Mustang Corral
March 16, Ranch News Round-Up and Important Information
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Message from the Principal
Dear Mustangs,
We’re in the home stretch! With just one more week until Spring Break, I encourage all our students to stay focused, work hard, and finish the quarter strong. This is the time to turn in any missing assignments and give your best effort before we enjoy a well-deserved break. You’ve got this!
I also want to take a moment to congratulate our Mustang Robotics Team 507A for their outstanding performance at the Regional Championships this past weekend. By reaching the Semi-Finals, they have officially qualified for the World Championships! This is an incredible achievement, and we are so proud of their dedication, teamwork, and innovation. Way to represent Otay Ranch on the world stage!
Let’s make this last week before Spring Break a great one. Keep pushing forward, support one another, and finish strong.
Julio Alcalá
Principal, Otay Ranch High School
P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram. There's always something happening at Otay Ranch!
This Week's Schedule
Click the image below to access our school's events.
Mustangs Recognized for Exemplifying the Culture of Achievement and Belonging
Congratulations Madyn King!!!
"Madyn always has the most in-depth analysis, and she strives for perfection. She continually improves on every action and seeks knowledge wherever she goes. Madyn is an awesome student!"
Congratulations Alejandro Gomez!!!
Alejandro is being recognized by Mr. Ski for Learning and Empathy:
"Alejandro along with other officers from Mustang Health Advocates attended a weekend camp with Friday Night Live. During this camp they learned and engaged in activities to help support or community with tobacco, nicotine and drug education. Extremely proud of their dedication to this program and helping their fellow Mustangs!"
Campus News and Activities
ORHS Students Who Placed at SUHSD's Annual Art Exhibit
Artist: Anai Andrade
Artist: Keylen McLendon
Artist: Gitzel Gomez
NOTICE: 3/19/25 ORH School Site Council Meeting
This summit will offer workshops and wellness activities that focus on fostering mental well-being, stress management, and resilience. It is a wonderful opportunity for students and parents to come together, learn from experts, and develop the tools necessary for maintaining mental and emotional health.
Event Details
- Location: Hilltop High School Gymnasium at 555 Claire Avenue, Chula Vista, 91910
- Date and Time: Wednesday, April 23, 2025, from 4:30 - 7:30 pm
- Middle/High School Student, Parent and Staff Register Here: https://forms.gle/vExjkGRsV84ZmMcF6.
Recently SUHSD Board Approved Resolutions
National Women's History Month
The State Board of Education has proclaimed the month of March 2025, as National Women’s History Month, encouraging all educational communities to recognize the many roles that women have played throughout American history that have contributed to this nation’s accomplishments. The History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools supports the recognition of women through curriculum that reflects their roles in the community, state, region, and nation.
March 2, Read Across America Day
“Read Across America Day,” sponsored by the National Education Association, is a national celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, whereby educators are given this opportunity to support the importance of reading to children. Sweetwater’s Mission Statement supports the value of encouraging all literacy efforts.
Arts Education Month, March 2025
The visual and performing arts courses, which include music, theater, dance, and visual arts, are essential parts of the core curriculum for all students. The district acknowledges that these activities provide the opportunity for students to develop and demonstrate their creative abilities. In addition, they provide an opportunity for educators to recognize the talents of many outstanding young artists in this district. The Visual/Performing Arts Framework for California Public Schools supports the development of curriculum and activities that provide students the opportunity to participate in and develop their abilities in the arts.
In Sweetwater, every day counts! Missing class can affect academics and social skills. Let's work together to keep students in school! #EveryDayCounts #AttendanceMatters
At Otay Ranch High School, we take pride in our work of developing a culture of belonging and learning. Through a collaborative approach, we work with all stakeholders in providing our students a safe, rigorous, and supportive academic experience as we prepare them for college and/or their career pathway.
- Click on the following link or image above for additional information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zPL1lsvqzc5rTAQwAtTfx0LHky23y8b5/view?usp=sharing
Online Registration For Returning Students Is Now Open For The '25/'26 School Year
Here are some things to keep in mind as the registration process begins:
- An email from SUHSD is going out weekly to parents/guardians and it includes the campus portal website along with their username.
- If you forgot your password, you may call the office and office staff can reset your password.
- Here is the website to access your campus portal account: https://infinite.sweetwaterschools.org/campus/portal/sweetwater.jsp
Upcoming ORHS Drama Productions
Times for the public:
All shows start at 7 pm and run to approximately 8:45. Doors open 6:30 during each performance.
Tickets $7 students and adults $10
- High School Musical, Jr.(G) in main Otay Ranch theater May 8,9, 15, 16
AP Exam Dates and Information
• Room Assignments - emailed to student one week before test day
• Students will be administratively excused from all missed classes on test day, if marked present for the exam.
• If the student has two exams scheduled for the same day and time slot, one of the exams will be moved to the make-up test date. Dates for make up exams will be selected April 15th.
• Deadlines: Accommodation requests January 16th; Late registration February 28th; Late exams April 10th (only with approved excuse)
• Students will be administratively excused from all missed classes on test day, if marked present for the exam.
