lisa Dahlgren
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Statement of Nondiscrimination
No student may be unlawfully discriminated against in any school programs, activities or in facilities usage because of the student’s sex (gender identity, gender expressions, and non-conformity to gender role stereotypes), color, religion, profession, or demonstration of belief or non-belief, race, national origin (including limited English proficiency), ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, homelessness status, sexual orientation, age, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. Harassment is a form of discrimination and shall not be tolerated in the District. It is the responsibility of administrators, staff members and all students to ensure that student discrimination or harassment does not occur.
If a student or parent/guardian would prefer to have this information translated into Spanish, please contact us at 608-834-6620. Si un estudiante, padre ó guardian prefiere tener esta información traducida en Español, por favor contactenos en el 608-834-6620.
If a student or parent/guardian would prefer to have this information translated into Hmong, please contact us at 608-834-6630. Yog tus me nyuam lub xiv los yog niam thiab txiv/tus neeg muaj cai saib xyuas tus me nyuam xav tau qhov ntawv ntawm no ua lus Hmoob, thov hais rau peb paub rau ntawm 608-834-6630.
In Case You Missed It!
Information from previous Howls that's too important to miss!
Course Request Season is Approaching!
It is hard to believe that it is almost December! This means that course selection is coming up! Now is the time to start to review your student’s transcript and graduation requirements. In preparation, here is what you need to know:
NEW Sun Prairie Course Guide will be available before Winter Break
Course Expo
SP East - January 11, 2024 from 5-7pm
SP West - January 9, 2024 from 5-7pm
Students will receive support in choosing courses from teachers in January
Students can schedule individual appointments with their counselor at any time, if they need support
Students will submit course selections in Xello early February
Please continue to look for more detailed information in December.
Academic and Career Planning
Dear Sophomore Students and Families,
During SP30 on Monday all Sophomore students heard a presentation about how to reach their academic and personal goals while in High School. The presentation included topics such as:
Graduation Requirements
Academic Help
Transcripts (What is it? How to read it.)
Standardized Testing and Scheduling
Academic and Career Opportunities
You can find the presentation HERE or on our Student Services website.
Graduation Cap and Gown Donations
Annual Child Find Notice
Sun Prairie Area School District is required to locate, identify, and evaluate all children, with disabilities, including children with disabilities attending private schools in the school district, and homeless children. The process of locating, identifying, and evaluating children with disabilities is known as child find. This agency conducts the following child find activities each year: The school district has a special education screening program to locate and screen all children with suspected disabilities who are residents of the district and who have not graduated from high school. Upon request the school district will screen any resident child who has not graduated high school to determine whether a special education referral is appropriate. A request may be made by contacting Jennifer Apodaca, Director of Student Services, Sun Prairie Area School District, at 608-834-6520, or by writing her at 501 S. Bird Street, Sun Prairie, WI 53590. Read our Annual Child Find Notice here.
ASVAB Career Exploration Test
This year we are offering the ASVAB Career Exploration Test on Friday, December 15. It is a no-cost career planning tool. The ASVAB offers information about all options after high school for college-bound students and those interested in other pathways. It is a great opportunity for those who are not sure about what they want to do after they finish high school. This test will be available to any sophomore, junior or senior. The test will be administered by Education Service Specialists and school personnel. The test takes about 2 hours to complete and scores will be provided after. Student scores will NOT be released to the military unless requested .
The ASVAB is designed to help students:
Learn more about themselves and the world of work.
Explore occupations in line with their interests and skills.
Discover all the ways to enter the career fields they are best suited for
Develop an effective strategy to achieve their career goals.
If you have any questions please reach out to Ms. Saldana (, school counselor.
Please use the QR code or this LINK to sign up by December 5, 2023 or sign up in Student Services
Parent Partnership Meeting
- Providing dinners for teachers at Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Creation of our SP West Equity Vision (in partnership with staff and students)
- Improvements to the Howl
- The development of this year's Cell Phone Policy
- Implementation of Dine-In Only
- Problem solving of current issues
See you Wednesday night!
Caps/Gown Orders
If Seniors did not turn in a paper order form for caps/gowns on Oct 17th, they can still order online at Paper order forms will no longer be accepted. Please see our Graduation FAQ with more questions.