Weekend Update!
Friday January 3rd, 2025
Good Afternoon!
Happy New Year!!! On behalf of the entire staff of Hillcrest, we hope you and your family enjoyed the holidays, and were able to take advantage of the time off!
Even though it was a short week, the students got back into their routines immediately! Best of luck to all of our students going on the ski trip this afternoon- bundle up!
Please See The Following For Next Week And Beyond!
Scenes From Our Week!
Live Streamed Basketball Game on 1/10
Crosstown Showdown IV!
The 4th annual Crosstown Showdown is scheduled for Saturday, January 25th at Trumbull High School. Our Hillcrest basketball teams face off against rival Madison in the marquee event of the winter. The boys tip off at 3:00 followed by the girls team at approximately 4:30. Order your tickets for the doubleheader for just $5.
What Are We Reading at Hillcrest?
1.This week, our staff read this article sharing feedback strategies teachers can use with students.
2. Mrs. Laird and I are currently reading Visible Learning Feedback by John Hattie and Shirley Clarke.
Basketball Spectator Expectations
With the basketball season about to underway, we feel as though it would be a good time to remind families about our expectations for student spectators during the games. If your children intend on attend a game this season, please review this letter with them. Thank you!
As a reminder, Agriscience cannot be used a place to drop off or pick up students. Students who are walking home from school are not permitted to cut through the Agriscience campus.
Stay Involved with the PTA
Get involved with the PTA! Your involvement helps create a thriving environment for our students and supports programs that make a difference. Membership has its perks! Be the first to receive updates, help support our operating budget, have your voice heard at meetings, and enjoy member exclusive events.
Box Tops
Join us in earning cash for HMS by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. The homeroom that earns the most for each trimester will win a Box Tops Prize Pack!
Get started today at BTFE.com. Use referral code GZ3U8TZ9 when you sign up.
Drop Off/Pick Up Procedure
Back Parking Lot
The traffic in the back parking lot has steadily increased throughout the week, which I am guessing is a result of the delays we have seen with buses. If you are dropping your children off, I would ask that you please remember the following:
1. Please be patient and drive at a slow speed to be mindful of pedestrians in the parking lot,
2. Please keep the traffic flowing by dropping your kids off and pulling through the rest of the line,
3. Please maintain one line of traffic, not two, as to not inadvertently block teachers from parking in their assigned spaces.
4. Please stay to the right with your vehicles, as to not block the driveway.
We strive on a daily basis to provide a safe environment for all students, and to promote safe practices with them as well. We will continue to educate students about what safe behavior looks like and what our expectations are for safe behaviors. We see this as a partnership with our families. I ask that you please remind your children to be kind to each other, to keep their hands to themselves, and that there is never an acceptable time or moment to use slurs of any kind. This article from the American Psychological Association gives families tips on how to potentially address way to have these discussions.
Message from the Transportation Department
For the safety of our students and to avoid any overcrowding issues, students should only ride the bus they are assigned to unless issued an exception by the transportation department. Drivers are instructed not to admit any student to their bus that is not assigned or has not been given an exception from Transportation. Exceptions should be for child care reasons or emergencies and not used for playdates. Using a school bus for anything other than home to school transportation is prohibited.
Late Buse Routes
This past Monday, we began running late buses to accommodate extra help and after school activities. Please click here to see the routes for our late buses. If your child is staying after school and plans to take a late bus home, please make sure you review that document to determine where they will be dropped off.
Hillcrest on Social Media!
Did you know that Hillcrest has its own Instagram page and Twitter feed? Follow us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/hillcrestmshawks/. Follow us on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/HMSTrumbull/ . This is a great resource for families to get a glimpse of day to day life at Hillcrest!
Volunteer Forms
If you think you may be interested in volunteering at some point this year for a Hillcrest event, please fill out this form and return it to the main office. Thank you!
Bus Tracker
In order to better serve our students and families, we have implemented a new bus tracking system that should resolve the issues we have been experiencing with “Bus Tracker”. It is called BusZone ®.
It allows you to view your students current school bus location and information about the route in near real time, including the scheduled and estimated times to your stop. Please refer to the transportation page on the TPS website for instructions on downloading and using the app.
Activation can take up to 48 hours, so please download and set up your app as soon as possible. Accounts set up today should be active on Monday 11/11/24.
The app contains a very helpful support option. You will find the answers to most questions there and the ability for contact Durham directly if needed.
Please let us know if you have any question.
Infinite Campus
Please see this flyer on helpful tips to navigate the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus.
Mr. Bryan Rickert
Email: brickert@trumbullps.org
Website: https://hms.trumbullps.org/
Location: Hillcrest Middle School, Daniels Farm Road, Trumbull, CT, USA
Phone: 203-452-4466
Twitter: @HMSTrumbull