Students can register for the Adelante Mujer Conference through the following link:
ORH Peer Connection Tutoring & Mustang Homework Zone
Our ORH before and after school tutoring program is open for the semester. Here is our S2 schedule.
AVID Update...
Credit Recovery
We are excited to announce that the Otay Ranch Credit Recovery session will take place over two weeks:
Week 1: March 24–28 (Monday–Friday)
Week 2: March 31–April 4 (Monday–Friday)
The session will run daily from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Counselors will be calling students out soon to enroll in one of the following courses:
Bio A
World History A
This is an excellent opportunity for students to catch up on credits and stay on track academically. If you have any questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office
Click the image below to complete a noncredit paper application.
Class of '25
Class of '25 Date to Remember
Click the image below to see all the important dates.
Message to Students and Parents/Guardians: Cell Phone Use Policy Reminder
As we continue our academic journey together, we want to remind everyone of our cell phone use policy at Otay Ranch High School. To maintain a focused learning environment, cell phones should be turned off and stored away during class time, unless specifically permitted by your classroom teacher. This policy helps minimize distractions and supports our commitment to LEARNING and academic excellence.
This policy is an essential part of upholding our core values of BLUE: Belonging, Learning, Unity, and Empathy. By following the cell phone policy, students demonstrate a commitment to their LEARNING and respect for the educational environment.
Students are allowed to use their phones during passing periods and lunch, but during instructional time, phones should not be visible or in use.
Remember, staying focused in class not only benefits your own learning but also supports the unity and belonging of our entire school community. Let's work together to create a space where everyone can thrive academically and feel valued.
Thank you for your cooperation and dedication to making Otay Ranch High School a place where learning comes first.
Reporting an Absence
Please use the LINK https://forms.gle/vG4ddwiGhDMVmWUG8 to report an absence.
Tech Support?
Students, if you are experiencing technology issues, please fill out the following Google Form (https://forms.gle/sJHsaZg49p6Pixmw6).
Parking and drop off areas...
Student drop-offs...next to the pavilion off of Olympic Parkway and in front of the gym off of Santa Victoria.
Student Parking...(designated in red below) stadium parking lot and gym parking lot.
***Please obey all traffic laws and be cautious of all pedestrians.***
Student Parking Registration
To increase our efforts in ensuring the safety of our campus, we began issuing student parking permits at the ASB Finance windows (the ones that face the main office).
In order to get a parking permit, you will need to fill out the following registration form: Parking Permit Registration
(You must sign in with your Student Google Account)
After the form is completely filled out, you may come to the Finance windows and show your Valid Driver License. You will then be issued a parking permit that must be hung on your rear view mirror anytime you park on campus.
After a two week grace period, any car parked in student parking lots without a student parking permit will be subject to be being towed at the owner’s expense.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Thank you,
Mr. Tapia
Asst. Principal
Student/Parent/Guardian Handbook
Please review the student handbook as it has all the needed information to assist with your child's success at Otay Ranch High School. (Student/Parent/Guardian Handbook)
Why We Do What We Do
All students will graduate with the skills, knowledge and commitment to be college and career ready.MISSION
Our mission is to prepare students for post-secondary education and career options by fostering a culture of achievement, developing critical thinking skills across all subject areas, instilling a sense of commitment, and creating a community where everyone belongs.
- Students will be able to apply math skills to real-world phenomena and problems.
- Students will be able to use academic language in all subjects to support analysis for specific purposes and audiences.
Website: orh.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 1250 Olympic Parkway, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 591-5000
Instagram: Follow Mr. Alcala on Instagram @orhs_principal_alcala
Nondiscrimination Statement/Declaración de no discriminación:
The Sweetwater Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer, Dr. Vernon Moore at 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, (619) 691-5564, vernon.moore@sweetwaterschools.org; Title IX Coordinator, Susan Park at 670 L Street, Suite G, Chula Vista, CA 91911, (619) 600-4900, compliance@sweetwaterschools.org; and Section 504 Coordinator Sonia Picos at 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, (619) 691-5564, sonia.picos@sweetwaterschools.org
El distrito Sweetwater Union High School District prohíbe la discriminación, la intimidación, el acoso (que incluye el acoso sexual), o la intimidación escolar (bullying) en función percibida o real de edad, ascendencia, color, discapacidad, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, estado migratorio, nacionalidad, raza, u origen étnico, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, de la persona; o por asociación con una persona o un grupo con una o más de dichas características percibidas o reales. En caso de preguntas o quejas, favor de comunicarse con el Dr. Vernon Moore, Director de Cumplimiento de Equidad en el 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, teléfono (619) 691-5564, vernon.moore@sweetwaterschools.org; o con Susan Park, Coordinadora del Título IX en el 670 L Street, Suite G, Chula Vista, CA 91911, teléfono (619) 600-4900, compliance@sweetwaterschools.org; y con Sonia Picos, Coordinadora del Artículo 504 en el 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, teléfono (619) 691-5564, sonia.picos@sweetwaterschools.org