FMS Newsletter
Welcome Back 2024 - 2025 School Year
Principal's Message
We hope that your summer was filled with rest and rejuvenation. We are excited to be entering into a new school year and cannot wait to see students in the next few weeks. We continue to look forward to working with our incredible students and amazing staff each day. We are dedicated to ensuring that Fridley Middle School is the best place for our students to learn and grow!
The S’mores newsletter has been a consistent way for us to share up-to-date information with families. The information will be updated with any changes so check out this link every week. Please scroll all the way through the newsletter as there is important information throughout.
Thank you to all who helped prepare for the new school year. Your commitment to ensuring that Fridley Middle School provides the best learning environment for our students is appreciated. We eagerly look forward to greeting students and families and kicking off an excellent school year. We invite you to attend our annual back to school block party (open house) on August 29th from 1:30 - 5:30. This celebration will be a chance to take care of all your back to school needs, pick up your schedule and visit with teachers. We can't wait to see you!
Together, I know we will make this school year one of growth and achievement for all students!
Go Tigers!
Dr. Amy Cochran
Matt Engelhardt
Assistant Principal
Referendum Message for Families
FMS Inside Insights!
Important School Dates to Remember
- Saturday, August 24th at 10:30 am to 12:30 pm-
(FHS Parking Lot)
FMS & FHS Open House/ Block Party
Thursday, August 29th from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Orientation (ALL new students Gr 6, 7, 8 & ALL 5th graders)
- Tuesday, September 3rd from 8:00 to 3:00 pm
First day of School for ALL Students
- Wednesday, September 4th from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Picture Day
Thursday, September 19th from 7:15 am to 2:00 pm
Fall Conferences
Thursday, October 10th from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuesday, October 15th from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Wednesday, October 16th from 7:15 am to 11:15 am
Picture Re-take Day
- Tuesday, October 22nd from 8:00 am to 11:00 am
Holiday Band/Choir Concert
- Tuesday, December 10th at 7:00 pm (FHS District Auditorium)
FMS Bingo Night
- Thursday, December 12th from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
FMS School Hours
Annual Back to School Resource Fair
Open House: August 29
Volunteers Needed!!!
Parent Student Handbook
First Days of School and Orientation Day
Wednesday, September 4 will be the first day of school for ALL students.
Grade Level School Supply List 2024-2025
Middle School AVID Binder Pack
Lifetouch Picture Day!
Cell Phones and Backpacks
We have 2 important changes for the upcoming school year:
- As we move to an “AVID Schoolwide” model, our students will no longer be allowed to carry backpacks throughout the day. Instead, all students will be required to carry binders to all classes throughout the day. All students will be assigned a specific locker with a designated locker combination. All backpacks must be stored in the locker for the entirety of the school day. Placing backpacks in lockers will teach our students valuable skills about organization management, material responsibility as well as reduce distractions throughout the day. We will be selling discounted binder packs that can be picked up at Open House
- Cell phones and all electronic devices will not be allowed throughout the entire school day. In previous years, our 5th and 6th Grade students were not allowed to use cell phones throughout the entire school day and our 7th and 8th Grade students could only use them at passing time and lunch. This year, all students will need to have their cell phones put away and out of sight for the entire school day. Similar to backpacks, cell phones should be stored in student lockers and cannot be used at any time (including lunch and passing times). Please see the attached additional information provided as to why this change is being implemented.
Technology Information
Student at Fridley Public Schools utilize Chromebooks.
The Chromebook is a web-based device that provides access to Educational Resources and is managed by Fridley Google Apps for Education. Along with a login for the device, Fridley Google Apps provides online tools for writing, calculating, presenting, drawing and many other applications. Your child may use these tools for a variety of purposes for classroom assignments. Fridley Google Apps can be accessed with other devices that have an Internet connection. Parents can choose to receive updates and learn about their student’s classes.
We will have Parent/Guardian Chromebook Agreement form to sign at Open House.
Fridley Public Schools uses a variety of digital tools to support student learning. Depending upon the particular educational technology being used, our district may need to collect different types of student data, which is then shared with educational technology vendors through their online sites, services, and/or applications.
Under Minnesota’s Student Data Privacy Act, educational technology vendors are prohibited from selling or renting a student's information or from engaging in targeted advertising using a student's information. Such vendors may only disclose student data for K-12 school purposes and other limited purposes permitted under the law.
This act also requires districts to provide timely notice of the tool used, data collected, and contact information.
Download a spreadsheet that catalogs the full library of evaluated resources. If you have any questions or concerns about any digital resources used by your child, please contact your child’s teacher.
Tech Tip
All Middle School students will need to update their account information by enrolling in the district Password Portal system. The Password Portal provides the security REQUIRED to protect their Fridley account information from digital theft and other possible cybersecurity threats.
If you have login questions, please go to the Fridley Public Schools Student Online Support (SOS) page at the following address: https://sites.google.com/isd14.org/student-tech-resources/home?authuser=0
Parent Portal
Access your students grades and attendance online!
