Bush Banner
January 5, 2024
Dates to Remember
1/11- NEAT Awards, 2nd Quarter (Never Ever Absent or Tardy)
1/12- Spirit Friday, Wear your Bush Spirit Wear or colors!
1/15 - Martin Luther King Day - No School
1/16- Kindergarten Science Lab
1/25 - 100th day of School
1/26- Bush Bucks School Store
2/9 - PTO Movie Night - Details to come
2/12-16 - Random Acts of Kindness Week
2/19 - President's Day - No School
2/23 - Go Texan Day
2023-2024 School Calendar
From the Principal
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful holiday break. It has been so nice to be back with our Bobcat teachers and students. Our students have done a GREAT job getting back into the routine. Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Thompson
Lunch Visitors
Please use this link to reserve a lunch date with your student:
Kindergarten - 11:45am - 12:10pm
First - 11:15am - 11:40am
Second - 10:45am - 11:10am
Third - 10:55am - 11:20am
Fourth - 11:25am - 11:50am
Student Breakfast $2; Student Lunch $3.20; Non Student Lunch/ 2nd Student Lunch $4.60; Milk $1.15. If your child will be bringing a lunch, please pack items that are easy to open.
Menus and Child Nutrition Resources:
Reporting Student Absences
If your child is sick or will not be present at school please inform us each day of the absence. To report an absence for your child, please do one of the following:
- Email the registrar – srandall@conroeisd.net with your student’s absence information.
- Call our attendance line at 936-709-1610 and leave a message stating your child’s name, reason for the absence, person reporting the absence, and a phone number.
When your child returns to school, a note explaining the absence should be brought to their teacher or the front office.
If your child is not in attendance at school for the entire day for any reason, the student is considered “absent”. There are basically two types of absences:
- Excused Absence: an absence is considered "excused" when there is prior parental notification (phone call or email) explaining the absence, or a note from a parent or medical professional upon return to school. Absences can be excused if they are related to illness, medical appointment, a death in the family, or other health related reasons. An excused absence does not remove the absence from the student’s record, but it does document that a student is absent for an excusable reason.
- Unexcused Absence: an absence is considered “unexcused” when there is no prior parental notification, no note or email sent upon return explaining the absence, for family travel/vacation, or other absences not recognized as "excused" by the district or state.
Is Your Child Missing a Library Book?
If you aren't sure, have your child log into their SSO and go to Destiny Discover.
Under the "MY STUFF" tab, you can see what is checked out under their name.
Notes From the Nurse
You can help stop the spread of flu and other illnesses at school by staying home when you are sick. Please be aware of these common signs and symptoms.
Volunteer in Conroe ISD
Welcome Back!
Sometimes it is difficult to transition back to normal routines and schedules after a break. Here are a few tips to help your student as they return to school.
Return to regular sleep patterns
Quality, consistent sleep is essential to learning.
Discuss the year ahead
Talk through worries or concerns to help your child feel more confident.
Celebrate the first week back
Plan a special play date, movie night, or family game night to celebrate.
Make your mornings easy by preparing in advance
Organize supplies, backpacks, clothing, and lunches the night before.
Allow yourself an extra 10 minutes in the morning as a buffer.
Validate your child’s feelings
Children might feel eager to return to school. Some might feel anxious. Both reactions are normal and valid. Have them voice their feelings and worries. Your patience and listening ear will build the courage they need to face any challenge.
Lost & Found
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Did you not like (or need) what you saw when you opened your gifts this past holiday? You’re not alone! Studies suggest that millions of Americans have plans to return or re-gift presents they received over the holidays. But, at the end of the day, it’s the thought that counts. And the joy is in giving, so why not turn them into gifts that keep on giving by donating them to our Bonanza Silent Auction? If you have any unwanted gifts, big or small, we would happily take them and put them to good use for our Bonanza Silent Auction. We accept all NEW items for kids/adults (toys, gadgets, etc.) and gift cards (restaurants, stores, spa, services, etc.). All donations are tax deductible; we can provide you with a charitable donation receipt. Please contact fundraising@BushPTO.com if you have an item to donate. Thank you for turning your unwanted (or unneeded) gift into a “gift that keeps on giving” for our Bobcats!
January Spirit Day at Jersey Mikes
Join us for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner at Jersey Mikes on Woodlands Pkwy for our January Spirit Day. Jersey Mike’s will donate 20% of the sales on Jan. 25 back to our school. Make sure to mention Bush Elementary when ordering so that we can get credit.
Campus Information
Our school hours are 8:00-3:10. Students may arrive as early as 7:30 and will go to their homeroom beginning at that time.
Email: bush@conroeisd.net
Website: http://bush.conroeisd.net/
Location: 7420 Crownridge Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1600
Principal: Elizabeth Thompson, emthompson@conroeisd.net
Mission Statement
Bush Elementary: Our mission is to nurture strong and positive connections with students so they achieve independence, build confidence, and grow in their love of learning. Through enriching experiences and parent and community partnerships, we are committed to helping each student achieve their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally.
The Conroe Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)-709-7700 and the Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7670.