The Bulldog 12.19.24
December 19, 2024
Principal's Message
Note from Mrs. Lockwood
We just wrapped up a wonderful first semester of teaching and learning at Clairemont! Thank you all for your commitment to the success of our students. During this holiday season, please take time to enjoy all the things that are special to you and your family. The entire Clairemont community holds a special place in my heart. I will be thinking of you over this break and wishing you all happiness and joy. School will be closed for students from Friday, December 20 to Monday, January 6th. Students will return on Tuesday, January 7th. I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!
Events at a glance:
- Friday, December 20: Teacher Work Day
- Friday, December 20 - Monday, January 6: Semester break
- Tuesday, January 7: Students return to school
STAR Assessment Reports
On Thursday, December 19, all K-8 students will bring home printed STAR reports. For students in grades 9-12, these reports were sent digitally. If your child completed both the STAR Early Literacy and STAR Reading assessments, you will receive two separate reports. These assessments measure different aspects of your child’s literacy development, which is why the reports will differ in content. To better understand the differences between these assessments and what the reports tell you about your child’s growth, please watch this STAR Assessment report explainer video.
Notice of Scheduled Infinite Campus Maintenance, December 24-January 4
The payments portion of Infinite Campus will be down from December 24 through January 4 for scheduled maintenance. Families are encouraged to clear any outstanding debt prior to this period.
Literacy Spotlight
Clairemont Bulldogs Read!
Did you know that your child has access to some amazing and free resources? During the break we encourage you to help your child practice their skills. CSD Launchpad is the website where these resources are linked:
CSD Launchpad is linked on the Clairemont Elementary website
Your child’s username is the last two digits of lunch number, first four letters of first name, and first four letters of last name. Your child’s password is the word student followed by their lunch number. You should have received a flyer in the Thursday folder with your child's specific log in information. If you have any questions, you can reach out to
Example- Ariana Grande 123456
Password- student123456
Use CSD Launchpad to access websites:
PebbleGo- information about different topics
Sora- E-books and Audiobooks
Renaissance- use your child’s CSD login or Quick Card for practice in Math and ELA with Freckle. Students who are not yet reading can try Lalilo.
Typing Club- for practice with keyboard skills
Get Epic- access to ebooks and audiobooks between 7am and 3pm during the weekday
Starfall- fun activities for each grade level
Other Resources:
Storyline Online- streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.
The DeKalb County Public Library- with your library card and pin number you have access to audiobooks, ebooks, many different free websites, and of course books for checkout.
Young Georgia Author's Competition
Calling all K-2 storytellers, writers, and authors!!
Do you have a story to tell?
Here’s your chance to share your story with the world!
We’re looking for poems, short stories, narratives, informational writing pieces, or any other original student writing that highlights your amazing skills as a writer.
Here are a few guidelines to help you through the process:
The writing piece can be no longer than 1,900 words.
The writing needs to be original student work, created without the help or support of others, including adults.
The writing piece can be handwritten on 8 ½ x 11 paper or typed. Handwritten and typed pieces must be on only one side of the paper.
Submit only the writing - no staples, binding, cover, or lamination is allowed. Use a paperclip for multiple sheets, do NOT staple your writing.
To submit: ALL ENTRIES DUE BY Friday, January 17 at 9:30 a.m.
Drop off at the media center at Mrs. DeRosa’s desk
Give to your homeroom teacher
Email to
One writing entry from each grade level will be selected to move on to the district-level competition. Please adhere to the deadlines, as there are no exceptions for this process. All participating students will be recognized, and parents will be contacted the week of January 31 if their student’s entry is selected to move forward.
Highlights of the Week
Thank you to all the volunteers, PTA members, artists, musicians, shoppers, and many more who made the Decatur Holiday Marketplace a big success! Our school was truly transformed into a magical holiday marketplace for the weekend, and a great time was had by all.
Students enjoyed the third CREW party of the school year this week with a hot chocolate and cookie decorating party. All students who showed compassion, responsibility, engagement, and respect to earn at least 5 CREW tickets were invited to the party.
School Climate Survey
CSD Wants Your Feedback!
Run With the Dogs 5K
Run With the Dogs 5K Is Back!
Run With the Dogs 5K and Pup Trot, presented by Green Orthodontics, is a 21-year tradition supporting Decaturs Bulldog Boosters. In addition to being a Peachtree Road Race qualifier and a great community event, all proceeds support 19 sports programs at DHS and BHMS, which include 57 teams and over 1,100 student athletes.
Grab your friends and your pups and join this fun event on January 25 to support an amazing cause. All 5K and Pup Trot participants who register before Saturday, January 11 will receive our iconic long-sleeved t-shirt designed by artist (and Decatur lacrosse coach) Adam Pinsley. Register early for the best rates!
PTA News
Get social with us!
Stay up-to-date with all the Clairemont PTA news and see pictures of our fun events by following the PTA on Facebook and Instagram. You can find all things Clairemont PTA, as well as the form to join, at the Clairemont PTA website.