All parents/guardians will need to have a Parent Portal account in Campus. The Parent Portal provides secure access to your child/children’s information such as class assignments, attendance, calendar, and grades. You can also use Parent Portal to pay for meals, fees, or school supplies.
There are many advantages of signing up for and using your Parent Portal account. It is convenient and easy to use, and gives you instant access to important information:
Nutritional Services: Manage your child/children’s meal accounts
· Make online payments using checking, savings and/or credit/debit card to pay for your student’s meals.
· Families can also set up automatic payments to pay for meals.
· Check current balances and see any purchases made on your child’s account.
Meal Benefits Application: Annual renewal made easier
· Apply for Meal Benefits Application in Parent Portal
· Parents/Guardians must apply each year to qualify for free and reduced priced meals.
· By applying, you also help the district receive additional funding to support classroom learning.
Activities & Athletics & School Store: Now includes shopping for school supplies
· Sign up and pay for Activities and Athletics fees for your child
· View and shop for your child/children’s school supplies
Transportation: Access important updates and information
· Access your child/children’s transportation information on the Parent Portal.
How to Activate your Parent Portal Account:
1. Go to Fridley Public Schools Home Page: www.fridleyschools.org
2. Select the Campus Parent Portal Login link in the top right-hand corner of the webpage.
3. On the Parent Portal login page, select New User.
4. Enter the Campus Portal Activation Key provided here: <this is the GUID>
5. Choose SUBMIT.
6. You will be asked to create a Username and Password.
7. Choose SUBMIT.
8. Your Campus Portal account will be activated.
Health Hub!
Health Services Information
It is also important that we are told about any health conditions your child might have. This information is listed on the emergency sheet as well. If anything has changed over the summer, please call the Health Office about this.
Attention parents of 7th graders
There are additional immunizations that are required for 7th grade; Tdap and Menningococcal. These are required BEFORE starting school or a conscientious objection form must by notarized and given to the health office BEFORE school starts. Notification letters were mailed to parents in May. The immunization form is on the District Web Page under Health Services. Please make an appointment with your clinic to get these immunizations completed as soon as possible.
Per our District Policy, all immunizations must be current in order to start school. Please help in making it a great start for your child's school year by getting this done.
Minnesota State Law requires all students enrolling in school to be immunized against certain diseases or file a legal medical or conscientious exemption. If these are not obtained, your child will not be able to start school in the fall. The MN Department of Health has an immunization form you may use to provide documentation of your child's immunizations. It has been attached to this message.
Check parent portal for immunizations your child may be missing, https://www.fridleyschools.org/
Here is a resource for other options for low cost vaccinations through the Anoka County Immunization Clinic:
We will be hosting an Immunization Clinic August 29th at Fridley Middle School from 2:00 - 5:00. To register, please click the link below.
Transportation Information
Important Information Regarding Fridley Schools Transportation for this Fall!
As our new school year approaches, the Transportation Department is already planning bus transportation routing for the 2024-25 school year.
Transportation for the 2024-25 school year
- All new families are required to submit a form if they need transportation. You do not need to submit a form if you had transportation last school year. · Register for Transportation Link: Transportation Request Form · You can also submit the Transportation Request Form if you want to switch your child’s transportation to a daycare/alternate address (within the Fridley School District boundaries).
- In late August, you will receive an email stating that the transportation information is set for the first day of school. Once you receive this notification, please log into your Parent/Student portal to access your information.
- If you move or change your phone number or email, please let us know so we can update your new contact information.
The Transportation Department is available all summer, so please call or email us if you have questions or need any changes in your transportation needs.
Fridley Public Schools contracts with First Student. First Student is looking for Drivers for our Fridley students. www.WorkAtFirst.com
Thank you and have a great summer.
Fridley Public Schools
Transportation Department Phone: 763-502-5151 | Email: transportation@isd14.org
Nutritional Services Information
Important Nutritional Services Information
FMS Athletics and Activities Information!
Fall Registration:
Fall sports registration is now open through the Infinite Campus Portal. Fall middle school sports will begin after school starts. If you have questions, please contact Kayla Bryson-Rivera at brysonrivera@isd14.org.
The sports that are available for middle school scholars:
Middle School Sports:
- Boys Soccer (6-8)
- Girls Soccer (6-8)
- Girls Volleyball (7-8)
Free Sport Physical Clinic:
All high school athletes need a recent (last 3 years) physical on file with the Activities Office. Neighborhood Health Source will be offering FREE sports physicals for all Fridley students on Wednesday, August 14th. Scan the QR code in the flyer or click this link below to register:
If you have any questions, please contact Kayla Bryson-Rivera at brysonrivera@isd14.org
Fridley Middle School
Email: amy.cochran@fridley.k12.mn.us
Website: Fridley.k12.mn.us
Location: 6100 West Moore Lake Drive Northeast, Fridley, MN, USA
Phone: 763.502.5400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FridleyMS