Careers Newsletter
January 28, 2025
Visual Arts: Art Studio 12 / Art 102 (Dual Credit) (MVAST12D--)
Art Studio Dual Credit is an exciting opportunity for students to receive credit for Art Studio 12 and ART 102 Introduction to 2D from Camosun College. In this course students will focus on creating and evaluating two-dimensional images such as drawings, paintings, stencils, and illustrations. The process of art-making will enable them to use their imagination, their intuition, and their individual creative strengths. Students will test, evaluate, and experiment with their use of media and ideas. This course will be team taught with an instructor from Camosun College. It will combine aspects of Art Studio 12 (see course descriptor on Art Studio 12) as well as a strong focus on becoming a working artist. This could include hands on skills like learning how to make your own stretchers and canvasses as well as the potential to learn about tools that will be useful in promoting your own work and obtaining scholarships & grants. Through this you may gain insight about creating your own portfolio for use in post-secondary applications (with feedback from post-secondary art instructors). If time permits, students may be walked through the process of having their own show (applications, titles, promoting, framing, hanging, an opening night gala, & striking the show). A focus on careers and post-secondary opportunities will be woven into this course.
Jan. 30, 2025 | 12pm - 1pm
Online via ZoomSchool of Health and Human Services
Your path to a career supporting children and families
Camosun's online information sessions are a great way to learn more about the Early Learning and Care program and career opportunities. Join us to have your questions answered by faculty and staff.
Learn about Camosun's Early Learning and Care (ELC) Program
This free information session features information about applying for admission to the Early Learning and Care program and choosing and registering for courses and programs. Instructors and advisors will be on hand to answer questions.
Interior Design/Fashion Design Springboard - Pacific Design Academy
Student applications are due on or before Thursday, February 13th
WorkBC offers a wide range of resources, from job postings and career quizzes to networking tips and interview advice, all designed to help you navigate your career path.
Career Quizzes - Take quizzes based on your abilities, work preferences, and interests to discover careers that align with you!
Career Profiles - Search through careers and view their Average Annual Earnings, Typical Education Background (credential), Recent Job Postings, and more.
Career Search Tool - Use this search tool to find jobs based on Education Level, Industry, Salary, Occupational Category, and more!
Job Application Tips - Help with Interviews, Resume, Networking, and more!